Yuhai Base is hundreds of kilometers away from Dongshan Base.

Dark clouds gradually drifted in from the distance, and a dark haze shrouded the sky above Yuhai Base.

Sparse drizzle gradually began to fall in the sky...

The walls of the Yuhai base are made of special metal reinforcements. It can be said to be a copper wall and an iron wall, with tight barriers.

On weekdays, there are even guards patrolling and watching. It is impossible for ordinary zombie monsters to break through this solid line of defense that protects the human safety zone. ŴŴŴ.

However, the gradually spreading dark clouds in the sky seem to have no tendency to stop, and the raindrops in the sky gradually become clearer...

The guards guarding the city were huffing and puffing out of boredom as usual, complaining about the unsatisfactory weather.

Although the work of guarding the city gate is boring, it is better than having to worry about safety and the reward is quite generous.

It's better than risking one's life to fight those zombie monsters in the ruins.

This is one of the reasons why so many people rush to join the Guard.

However, today's situation seems to be a little different from usual——

Suddenly there was a vibration in the distant ground, and the sound of rollers rubbing against the ground came from far to near, like the roar of a steel beast...

The companion next to him suddenly looked in one direction and exclaimed:

"Then, what is that?!!"

Before they could react, a sparking missile bombarded them from the distant sky!

The ground in front of the wall was bombarded with a huge crater, and all the guards defending the city were reduced to rubbish by the violent missiles.

Immediately afterwards, countless missiles and artillery fire fell from the sky like the Milky Way pouring down, and they all bombarded the thick and wide wall.

Even the reinforced city walls were unable to withstand such continuous bombardment.

Within a few dozen breaths, a huge gap was blasted out of the city wall that was tens of feet high.

Countless tall mecha figures suddenly appeared on the distant horizon.

The missile launchers on the shoulders of these mechas were still smoking, and the energy drive devices on the chests were flashing with blue light.

There was a buzzing sound in the sky, and a dark red mecha with a pair of mechanical wings on its back flew through the air.

The red mecha held a giant laser blade and instantly split open the crack in the city wall.

In an instant, groups of mechas filed in, trailing long tail flames behind them.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the roar of collapsing buildings and the pitiful wails of humans were heard from everywhere in the Yuhai base.

The originally peaceful safe zone was destroyed in an instant, and the entire Yuhai base was instantly plunged into flames of war and gunpowder smoke.

The piercing sirens echoed over Yuhai Base...

Almost at the same time that the base was attacked, the high-rise building located in the center of the base had received the message.

There was a loud "bang", and Xiao Hanyan slapped the table, with a rare look of annoyance on his frosty face:

"Where are those mechas now and how many are there?"

Beside Xiao Hanyan, a group of senior officials from Yuhai rushed here a moment after receiving the news.

A guard looked anxious and said: "Those mechas broke through the city wall in the northern area of ​​the base and then rushed along the northern suburbs. The guards patrolling the northern area have lost news..."

"According to the news from the guards patrolling the North District a quarter of an hour ago, it has been determined that these mechas come from Xilan Base..."

"In terms of number, it should be no less than a thousand!!"

When the bad news came, as soon as the guard finished speaking, the expressions of all the senior officials of Yuhai became extremely embarrassed.

How could they not see the purpose of Xilan Base at this moment?

They all yelled: "These bastards have obviously planned to attack Yuhai while the main force of the base is assisting Dongshan and the base is empty of troops!!"

"Tearing up the covenant and taking advantage of others' danger is a waste of human virtue!!"

A group of Yuhai senior officials were so angry that their faces turned red, accusing Xilan Base of openly tearing up the alliance.

He even retaliated against the Yuhai base, which was also in the human camp, betraying his faith and making him stupid.


During the commotion, Xiao Hanyan suddenly let out a sweet cry, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's eyes are on the iceberg queen. Xiao Hanyan's ability and strategy are indispensable for the Yuhai base to be where it is today.

"How many combat forces are there in the base now?"

The guard replied with a livid face: "Most of the troops in the base have been sent to implement the redemption plan..."

"Currently, with the addition of the newly recruited guard team, the base has about 3,000 available combat forces, of which the number of awakened ones... is less than 400!!"

As soon as this statement came out, a bucket of cold water was poured on the heads of many senior officials in Yuhai.

The content of the original alliance concluded by the three bases was——

After the Battle of Redemption, the cities recovered along the way will be divided according to the contribution of the three bases in the battle.

In order to gain more territory, the Yuhai Base devoted most of its available combat power to this battle to regain humanity.

Only a small number of troops are left to prevent possible zombie attacks.

However, no one believed that there was any hidden danger of corpse tide around Yuhai Base.

But no one expected that at this juncture, Xilan Base would choose to backstab Yuhai Base, a fellow human survivor.

Xiao Hanyan frowned slightly:

"Can we contact Wei Ying and Ji Youfeng?"

A man next to him shook his head: "The base's signal was interfered by an unknown electromagnetic wave, and the communication function was completely blocked!"

Everyone looked at each other, there was no doubt that this must be the work of Xilan Base again.

A senior executive suddenly suggested: "Why don't we take people to evacuate here first and seek assistance from other bases?"

No one responded. They knew what it meant to lose a safe base in this doomsday.

Suddenly, a guard rushed in from a panic, his chest heaving, and his expression was extremely anxious:

"South District, a large group of zombies suddenly appeared in the South District, and now they are invading the center of the base!!"


Many Yuhai senior executives have not yet recovered from the tension, and there is another explosive news.

Some people were even scared to the ground, sweating profusely.

Now the north and south sides of the base are besieged, they are really attacked from both sides, and they can't escape!

"How could the wall of the southern area be broken by zombies so quickly?"

Someone discovered the problem. Logically, it was impossible for those zombies to break through the obstacles of the reinforced wall so quickly.

"The wall was opened from the inside of the base!!"

So many coincidences happened in one day...

How could everyone not understand that all this was a conspiracy of the Xilan base.

But now that things have come to this, what they have to consider is how to face the current terrible and dangerous situation...

There is no doubt that this is the most dangerous situation since the establishment of Yuhai.

Everyone cast their eyes on Xiao Hanyan, who had a cold face.

Now they can only pin their hopes on the unparalleled Queen of Yuhai...

Xiao Hanyan's eyes were sharp, and she could not afford to think too much at this time:

"Call all available troops, resist the invaders with all their strength, and contact the communication signal of the front-line troops again..."

"In addition, be ready to start Miaomiao at any time!!"

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