Shura’s Wrath

Chapter 715 Sasha and Tiantian's agreement

"The direct cause of the Isrocka virus is the nuclear and magnetic pollution caused by large-scale wars on the earth, and the root cause is the natural pollution that has accumulated on the earth for thousands of years. Human beings demand nothing from nature. But there are very few protections and repairs for it, and if it continues to accumulate, even if there is no previous nuclear war, the Isrock virus will inevitably appear. The earth calls the Isrock virus the revenge of nature on human beings. Nothing wrong."

"Although what I gave to Ling Chen can make all the Isrock viruses on the earth disappear, but if the nature of the earth continues to be taken, destroyed, and swallowed up bit by bit like before and now, then it won't take long , the Isrock virus, and even something more terrifying than the Isrock virus will appear again."

Satisika looked at the rippling water, and said in a calm and melancholy voice, words that should never be said by a girl of her age.

Ling Chen looked sideways at it, looked at the girl beside him in surprise, then nodded, then shook his head again: "Sasha, what you said is not wrong at all. Human beings also realized this, and signed the "Hundred Years" Armistice Treaty. However, after all, there are more and more human beings on the earth. No matter how much they control it, the demand for nature cannot be slowed down by nature's restoration. Things like the Isrock virus are unknown. Years later, it will eventually appear again."

"Ling Chen, here you are." Shadis Yika suddenly stretched out her hand in front of Ling Chen. In the palm of the hand, at some point, there was a thin metal plate of the little fingernail.

"This is... a memory chip?" Ling Chen held it in his hands and looked at Shadis Yika suspiciously. This is a very common memory chip on Earth. Although it is only a thin piece, with the electronic technology of the 31st century, this small chip has a storage capacity of more than 300TB.

"In it, there is a way to prevent things like the Isloca virus from appearing on the earth again. Ling Chen can just give it to sister Xiaoxue, she will definitely know how to do it." Shadis Ika replied with a smile.

"Really!?" Ling Chen was shocked again. The impact of Shadis Ika's words is undoubtedly far greater than that bottle of potion that can save Isrock infected people all over the world. Unable to calm down anymore, he widened his eyes and said, "What is in it? Where did you get it? Is it really as magical as you said?"

"Yeah!" Shadis Yika nodded vigorously, then lowered her head again, her voice lowered in a slight panic: "If, if it was when I first met Ling Chen, I would answer that these things are all in my In my mind, I don't even know why I know this. But, but now...I don't want to deceive Ling Chen...but I...I really have no way to answer...I..."

The appearance of Shadis Yika made Ling Chen's gaze calm down quickly, he shook his head and said: "It's okay, Sasha doesn't need to tell me. Because I know that there must be a very important reason why Sasha didn't tell me. I even believe that Sasha's Concealing it is also for my own good. I will give this memory chip to your sister Xiaoxue tomorrow."

The sweet smile returned to Shadis Yika's face again, and she nodded contentedly and happily: "Yes! I knew that Ling Chen is the best person in the world... Then, I'll go back to sleep."

Ling Chen's last words made Shadis Yika let go of most of the biggest psychological burden he had faced with Ling Chen all along, and he became in a very good mood, almost bouncing away. Seeing her leaving back, Ling Chen quietly clenched the potion and the chip in his left and right hands, and there was a huge wave in his heart that couldn't be stopped.

Sasha... who are you...

Shadisyika returned to the room lightly, and just as she closed the door, she saw Tian Tian on the bed rubbing her eyes, and said sleepily, "Sasha, where have you been... Oh, and brother?" ?”

"Ah? I couldn't sleep just now. I went out for a walk, and my brother was still outside. It must be because the two sisters got better and couldn't sleep because of the happiness." Shadis Yika returned to the bed and said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Tiantian replied, and kicked off the quilt, "I'm so sleepy, Sasha, go to sleep now."

Shadis Yika pulled the quilt to cover half of her small body, but she didn't lie down. She looked at Tiantian quietly for a while, her eyes flickered for a while, and suddenly said: "Tiantian, if one day, you For a very important reason, I have to leave Ling Chen for a long time, will you be willing?"

"Of course not!" Although sleepy, Tian Tian answered without any hesitation. As she spends more time with Ling Chen, her reliance on him also increases day by day, especially after losing Ling Shui Ruo, the deep shadow in her heart makes her dare not even think about the day when she will be separated from Ling Chen . Therefore, when Shatisika asked this sentence, her consciousness almost responded like a conditioned reflex.

"Then, don't you miss your mother every day? Don't you want to go back to that planet called 'Hill'?" Shadis Yika looked at Tian Tian's slightly opened eyes and asked softly.

