Tianshui Divine Clan, Eastern Patrol

Facing Su Chen’s inquiry, Susan Shan was about to speak, but as if she thought of something, she quickly waved her hands and said,

“No one bullied me, it’s just that Shanshan missed my fifth brother.”

Looking at Susan Shan’s appearance, Su Chen still had a smile on his face. He was smiling, but his eyes were slightly cold.

Susan Shan was his favorite among the many sisters. If she was bullied, he would definitely crush her.

Not anyone.

Su Chen rubbed her head, intending not to ask for the time being and to ask more slowly later. He turned to look at Su Yunqian, and then asked:

“Second uncle, how has the Su family lived in these years… .”

Before he could speak, a domineering voice sounded from behind him:

“Hey, Shanshan is here, and Elder Su is also here. What a coincidence. Since everyone is here, why not discuss the marriage?”

Listen. Upon hearing this familiar voice, Susan Shan’s face suddenly froze, as if she had heard something terrible, and she hid completely behind Su Chen.

Those white little hands were also tightly holding the corner of Su Chen’s clothes.

Su Yunqian and other members of the Su family also looked panicked.

Su Chen turned his head to look indifferently and saw five people standing behind him. The leader was dressed in gorgeous clothes and was in the early stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

Among the four guards beside him, three are Daluo Jinxian and one is a mid-stage Hunyuan Jinxian.

The fact that such powerful people can become guards is enough to show how extraordinary this person is, and Su Chen also sensed an extremely strong water power from them.

Su Yunqian hurriedly stepped forward and saluted: “Greetings to Master Xun.”

Just when he bent down slightly, Su Chen raised his hand and put it on his shoulder, which immediately made Su Yunqian freeze in place, and his body was not fully Bow down.

Su Chen asked calmly: “What did you just say?”

Dongfang Xun glanced at Su Chen and narrowed his eyes. This questioning tone made him feel very unhappy.

But after taking a look at Susan Shan behind Su Chen, he suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and said with a smile:

“Of course it’s my marriage to Miss Shanshan.”

Su Chen’s eyes were always calm. He probably knew who Susan Shan was bullied by. .

“Jiu Mei, do you want to marry him?”

Upon hearing this, Susan Shan glanced at Dongfang Xun cautiously, then shook her head slightly, indicating that she did not want to marry.

From her frightened expression, it was clear that Susan had been bullied before.

Susan Shan sent a message to Su Chen: “Fifth brother, I don’t want to marry him. This person is very bad. He pursued me before, but I didn’t agree. Then he secretly targeted the Su family in various ways.” ”

Another time… …. He, he wants to treat me…”

Susan Shan said, her whole body seemed to have been greatly wronged, and her eyes were filled with mist. He said with a slight cry:

“If it weren’t for Su Xiao If there is a rescue, I’m afraid I’ll be killed.”


Su Chen’s eyes suddenly became extremely cold. He turned his head and looked towards the east again, and said in an undisguised tone.

“Who are you, worthy of marrying my ninth sister?”

Dongfang Xun’s expression suddenly changed, the smile on his face disappeared, and the terrifying killing intent was released.

“What did you say?”

Su Chen repeated calmly: “I said, you don’t even look at your appearance, and you are not qualified to marry my ninth sister.” “Do you

need to repeat it again?”

When Dongfang Xun heard these words, a terrifying aura was immediately released. The passers-by around him noticed it and stared at him.

“I’ll go, what’s going on?”

“I just heard that the young man said to Dongfangxun that you are worthy of marrying my ninth sister. I guess he is also from the Su family, and the ninth sister should be referring to Susanshan. .”

“When did the Su family become so brave? Is it because Su Xiao gave them the confidence?” ”

Let me tell you, the Su family is really ignorant. The Tianshui Divine Clan has two powerful Immortal Kings. , Marry Dongfang Xun and you won’t suffer any loss, so why are you pretending to be noble?”

After hearing Su Chen’s words, many people couldn’t help but sneered.

Being able to be watched by Dongfangxun is a huge blessing, but he still doesn’t know what is good and what is bad. Isn’t this stupid?

Although Dongfang Xun is a bit dissolute, people are willing to give Susan Shan a status, even if it is just a concubine, for her, that is a great gift.

On the other hand, what level of power is the Su family?

Just ants.

It was all maintained by Su Xiao alone.

If it weren’t for Su Xiao’s blessing, the entire Su family might not be able to gain a foothold in Haoyang City and would only be able to live at the bottom.

After hearing Su Chen’s words, Su Yunqian’s expression changed drastically. You must know that the Tianshui Divine Clan is the most powerful force in the entire Haoyang City.

Even the Wanshen Sect is slightly inferior.

Because the Wanshen Sect only has one powerful Immortal King, but the Tianshui Divine Clan has two Immortal Kings.

And Dongfang Xun is a direct descendant of the Tianshui Divine Clan. Offending him will not help the Su family at all.

Su Yunqian turned his head and glanced at Su Yuanba, and felt a little relieved when he saw the old god was there.

If Su Yuanba is like this, then Su Chen must be capable of solving it, otherwise Su Yuanba would have lost his temper a long time ago. Dongfang

Xun’s tone was extremely cold: “Boy, you are also from the Su family. I really thought you were protected by Su Xiao.” Are you able to be so arrogant towards me?”

“I have already given you a lot of face. If you insist on not knowing what is right and what is wrong, then don’t blame me for being unkind.” ”

Destroy the Su family and leave Susan Shan alone. life.”

After saying that, a lewd smile appeared on his face.

In fact, when it comes to appearance, Susan Shan is not the best in Haoyang City.

But what Dongfang Xun likes is the way Susan Shan refuses him. Other women want to put her directly into his arms for her to play with.

But Susanshan was the only one who rejected him outright from the first meeting.

This attitude of avoiding him made Dongfang Xun very excited, and he felt like he wanted to completely conquer Susan Shan.

He was even fantasizing in his mind, seeing Susan Shan being pressed against his crotch, struggling and crying.

How exciting!

As for destroying the Su family, this was not his own idea, but the attitude of the entire Tianshui Divine Clan.

Su Xiao was accepted as a disciple by the ancestor of the Wanshen Sect, and showed extremely terrifying talents. It was said that he had broken through to the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian.

It won’t take long for him to break through to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

This terrifying speed is a great threat to the Tianshui Divine Clan. They cannot accept the addition of a powerful Immortal King from the Wan Shen Sect.

Therefore, the Tianshui Divine Clan was already secretly planning to find an opportunity to kill Su Xiao directly.

In other words, directly destroy the Ten Thousand Gods Sect.

As for destroying the Su family, it is part of their plan.

As Dongfang Xun’s voice sounded, a person beside him slowly walked forward, with a ferocious smile on his face.

This is a powerful Daluo Golden Immortal. With the current strength of the Su family, it is absolutely impossible to block the powerful Golden Immortal.

When the people around him saw this, there was no mercy in their eyes, only sneers on their faces.

“The Su family is really stupid. Do they really think they are invincible with Su Xiao’s protection? The Tianshui Divine Clan is powerful, but they don’t need to give face to the Wanshen Sect.” “Even

so, I don’t know what Su Xiao will do after he finds out that the Su family has been destroyed. What kind of reaction is this? I’m afraid he will go to the Tianshui God Clan to cause a big fuss.” ”

Hahahaha, you guys are overestimating him. What kind of strength does Su Xiao have, but he dares to go to the Tianshui God Clan? Let his master, the ancestor of the Wan Shen Sect, go. .”


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