Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1143: The ancient imperial soldiers, Jiang Haoyue is constant with God

  Chapter 1142 The ancient emperor soldiers, Jiang Haoyue is constant with God

  Hearing this, the expression of the Emperor Mingyue changed.

   seemed to understand something in his heart, and murmured: "He is taking me to practice!"

Although the Great Sun Emperor did not say anything, the Mingyue Empress instantly understood.

  Tianjiuling Mountain.

  Dari Tathagata and Free Buddha are both candidates for the future Buddha of Tianjiu Lingshan.

  If their quest is to become the real Great Sun Tathagata, then they are fighting for the position of Buddha.

  This kind of person will not have any fetters for their children's personal relationships.

  Although she had this idea in her mind before.

  But when she really realized this, she felt a little dazed.

   "Emperor Mingyue, you already know the matter, please do!"

  The Great Sun Emperor did not have the idea of ​​leaving a name for the Moon Empress.

   "Thank you, the Great Sun Emperor, for helping me solve my puzzles. By the way, the Golden Crow Clan has invited the strong from the Celestial Ancient Beast Clan."

   "After passing the rumor, this ancient orc powerhouse has the blood of the monster in the ancient times!"

  Mingyue Empress said.

  The Great Sun Emperor helped her to solve her doubts, and as a gift, she informed the Great Sun Emperor of this matter.

   Hearing this, the expressions of the great sun emperor and sword emperor changed slightly.

  The ancient monster clan, that is a big clan that competes with the ancient ancestral witch clan.

  "Thank you, Empress Mingyue!"

  Thanks to the emperor.

  When he thanked him.

  Mingyue has turned around and stepped into the void, leaving with Chu Kuangsheng.

   "Da Ri, you shouldn't tell this information to the Emperor Mingyue!"

   "The Empress of the Moon, once let go of her heart knot, with her talent, she may soon step into transcendence."

   "Once, she helps Yangdi, in that case, it will be very unfavorable to you."

The Sword Emperor beside    spoke.

   "There is no choice. If we don't say it, Chu's crazy character will probably blow up our bodies."

   "Even if you and I join forces, they are not Chu Kuangsheng's opponents."

  The Great Sun Emperor shook his head and said.

   "At the time of the emperor war, the Chu Kuangsheng did not appear, but now he was born. This shows the determination of the Emperor Mingyue!"

  "What shall we do now? The helper invited by the Jinwu clan has the blood of the monster clan!"

   "Strength, I am afraid that we are invincible in the Great Emperor Realm. We may not be opponents.!"

   Sword Emperor opened his mouth.

  The sword emperor would not think that the helpers invited by the Jinwu tribe were beyond the realm.

  Although there have been a lot of strong surpassing realms in the star realm, transcendence is not Chinese cabbage.

   must be the master of one party.

   "Let’s go to see Emperor Tengtian, and with his means, even if I have the blood of the monster race, he should be able to help me resist!"

   "As long as we give us a little time, we should be able to figure out the secret realm where Zhu Rong the twelve ancestor Wu is located, and get his heart!"

   "I can fully grasp the power of fire and step into transcendence."

  Daily Emperor looked very confident when he spoke.

   "Let’s go to Wang’s house now!"

  The Great Sun Emperor finished speaking, and marked a gap in space.

  The Sword Emperor followed the Great Sun Emperor into the gap of space.

  The other side!

  Mingyue Empress returns to the palace.

  When she returned to the palace, Chu Tianxiang came to report.

  "Emperor, Jiang Haoyue of the Jiang clan and Di Heng of the Shang clan have been found here, and they have come to the royal capital!"

  "Di Heng is at Su Hao's mansion. Jiang Haoyue has an appointment with Su Hao tomorrow and will meet at Qingyuan Building."

   "The Jiang clan, the Shang clan, it seems that they came for the Yellow World."

  "Fudo Hades promoted the fusion of the two realms, and now controls the Yellow Realm. It is normal for them to have ideas!"

  Mingyue Empress nodded.

   "Emperor, do we want to follow up?"