"Mom...Mom?" This title, shouted from Tian Tian's mouth at this time, seemed extraordinarily unfamiliar and distant. Her eyes were completely opened, and she looked straight at the dim ceiling, as if she was trying hard to remember. What, after a long time, she turned to Shadis Yika, but her eyes were full of confusion: "Mom... Hill Star... Did they really exist... or just appeared in a dream... I don't know Why, I can't remember their appearance more and more... Oh, forget it, I don't want to think about these anymore, Sasha, go to bed quickly."

"Sure enough..." Shadis Yika murmured softly in her heart: "Her previous memory was scattered due to the violent impact, but she should have recovered long ago, but Ling Shuiruo's death dealt a huge blow to her spirit. It also made her afraid of the possibility of leaving Ling Chen, so she subconsciously repelled the slack part of the memory from waking up, because she was afraid that she would have to choose to leave Ling Chen when she remembered the past... But , her strength will eventually awaken, and her memory will eventually fully recover, and even she herself will not be able to stop it, when the time comes..."

Gently, Shadis Yika put his hands on Tiantian's eyes, then approached her, with a playful smile, and said mysteriously: "Tiantian, I'll give you a gift."

"Gift? What gift?" Hearing the word "gift", the day-to-day drowsiness dissipated for a little while.

Shadis Yika smiled mysteriously, stretched out her tender fingers, and stroked lightly on Tian Tian's snow-white neck, then let go of her blindfolded hands, and said with a smile, "Look."

The light was not turned on, and there was only the dim light coming in from the window in the room. Sitting up in excitement, Tian Tian saw the hazy purple light hanging on her chest at a glance, and her eyes lit up in amazement. She held it up with her hands and cheered: "Wow! So beautiful!!"

What appeared on Tian Tian's chest was a very beautiful crystal pendant, which was worn on her neck through a thin, soft transparent thread. Even though it was night, it still released a dreamlike purple light.

Seeing Tiantian's favorite appearance, Shadis Yika also laughed happily: "This is not an ordinary pendant, it also has very magical power."

"Magic power?"

"Well! Tiantian, next, you must remember my words." Holding the hand holding the pendant every day, Shadis Yika's expression became serious. Looking at her appearance, Tian Tian tilted his head and looked at her with curious eyes.

"This pendant must be worn on the body every day. It cannot be taken off at any time, not even when taking a bath or sleeping."

"Okay! This is a gift from Sasha, and it's so beautiful that I'm not willing to take it off." Before Shadisyika finished speaking, Tian Tian answered confidently.

"Yeah," Shadis Yika nodded, and her expression became more serious: "The next thing to do is to remember... If one day, you encounter any danger, and my brother and I are not by your side When the time comes, you put this purple crystal ball in your mouth... remember?"

"Ah?" With a puzzled look on Tiantian's face, "Sasha, what you said is so strange. My brother said that he would never leave me, so he wouldn't let me encounter any danger. Moreover, even if there was danger, why? How about holding it? It’s not candy.”

Shadis Yika knew that no one could understand what she said, and she couldn't explain it either. She grabbed Tiantian's little hand and said very seriously: "Of course I agree with Tiantian's words, then, it is between me and Tiantian. Is the agreement okay? It’s a small, but must-be-observed agreement, no need for reasons and reasons... okay?"

Tian Tian still looked dazed and confused: "That's it, although it sounds strange, but if Sasha likes... Hehe, then listen to Sasha, this is a beautiful gift from Sasha, and it is also a gift from Sasha and me. I will definitely abide by the first small agreement."

"As expected of my best Tiantian sister, I like you the most." Shadis Yika gave a cute call, Xiao rushed over and hugged Tiantian's body, and smiled happily.

"Hee hee... It's really a beautiful pendant, I really like it. Another day, I must give Sasha a beautiful gift too... Huh..." Just as I was talking, a deep sense of sleepiness came over me, Tian Tian yawned a little, drooped her lower eyelids and said, "It's already so late, I'm so sleepy, Sasha, it's time for us to go to bed."

"Well," Shadis Yika pulled the quilt over the two of them, lay down with Tian Tian, ​​and closed his eyes in peace of mind: "Sleep, sleep!"

After a while, Tiantian fell asleep deeply. While she was falling asleep, Shadis Yika, who was not sleepy at all, quietly opened her eyes, looking at the sky without focus.

Only that way can the Isrock virus disappear from the earth, but it will make it easier for them to find me... But this is the greatest desire in his heart all the time, and only by doing this can I help him complete it .

Tian Tian, ​​if that day finally comes, you have to replace me and protect my Ling Chen.

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