Shuang Daqin Comparison, No Comparison, No Harm

Chapter 53 Covering The Face With A Cloth Can Reduce The Probability Of Infection!


Zhao Ze said embarrassingly, "It's urgent, so I didn't have time to inform my father."

With that said, he handed the soap to Ying Zheng.

Looking at the soap, Yingzheng asked curiously: "Can soap help the people of Qin to stop being infected with the plague?"

"There are no absolutes."

Zhao Ze said conservatively.

"Soap can't prevent the plague, but it can certainly reduce the number of people infected with the plague."

Ancient plagues occurred frequently.

Mainly because of lack of hygiene.

Dead bodies were littered and buried, rubbing eyes after grabbing dirty things, eating, not washing hands after going to the toilet, etc.

The dignitaries are fine.

After all, it is necessary to save face and pay attention to ostentation.

But ordinary people don't care about so much.

I just finished digging out the excrement a minute ago, and I can drink water and eat a minute later, and I don't realize what hygiene is at all.

Various bacteria mixed and mutated.

It is easy to breed the virus and spread through blood or saliva.

stroking the soft soap.

Ying Zheng had many thoughts in his mind.

Looking at Zhao Ze, whose head reached his chest, he felt even more that this son was a gift from heaven to him.


"The widow is ordering officials all over the country to learn the method of making soap and spread it to the whole country!"

"Let all the people wash their hands with soap!"

Ying Zheng's efficiency has always been very high.

In addition, the old Qin people were oppressed more severely, and they were very obedient.


Soap soon spread throughout the country.

government regulations.

One bar of soap for two households.

After doing dirty work, you must wash your hands with soap, and the distance of conversation is not allowed to be too close.

A blink of an eye.

Soap has been rolling out for more than three months.

On the main hall.

Physician Xia Wuqie came forward to report.


"In the past three months, there have been less than 2,000 infected people in Qin State."

"1,700 people were healed."

"Three hundred people died of illness, and they were all young or old."

this number.

It also shocked Ying Zheng.

"More than three hundred people died! This is too much!"

The courtiers on both sides are also talking about it.

Li Si frowned.

"Could it be that the eldest son's soap is not as magical as it says?"

See here.

Everyone in Daqin in the original world was stunned.

: "Only 300 people died, and you still say too much?"

: "We lost more than 20,000 people back then!"

: "300 vs. 20,000 people, the gap is too big, it means that the soap has played a role!"

: "It turns out that soap is so useful, can it really prevent infection from the plague?"

: "Three hundred people still say too much?!"

To know.

Their Great Qin, but more than 20,000 people died!

As for Zhao Ze's Daqin, the total number of infected people was only 2,000!

Number of infected people.

Only one-tenth of the original Daqin death toll!

Even so, Ying Zheng complained that too many people died? !

[Li Si]: Soap has such a miraculous effect? His Majesty! We can learn it!

Li Si's attitude was very clear.

Is it useful?

it works?

Then teach me!

Anything that is good, learn it all from me!

Only three hundred people were heard dead.

The corners of Ying Zheng's mouth are twitching...


It's outrageous!

This is a bitch!

So many people died in my own Qin country, but in the end, only 300 people died in other people's Great Qin!

The other self still dislikes death too much!

In comparison, it's a world of difference!

Think about it.

Ying Zheng looked down at the craftsmen on both sides of the hall.

See Ying Zheng's eyes.

The craftsmen quickly said.


"We've all seen it!"

"You can learn, it's easy to learn!"

The craftsmen have become numb.

What they have to learn...

There are too many!

As long as it is a good thing over there, if they can learn it, let them learn it to benefit Daqin.

can now.

They haven't even made rough paper yet...

When did you learn this?

Hear the assurance of artisans.

Ying Zheng's mood improved a lot.

"It's good if you can learn."

"This soap is a good thing. It will reduce the number of deaths in future plagues."

Say it.

His gaze continued to look at the screen.


Ying Zheng stared.

"Huh? Why is that?"

he sees.

Another Daqin folk.

Many people went out with cloth covering their faces.

almost everyone.

When going out, they all covered their faces with cloth.


It will also be covered with rough paper.

Everyone covered their mouths and noses, only showing the upper half of their faces.

Only when eating.

They will take off the mask, but put it back on immediately after eating.


Became everyone's consensus?

"Hey, why don't you go out without wearing a mask!"

on the street.

Two officers and soldiers saw an old woman wandering the street.


I haven't covered my nose and mouth with anything yet.

The old woman was a little panicked: "This old man wears it now! Wear it now!"


The old woman took out a piece of sackcloth from her pocket and covered her mouth and nose.

see this.

The two officers and soldiers were relieved.

kindly reminded.

"Old man, the plague is rampant in the neighboring country. I heard that tens of thousands of people have died."

"Now let us wear masks and wash our hands frequently to protect us from the plague spreading to our Qin country."


"When you go out in the future, be sure to block it tightly."

"This mask should also be washed with soap frequently."

"Thank you two officials for reminding me!"

The old woman thanked her quickly.

See this scene.

Everyone in the original Great Qin World was stunned again.

Face mask?

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