   "The two big clans want the Yellow World, so there should be something in the Yellow World!"

Chu Tianxiang said in a deep voice.

   "Something is said, but it's useless to us!"

  Mingyue Empress seems to know some secrets.

   Hearing this, Chu Tianxiang is not in words.

   "I'm going to retreat for a period of time, you will be in charge of Xingyue Dynasty affairs!"

  Suddenly the Empress Mingyue faced Chutian Xiangdao.


  Chu Tianxiang nodded.

  "If the old and young people come back, let me know!"

  Mingyue Empress then ordered.

at this time!

  Su Hao Mansion.

  The Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Race and the Heaven Demon Emperor appeared outside the Su Hao mansion.

  When they arrived outside Su Hao’s mansion.

  I saw that Su Hao was giving away to Emperor Diheng of the Shang clan.

   "Seven elders, merchants?"

  Sky Demon Emperor looked at the two people sent away by Su Hao, and said with a puzzled expression.

   "The yellow world merges into the star world. There are some things in it, which are useful to several ancient emperors. It is normal for the Shang family to come."

  Gu Tianchou said softly.

  Outside the mansion.

  Su Hao saw the seventh elder of the ancient demons, Gu Tianchou and the Tianmo Emperor.

   "I didn't expect the two to come here at this time. I thought the two didn't want to continue trading anymore?"

  Su Hao looked at the two and said.

   "Something was delayed, so I just came back!"

  Gu Tianchou said softly.

   "Please among the two!"

  Su Hao asked the two to enter the mansion, talked a bit, and handed the ancient nail to Gu Tianchou.

  Gu Tianchou also handed the remaining Star Source Stone to Su Hao.

   "I just watched the two people, it seems that I have some understanding of the Shang clan!"

   Regarding the Yellow World, Su Hao didn't ask Di Heng, but he could ask the seventh elder of the ancient demons.

   "The Shang clan is one of the ancient emperors, and it is rumored that there is the blood of the ancient monster emperor Dijun!"

   "Born in the Yellow Realm, where is their ancestral land, I think they just came to find City Lord Su, they should have come for the ancestral land."

   "Yes! Not only the Shang clan contacted me, but the Jiang clan also contacted me!"

  Su Hao said.

   "They care about the yellow world so much, is there anything in the yellow world?"

  Su Hao asked directly.

  Gu Tianshou, the seventh elder of the ancient demons, was a little refreshed, and Su Hao also wanted to make friends with him.

   "There are some things that are helpful to their ancient emperors, but they are of no use to us!"

  Gu Tianchou said softly.

   "Well, someday something!"

   "The condensed soldiers of the ancient emperors can only be used by people of the blood of the ancient emperors."

  Gu Tianshou replied.

   "So, no wonder they want the Yellow World?"

  Su Hao now knows why they want the Yellow World, it seems that it is for the ancient emperor soldiers.

   "In this case, contact Jiang Haoyue tomorrow and see if you can cheat him!"


  At this moment, a huge explosion broke out over the capital of the Star-Moon Dynasty.

   Obviously there are two peerless figures fighting in the sky.

  Su Hao and Gu Tianchou looked at each other and disappeared into the lobby at the same time.

  At this time, two figures are facing each other in the sky.

  A majestic figure, long hair flying, and an endless divine light radiating from his body. The light is surging and floods the surrounding area.

   is Jiang Haoyue of the Jiang family.

  He is holding a spear that radiates shocking weather, and points it at another person.

  The other person showed a monstrous fierce air. In the evil spirit, with a domineering domineering.

  All of his power is concentrated on his fist, and the evil spirit on the fist condenses a black dragon circling.

  It was from Su Hao’s mansion that he left Shang Diheng.

   "Diheng, I didn't expect you to come and compete with me for the Yellow World. I will clean up you first today."

   Jiang Haoyue sneered at Di Heng.

   "Jiang Haoyue, let me see your skills."

  Di Heng spoke, his figure blasted out with a fist, and a black dragon strangled towards Jiang Haoyue.

  (End of this chapter)

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