Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 52 Plague? Let Me Make Some Soap

[Hu Hai]: With such a natural disaster, can your Great Qin get through it safely?

Hu Hai asked curiously.

If only the plague could be avoided.

That would be outrageous!


Everyone in the original Daqin was looking forward to the reply from the person who became Daqin.

[Ying Zheng]: There is also a plague in my country of Qin. However, I have Ze'er...

hear this.

Everyone in the original Daqin was terrified in their hearts.

Could it be!

Zhao Ze has a way to break the plague? !

The picture of Chang Daqin unfolds.


Above the main hall.

Li Si talked about several neighboring countries, all of which were plagued by outbreaks.

Many people have died.

He is afraid.

The plague will also come to Qin State, causing Qin State to suffer heavy losses.

Ying Zheng also adopted the same method.

"Notify the border officials to close the country's gates and prohibit all people from entering and leaving Qin!"

"If someone is infected, isolate on the spot!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Li Si turned his head to convey the news.

At that time.

Zhao Ze, who is already nine years old, looks even more heroic.

The length is also more and more similar to Ying Zheng.

He was flirting with the court lady when he suddenly received a notification from the system.

Here comes a new mission!


Zhao Ze's expression froze, and he pushed the maid away to go to the construction yard.

The little maid held Zhao Ze's hand reluctantly.

But I can't hold it back.

"Where are you going, son?"

She scratched her head and asked.

"Go back, I'll go to the factory!"

Zhao Ze left in a hurry.

When the craftsmen of the engineering institute saw Zhao Ze appearing, they were all shocked.


On weekdays, Zhao Ze only likes hunting and playing, or hang out with beautiful court ladies.

Rarely come to such a boring place.

every time.

It must mean that Zhao Ze has something new to invent.

"Eldest son!"

"Why did you come to the Academy, Eldest Young Master?"

"Could it be another new invention?"

Everyone immediately gathered around.


Zhao Ze spoke immediately.

"Bring limestone and caustic soda!"

These two things are no strangers in the Warring States Period.

As early as the Spring and Autumn Period.

Lime has been used as a cementitious material by people.

Can change from slurry to solid, and can be mixed with some other objects, it is gelatinous material.

Often used to fix something.

Such as clay pots and the like.


In addition to limestone, humans can also extract limestone from shells.

The way to get it in nature is very simple and rude.


The craftsmen of the factory are no strangers to lime, but they call it differently.

caustic soda.

It was first applied before the Warring States Period, but it is impossible to study how long ago it was.

Ancient people would mine caustic soda.

Use it to wash clothes, the cleaning ability is very good.

Even washing powder in the technological age has caustic soda as its main raw material.


When Zhao Ze called out these two things.

Without any confusion, the craftsmen immediately turned to get it.

"Bring some more fat meat!"

Zhao Ze said again.

The craftsmen were taken aback.

Quicklime and caustic soda are understandable, after all, they are also commonly used.


What's the use of fat?


The craftsmen did not dare to delay.

Someone immediately said: "My lord, wait a moment, I'll ask the cook for a few pieces of fat meat!"


The materials are ready.

In front of all craftsmen.

Zhao Ze started the wok, poured the fat into the wok and stir-fried.


"I'm going to teach you how to make soap."

"The method is very simple, you can see it at a glance. After you learn it, you can teach other craftsmen."

Speaking effort.

A pot full of animal oil was boiled out at high temperature.

After cooling, it turns into a milky white ointment.


Zhao Ze threw quicklime into the fire and waited for a while.

Seeing that the lime had changed color, Zhao Ze took it out, threw it into clear water and crushed it.

Wait for the impurities to settle to the bottom.

Zhao Ze poured out the lime water carefully.


Then sprinkle the caustic soda that has been ground into ash into lime water.

The combination of the two produced some tiny bubbles.

Wait again for the impurities to settle to the bottom.

This results in a sodium bicarbonate solution, aka soda water.

at last.

Zhao Ze poured the soda water into the pot to heat up, dug out a spoonful of animal fat and threw it in.

"Stir something in it, remember, don't stop."

"If you are tired, replace it."

"When the feeling can't be disturbed, it will be done."

Finished explaining.

Zhao Ze took advantage of the opportunity to find a place to bask in the sun and doze off.

And everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

I don't understand what Zhao Ze is doing.

However, the craftsmen did not dare to slack off and stirred frantically for two hours.

He didn't call Zhao Ze back until he couldn't move anymore.

He glanced at the fat in the pan.

Zhao Ze was overjoyed.

It's done!

He ordered the craftsman to pour the fat into the basin.

Wait for it to cool and set.

Then cut it into chunks with a knife.

"This thing is called soap!"

Pick up a piece, Zhao Ze said.

"Soap can be used to wash clothes, but also to wash hair, face, and hands!"

"You can wash your hands after you finish your farm work and pay your respects."

"Soap decontaminates and kills bacteria."

"If you wash your hands and face with soap, it will be very difficult to catch the plague again."

During the conversation.

Ying Zheng, who came over after hearing the news, saw the soap in Zhao Ze's hand at a glance.


"The widow heard from the court ladies that you rushed to the construction courtyard in a hurry."

"The widow will know that you have a new gadget!"

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