Shura’s Wrath

Text Chapter 716: Future Technology

At noon the next day, Ling Chen changed his appearance and came to Li's house in person. The two things Shadisyika gave him were too important, and he couldn't rest assured that they would be handed over to anyone else.

"What? One billion times!?" Li Xiaoxue stood up from the seat with a "huh", and looked at Ling Chen in shock: "Do you know what the number you mentioned means? How is this possible!"

She already knew about Yunmengxin and Su'er getting rid of the Isloca virus, which was enough to surprise her. When Ling Chen arrived, she was eager to know from Ling Chen what method he used to perfectly eliminate the most terrifying virus in the world. And without waiting for her to ask, Ling Chen gave her a bottle filled with transparent liquid, and said a sentence that was even more shocking than a myth.

A billion-fold dilution is still effective... which means that the liquid in this tiny vial can completely wipe out the Isrock virus from all over the world!

"You heard it right, it's a billion times! If you can't believe it, you can find some people infected with the Isrock virus, and then dilute the liquid by a billion times to conduct experiments. The result will be more than me Explanations are useful." Ling Chen said calmly.

If it were someone else who said these words, Li Xiaoxue would definitely think him a lunatic. But when Ling Chen said it so calmly, even though it sounded extremely absurd, she couldn't help but believe it in her heart. She picked up the small bottle, her hands trembling for a moment. If what Ling Chen said is true, then the value of this bottle cannot be measured by any figures.

"What's in it? Where did you get it?"

"I don't know either." Ling Chen shook his head: "Because it was given to me by another person, and it was by relying on this thing that Mengxin and Susu were rescued. What I said just now is also her original words, so I totally believe it! But don't ask me who that person is, she doesn't want anyone but me to know."

Li Xiaoxue took a breath slowly, and asked Ling Chen a little uncertainly. "You... give it to me?"

Ling Chen nodded: "Yes! Because among the people I know and trust, only you have the ability to dilute it to a billion times and reach the hands of all Isrocka virus infected people in the world."

"If...if what you said is true, then, do you know what it means to my Li family?" Li Xiaoxue's breathing became short of breath.

Ever since Ling Chen knew Li Xiaoxue, this was the first time he saw her emotionally turbulent to this extent. No wonder, because the bottle she held tightly in her hand weighed thousands of times heavier than the entire Li family combined.

Ling Chen didn't answer directly, but instead asked: "If the results of your experiment later are exactly as I said, then how will you use it?"

Ling Chen originally thought that Li Xiaoxue would think about such an important matter for a long time, but she didn't expect that Li Xiaoxue didn't even think about it, and said decisively: "Of course it will be announced to the whole world, and then the diluted potion will be distributed to all Yis in the name of my Li family." Loca virus-infected people, and all Isrocka virus-infected people do not need to pay any money or price when receiving these potions...that is, they are distributed for free worldwide!"

"Free for the whole world?" Ling Chen asked in surprise, "Although your Li family's financial resources are extremely strong, but there are so many people infected with the Isrock virus, and they spread all over the world. If you do this, the cost will be astronomical... ...Based on what I know about you, Miss Li, you shouldn't be so kind-hearted, right?"

Li Xiaoxue smiled leisurely, pursed her red lips, and said slowly: "The cost is indeed high, but no matter how high it is, it's just a bunch of numbers. My Li family can fully afford it, but the benefits that come with it are more expensive than the costs consumed." It must be ten thousand times higher... Huh, ten million times is not too much! Because by then, my Li family will save hundreds of millions of human beings, and wipe out the biggest disaster and disaster on the earth from the root. Such a great feat , unprecedented! My Li family will be completely known by the whole world, and my reputation at that time will be enough to cover the sky."

"Especially those Isrock virus-infected people who have been rescued because of this, they have gained a new life in despair, they and their relatives will be grateful to the Li family, and they will be worse than the most devout believers when facing the word 'Li family'." Be fanatical! At that time, the support my Li family will receive will be unimaginable by anyone. The development of my Li family will also be so fast that no one can match it, and no one can stop it. At the same time, This event is a blessing to the world, saving hundreds of millions of lives, and will accumulate endless merit for future generations. This achievement will definitely be recorded in the annals of history, and will not be forgotten after thousands of years. The Li family with such merit , will be at the peak of power in the world, and the prestige is unmatched, even the most powerful person like the Long family will definitely not have the courage to touch the Li family that 'saves the world'!"

Li Xiaoxue finished speaking, looked directly at Ling Chen, and added: "If what you said is true, then what I said will not be an exaggeration. Moreover, it is only for the benefit of my Li family." As far as I am concerned, what I said is only a part, even a small part!"

Li Xiaoxue's words made Ling Chen's heart turbulent. After thinking for a while, he admitted that what Li Xiaoxue said was not exaggerated at all. The benefit to the Li family would be indescribably huge if this bottle of potion was given to the Li family. However, he didn't care about the benefit of the Li family. He nodded and said, "In this case, let your Li family use it freely. As long as it can completely eliminate the Isrock virus from the world, how to use it?" It's your freedom. And, I don't ask you to pay anything."

