Above the wilderness, the earth trembled, and the human coalition forces headed by Yuhai Base galloped past...

After a fierce battle, mankind

The losses of the coalition forces were not unbearable.

The tanks and military vehicles in the front row were covered in bloodstains and scratches, and many of the vehicles in the rear were even more dilapidated...

Most of the humans recruited were killed or injured, and even many of the awakened ones in the team died in the ferocious tide of corpses.

However, just when the large group of zombies were wiped out, everyone thought that this thrilling decisive battle was over——

However, Ji Youfeng suddenly ordered the entire army to assemble urgently and quickly went to the Dongshan base where they were rescued.

Although there are still destructive-level powerful combatants like Wang Dapeng and Wu Fa in the coalition forces, they have noble status.

But generally strategic issues are decided jointly by Wei Ying, Ji Youfeng, who is the captain of the combat force, and He Anping from Xilan Base.

Therefore, although many soldiers were exhausted physically and mentally, they still did not dare to neglect at all and regrouped and rushed to the final destination.

"Captain, according to the positioning display, we are about to arrive at Dongshan Base..."

Wei Ying and Ji Youfeng looked at each other and spoke to the communication device in the car:

"How's the drone inspection going?"

A voice came from the communicator: "There is a strange magnetic field fluctuation within two kilometers of Dongshan Base..."

"Under the interference of this magnetic field fluctuation, the drone cannot carry out exploration work!"

Wei Ying took a deep breath: "I understand. I am ready to connect to the backup communication channel and pass the message back to the base at any time!"


Wei Ying looked at Ji Youfeng again, his expression solemn as never before:

"Hopefully it won't be what we thought..."

The coalition convoy raced across the land, tanks and military vehicles rolled over the road, and there were groups of mechas escorting them on both sides.

Soon, the vague outline of a town was already in front of everyone’s eyes——

The location of the city gate is covered by materials such as cement and concrete, which looks like a wall.

Mottled cracks have appeared on the wall, and the sallow material looks even more fragile.

From the appearance, it is not difficult to see that the situation of this small human base is quite embarrassing.

However, even though such a huge convoy rushed to the wall, there was still no movement in the Dongshan base.

Wei Ying frowned slightly:

"Release the flare!"

As several guards shouldered the gun barrel and pulled the trigger, a row of brilliant flares bloomed in the sky like fireworks.

After another long while, there was still no response from the town, and the city walls made of reinforced concrete stood mottled.

Ji Youfeng suddenly said: "Come in!!"

Following Ji Youfeng's order, the guards in the front row immediately controlled the tank and crashed into the city wall!

With a loud bang, the mottled earth wall that had already cracked was instantly knocked down by a row of solid tanks made of steel!

The coalition troops filed in at the pace of the tanks and quickly entered the small base that asked for their support.

"W-what's going on??"

As soon as Fang entered the base, everyone was shocked by the scene in front of them——

Looking around, the houses collapsed and were devastated, overgrown with weeds, and surrounded by ruins.

A thin layer of dust has accumulated on the ground, and old blood stains can still be vaguely seen...

The entire town was extremely silent, as deserted as an abandoned ruin.

Everyone got out of the car and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

They risked their lives along the way, breaking through the ruins of cities one after another and rushing to support them. What they saw was a deserted and deserted base!

"The situation we were most worried about has happened..."

Wei Ying and Ji Youfeng stood in front of the team, looking at the ruins of the base that had turned into ruins, with mixed feelings.

But Ji Youfeng seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly stepped forward under everyone's puzzled gazes.

He was seen bending down, reaching out to touch a broken mirror on the side of the road.

Ji Youfeng's pupils shrank, and he suddenly stood up, stroking the dust on his fingertips. He was so harsh that he already noticed something unusual:

"Judging from the thickness of the dust, this base has been abandoned for at least three months!"


Wei Ying also came to his senses, his expression extremely shocked.

But half a month ago, Yuhai Base received a request for help from Xilan Base!

Suddenly, Wei Ying thought of something, turned around and shouted:

"Feng Jun, where is Feng Jun?!"

Half a month ago, Dongshan Base sent Feng Jun as a liaison to ask for help from Yuhai Base!

Everyone looked at each other, but this time, Feng Jun and his men were nowhere to be seen in the team.

Seeing this, Mu Qiu turned to the team and said, "Look, does this look like... a colosseum?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground where the coalition forces were suddenly trembled.

Before anyone could react, a row of extremely tall steel fences suddenly rose up behind the wall that they had originally knocked down!

Immediately afterwards, tall and solid walls and fences were raised around the entire town, instantly trapping everyone in the town!

Mysterious figures wearing gray and black robes suddenly appeared above the crowd, their faces hidden under the hoods, making it difficult to see their true faces.

Instantly, the suddenly appearing black-robed figures surrounded the human coalition of thousands of people!

Several figures in purple robes appeared in front of everyone.

Among them, a middle-aged man in purple robes, with a haggard face, was Feng Jun who had disappeared for a long time!

"Heterogeneous Cult!!"

Everyone immediately recognized the identity of the person, with panic and surprise.

They did not expect to encounter the long-lurking heterogeneous cult at the Dongshan base.

"The Dongshan base was destroyed several months ago, and there was no base asking for help. From the beginning to the end, it was your heterogeneous cult that was behind it..."

Ji Youfeng stared at Feng Jun in the air calmly, but his words sounded like thunder in everyone's ears--

"The rescue operation was a scam from the beginning?!"

"All this is a conspiracy of the heterogeneous cult?!!"

Even the professionally trained guards found it difficult to accept this cruel fact.

"As expected of the White Death of Yuhai, you have analyzed most of the truth so quickly..."

Feng Jun's honest face showed a grim smile: "So, can you guess our purpose of luring the snake out of its hole?"

Wei Ying's pupils trembled: "What?!"

The captain of the guard, who was a soldier, immediately felt terrified and his back was cold.

"Yes, I guess at this time, your Yuhai is about to follow the footsteps of Dongshan Base..."

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