The wronged Susan Shan

Su Yunlin and Su Kuan looked at each other with deep disbelief in their eyes.

But the appearance of the family master was deeply etched in their minds, so how could they possibly admit their mistake.

Immediately afterwards, the two looked at Su Chen together again.

At this moment, Su Chen had already arrived in front of the two of them, only about three meters away from them.

“What, you don’t know me anymore? Or are you saying that you don’t want to stay in the Su family, and you don’t even know how to salute?”

Hearing this familiar voice, the two of them were shocked for a moment, and then subconsciously knelt down towards Su Chen. Down.

“Meet the master!”

At this moment, they finally came to their senses.

The head of the Su family, Su Chen, has ascended!

Both of their faces were full of excitement, even though Su Yunlin was a little worried before, Su Chen was not as powerful as the lower realm after his ascension.

But now after seeing the real person, there is still endless confidence in my heart.

This is the effect of Su Chen. He is the anchor of stability for everyone in the Su family. As long as he exists, the sufferings of the Su family seem to be easily solved.

Su Yunlin hurriedly said: “Master, please wait a moment, I will go and ask for the great elder immediately.”

After saying that, he quickly stood up and ran towards the house, shouting at the same time.

“Great Elder, the master of the family has ascended, the master of the family has ascended!”

The shouts continued, resounding throughout the entire Su family courtyard.

Although the Su family lives in Haoyang City, the yard is not that big, even it is far different from the Su family in Fengyu City.

At most it’s only close to one-fifth the size.

Su Yunlin’s voice immediately attracted everyone’s attention. They all looked shocked, and then looked towards the door of the Su family with their consciousness.

When they saw the familiar figure, the entire Su family looked ecstatic and hurriedly ran out to greet him.

After Su Yunqian learned about it, his figure flashed and appeared at the door, with a bit of surprise and surprise on his face.

“The head of the family…it’s really you!”

Su Chen waved his hand and said with a smile: “It’s me, second uncle.”

He called him second uncle because he didn’t want the relationship to be so complicated during this reunion. When you are serious on weekdays, just call the head of the household.

No need to be so polite now.

Su Yunqian’s breathing was a little rapid, and he said in an excited tone: “Chen’er, you have finally ascended. The Su family needs you so much. The Su family is the real Su family as long as you are here.”

His words were enough to tell that Su How much does the family need for Su Chen?

The rest of the Su family gathered around. Some of them called the head of the family, some called the ancestor, but without exception, their voices were all excited.

Su Chen looked around and saw almost everyone he had seen.

After a moment of silence, she smiled faintly and said, “Don’t worry, everyone, with me here, the Su family will be like Xuantian Realm.”

Looking at his confident look, Su Yunqian opened his mouth but hesitated, and finally said nothing. .

In fact, he wanted to remind that there are many strong people in the immortal world, and the Su family can keep a low profile.

With his current knowledge and experience, he can naturally see that Su Chen is extraordinary. Even after coming to the fairy world, he is definitely not a weakling.

But Su Yunqian also believed that Su Chen would not still have invincible strength in the fairy world like he did in the Xuantian Realm.

Of course, Su Yunqian would definitely not say such things in public.

Even if he really wanted to say it, it would definitely be in private.

The Su family needs Su Chen too much now. Saying this will definitely affect morale.

Su Chen raised his hand and waved, and several people from the Su family who had been brought from Fengyu City appeared in front of them.

The moment Su Yuanba saw Su Yunqian, he immediately ran up excitedly:

“Second brother!”

Su Yunqian was stunned for a moment, but Su Yuanba’s iron tower-like body directly hit him and gave him a A big bear hug.


Soon, Su Yunqian reacted and looked at Su Yuanba with great surprise.

Su Yuanba laughed and said: “Good guy, you have finally been surpassed by me now, right? Why are you in the early stage of Xuanxian?”

“Get out!”

Su Yunqian was a little moved at first, but after hearing these words, he suddenly He couldn’t help but beat Su Yuanba hard on the chest.

Although Su Yunqian’s strength was slightly weaker, his physical body was still very strong. Su Yuanba was immediately in pain when the hammer hit him.

But he didn’t say anything, still smiling happily.

Among Su Yuanba’s brothers, he is considered the younger one and has been protected by his brothers since he was a child. Although Su Yunqian is weaker than him now, in Su Yuanba’s heart, he is still his younger brother.

“Fifth Brother!”

A woman wearing emerald green clothes, with shining eyes and beautiful appearance ran out of the yard.

Her face was full of surprise and surprise, and she felt like she wanted to express her grievances when she saw an elder.

Especially after seeing Su Chen, he immediately threw himself into Su Chen’s arms regardless of the difference between men and women.

“Fifth brother, why are you here? I miss you so much.”

“Our Su family has been bullied badly these days without you, and people often come to the door to cause trouble.”

As she spoke, Susan could not help but cry softly. stand up.

Susan Shan, Su Yunpeng’s daughter, ranked ninth in their generation in terms of seniority.

Su Chen shook his head and laughed, then gently rubbed Susan’s head.

“Don’t worry, girl, with your fifth brother here, no one can bully us in the future.”

Susan Shan had a good relationship with him when they were in Xuantian Realm, and they would often come to Wangyun Court to play.

Hearing Su Chen’s words, Susan Shan sobbed softly twice before letting go of Su Chen, but she still looked extremely aggrieved.

Su Chen stepped forward and pinched her cheek, and said as if treating a little sister:

“Jiu Mei, tell Fifth Brother, who bullied you, and Fifth Brother will avenge you later.”

Su Yunqian’s face suddenly changed when he heard this . Change, the background of the person who bullied Susan is not small. If he really named her and couldn’t deal with it, wouldn’t it mean that Su Chen would not be able to step down?


Su Yunqian was about to speak immediately, but was held back by Su Yuanba.

Su Yunqian turned his head and looked at Su Yuanba doubtfully. The latter did not speak, but looked at him with a half-smile.

Although Su Yuanba looks rough, he is not a fool. He can naturally think of what Su Yunqian is going to say.

“Don’t worry, second brother. Although Xiaochen has just ascended, I’m afraid no one can do anything to him in this Jiuyang Realm.” Dare to

directly kill the direct descendants of the Liu family in Ten Thousand Stars City and leave easily afterwards. It is enough to show that Su Chen’s strength is definitely not inferior to that of the Immortal King.

The strength of Jiuyang Realm is almost the same as that of Canglan Realm, so how can it possibly stop Su Chen.

Upon hearing these words, Su Yunqian’s pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Su Chen in disbelief.


Are you underestimating him again?

Su Yunqian felt like he was back in the Xuantian Realm, when the Su family was just beginning to develop. At that time, Su Chen kept bringing them surprises and shocks.

After coming to the fairy world, he thought that this kind of thing would never happen again, but now it seems that it will happen again.

But then, he was filled with excitement.

The stronger Su Chen is, the more beneficial it will be to the Su family.

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