"Oh?" Li Xiaoxue's pupils moved, and a seductive smile appeared on her beautiful dimple: "I am your woman, and I gave you my precious virginity for nothing. As my man, this Isn't it the most appropriate thing to give me? Have you ever thought about asking me to exchange something else with you? "

"..." The muscles on Ling Chen's face twitched slightly, he took two steps closer, stretched out his hand, and put the memory chip that Shadis Yika gave him in front of Li Xiaoxue: "And this, also give you?"

"Memory chip? What's inside?" Li Xiaoxue picked it up with a suspicious expression on his face.

"I haven't seen it, so I don't know. If you want to know, you can read it yourself. This memory chip is also from the person who gave me this bottle of potion." Ling Chen said.

It came from the same person as the bottle of potion, Li Xiaoxue's face suddenly became serious, she stopped talking, picked up the tablet at hand, inserted the memory chip into it, and then opened it.

Ling Chen and Li Xiaoxue were separated by a table, so they couldn't see the screen on the computer, and Ling Chen didn't go over to watch, but watched Li Xiaoxue's reaction. When the file in the memory chip was just opened, he saw Li Xiaoxue frowning, and as her finger swiped quickly on the computer screen, her crescent eyebrows never stretched, but tightened more and more. The expression on her face gradually changed from calm to extreme shock that could not be suppressed no matter what.

At the end, Li Xiaoxue's hands holding the computer began to tremble, and the trembling became more and more intense. Such a reaction appeared on Li Xiaoxue, which can only be described as unbelievable. Ling Chen finally couldn't hold back anymore, and asked aloud: "What's inside?"

Li Xiaoxue put the computer on the table, turned her gaze to Ling Chen, her chest heaved violently: "Ling Chen! Who gave you this chip? Who is that person?"

Ling Chen frowned, and said decisively: "I said before, that person doesn't want to be known by anyone other than me, so I won't answer... What's inside?"

Li Xiaoxue's eyes wandered for a while, and her lips moved a few times, as if she was still unwilling to ask who this chip came from. But in the end, thinking of Ling Chen's tough character, she had to give up, and said with unsettled emotions: "If this chip and that bottle of potion come from the same person, then I completely believe in the efficacy of that potion! Because , the things inside... are things that should not belong to the current earth at all!"

"Things that shouldn't belong to the current Earth?" Ling Chen stared slightly: "What do you mean?"

"Because what is stored here is a large amount of technology and medicine that is three hundred years beyond the current earth... No! At least five hundred years, or even thousands of years of technology and medicine!" Li Xiaoxue said in an almost trembling voice.

"What... what?" Ling Chen was taken aback.

"The entire 300TB of data is in standard Chinese language. As far as I can see this extremely small part, every word and every picture is enough to shock the world. The first data is a solar car. Even if the earth can conceive of such a perfect solar car at present, it is impossible to imagine such a perfect solar car." It is completely driven by solar energy and can be stored in large quantities without any other energy. It avoids noise pollution, light pollution, energy consumption, exhaust pollution... All the components are introduced and described in detail in the drawings and introductions, so detailed and complete that there is no need to think about it carefully, just find anyone who understands mechanics. Follow these materials and directly splice them together! With this information, it only takes three months for my Li family to mass-produce a car that is unlikely to appear on Earth in five hundred years! If this kind of solar car is used all over the world, the air pollution index of the earth will be greatly reduced, and the noise pollution and light pollution will also be reduced. The energy savings are countless. "

"The second information is a large and small natural purification system applicable to any place in the world, including cities, towns, and even households. This system can achieve extremely high efficiency air purification, water purification, light purification, industrial waste, domestic waste Degradation, even magnetic pollution, nuclear pollution purification, and the magical air quality is constantly adjusted. Its energy is also driven by the sun. If this magical purification system can be used on a large scale on the earth, it will be polluted The earth will be completely reborn in a short period of time!"

"The third piece of information is water-powered ships and submarines, which can inconceivably be driven by the energy generated by water without consuming any other energy..."

"...the medical information recorded in it is only the part I browsed, and it records the perfect cure method for a large number of incurable diseases on the earth... The most amazing thing is a set of human body mechanism purification and adjustment system..."

"...Natural purification and human purification have all been realized. I am even confident that within ten years, the average life span of human beings on Earth will be extended to 200 years...or even higher..."

"And... and... and..."

The more Li Xiaoxue talked, the more excited she became, the more she talked, the more excited she became. It is impossible for anyone who comes into contact with this technology that is ahead of the earth by how many years to remain indifferent. Hearing Li Xiaoxue's inconceivable descriptions, Ling Chen was stunned, and a turbulent storm surged in his heart that couldn't be calmed down.

This memory chip was given to him by Sasha.

And Sasha...why would she have such a thing!

Earth, she does not belong to the earth, but a girl brought by herself from the game world. Even though it is inconceivable to bring her to the earth from the game world, but... in the game world called "Shenyue", the technology there is far behind the earth! These things Qiyue described never appeared in Shenyue World's present and chronicle records.

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