Holy Land Mary Joya, Five Old Stars Emergency Meeting.

This meeting turned out to be about Ling Bai again, before Ling Bai killed three Draco live, the five old stars came to a meeting, followed by the time Ling Bai defeated Kaido, just a few days ago, and today, on the day of the public execution, the city was breached.

Ling Bai appeared again in the meeting of the five old stars.

“I didn’t expect Blackbeard to take advantage of me and wait, but he died, and it was cheap for him!”

“That guy from Dorag actually broke into the Advance City, in order to save his bloodline, moreover, how did Ivankov’s revolutionary army hide in the Advance City? These people really pick the time! ”

“But what I need to care about the most is that Ling Bai and them, that guy, took away Barrett and the others who were descendants of the devil last time, and this time they let go of two heavyweights!”

“Red Count, and World Breakers! Most of them are famous existences in the old era, the Red Earl of that year, defeated the other party after ten days of decisive battle with the air, or the Kapu guy took the opportunity to catch it, and the world destroyer, it was also my companion who separated him, and he was able to be arrested, both of them are not simple, even if they have been in prison for such a long time. ”

The five old stars felt pressure.

“Ling Bai is now equivalent to ten people, although I don’t know if those two heavyweight criminals will stand on Ling Bai’s side, the old man is worried that they will go to Marin Fando to influence the execution.”

“Roger’s bloodline must be executed, and Whitebeard’s life must also remain in Marin Fandor! In order for everything to run smoothly and the possibility of uninvited guests, I have to wait and be prepared! ”

Soon, Steel Bone Empty and a man in a white suit came in

The commander-in-chief of the whole army, Steel Bone Kong, and the highest commander of CP0 in a white suit, are not at all inferior to the existence of the admiral, a man named Kaiya.

“Sora, and Kaiya, you all know about today’s incident of advancing into the city, right?”

“Yes, Lord Five Old Stars!”

“It’s clear, Lord Five Old Star!”

Old man Ghost Che: “You two also lead people to move!” If necessary, if the group of uninvited guests come, I hope you will fight them off with all your strength, or seriously injured, of course, killing is the best! ”

“Empty, Count Red is your old enemy!”

Steel bone empty: “That guy, can you still fight?” However, as long as he dares to come, he will leave his life behind! This time, I will definitely not be defeated again! ”

The more Steel Bone Empty spoke, the more excited he became.

The old man on crutches also reminded: “Also, watch the Kapu guy!” Fire Fist Ace was raised by him, when this guy didn’t know what he would do, let a sinful bloodline survive in the world, hide it from me for so long, in order to completely get rid of Roger’s bloodline, he also killed a lot of babies and pregnant women…”

“This incident has dealt a blow to the face of the world government!”

“If Karp dares to do anything beyond the duties of the Navy, you don’t need to be polite! No more worrying about his prestige and battle exploits! ”


The Chambord Islands, at this time, no one gathered in the Chambord Islands knew how many.

This is where the war will be broadcast, so journalists from all over the world have come here.

No one knows what the final outcome of this war will be.

But for many, if the Navy is defeated, it is no different from the end of the world.

However, will the headquarters of the Navy be able to win?

You know, the Whitebeard Pirate Group that the Navy Headquarters is going to face this time, a man with the power to destroy the world, is now going to war with the Navy Headquarters, for many people, growing up listening to Whitebeard’s horror stories, they know what a terrifying demon Whitebeard is.

Therefore, the people of the Chambord Islands, as many civilians, are deeply fearful.

Even the pirates who want to enter the new world choose to stay in the Chambord Islands temporarily, you know, many pirates are petty existences, and now the man closest to the One Piece throne is going to war with the naval headquarters, they dare not imagine what a scene it is.

In addition, people all over the world are now praying to various gods and gods in various ways, hoping that the naval headquarters will achieve victory.

God knows, tomorrow this world, will it still be there?

If the naval headquarters is defeated, will this world perish?

Taverns, casinos, wind and moon venues… Almost all stores are closed today.

War is coming, no one knows if the world will be there tomorrow, nothing is more interesting than the upcoming war, of course, this war has also made many people think about it.

Chambordi Islands, directly opposite the large screen in the square, Renly sat in a tree and looked ahead, the screen had not yet turned on, but now the huge square was crowded.

“Whitebeard, this is a dead end, you know, right?”

Reilly sighed, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates also did not fight or know each other, and they have become friends since then, and countless past events have emerged from Reilly’s mind from this time.

“I’m actually a little nervous!”

Kidd muttered.

Under a tree, there are no supernova Kidd who have been adopted by Ling Bai, except for Boni on the other side, everyone else is here.

Apu, Kidd, Drake, Kira, Cappenbeki.

Originally, they wanted to fight in the New World, but temporarily postponed their plans to enter the New World.

“Legendary man! Will he win? ”

Apu: “I want him to win, nothing else, I hate the Navy headquarters.” ”

Last time I was kicked by the yellow ape, now it seems to be faintly painful!

Kidd snorted coldly: “Whitebeard, it should be up to me to remember to defeat it myself!” ”

Compared to the other supernovas present, Kidd is obviously more pursued, after all, he is a man with the qualifications of a king!


It was almost twelve o’clock in the afternoon.

The naval headquarters, at this time, the three major generals and the seven martial seas who had finished resting, also began to move!

ps: On the shelves at night, when the time is to put it in four chapters at once, the rest will be updated tomorrow, there is nothing to save, the previous updates are six or seven changes every day, and the scale of the war on the top is too large, there are too many perspectives, and it is more difficult to write.

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