Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1144: 1 Roar suppression, demon trading

  Chapter 1143 Yihou Suppression, Demon Trade Transaction

  Shang Clan Emperor Heng shot, and the black dragon roared with great power.

  On the opposite side of Jiang Haoyue, the light in his eyes flickered, and the spear in his hand was lifted, and the bright golden light surged on his spear.

   One shot bombarded the roaring black dragon.

  Boom! boom!

  The two forces collide together.

The space around    began to collapse as a result of the earthquake, and the aftermath of the collision swept toward the ground like a tide.

  Many above-ground buildings collapsed under the impact of this aftermath.

  Some low-strength warriors on the ground were overwhelmed by this wave of air, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

  This makes many people start to step back.

   "Who are these two people, they are so strong."

  People marvel at the power of the two in the air.

  Looking at them, they are all younger generations.

  There is such a combat power at such a young age, I am afraid that some older generations of warriors are not opponents.

  Each time Diheng shot, with a majestic domineering, he raised his hands and feet, bursting out a force that could break the sky.

  The other side.

  The spear in Jiang Haoyue's hand radiated bright light, and her whole body was enveloped by endless stars.

  At this time, he is like Zhou Tian and the stars dominating.

  Every shot, the same brilliant and extraordinary.

   "City Lord Su, the strength of these two people is the pinnacle of immortality, and the average elders are not their opponents."

  The seventh elder of the ancient demons looked at the battle in the sky and said in admiration.

  The peak of immortality, one step away is the Great Emperor Realm.

   is such a young man, who can step into the realm of the emperor with one foot, is definitely a stunning talent.

  This is a very shocking thing.

  Of course he said so, but he also wanted to see Su Hao’s reaction.

  But Su Hao looked calm.

  The strength of these two people is the pinnacle of immortality, but when they really fight, Su Hao is not afraid of them at all.

  Of course, he also wants to look at these two people unfortunately.

  This is the Star-Moon Empire. He doesn't know the strength of the Empress, but the suppression of the immortality can definitely be done by the Empress.

  What's more, there is Chu Kuangsheng who was just born.

  This person is a strong person who transcends the realm.

  You can crush these two people with a shot, and it will be no different from cleaning up the ants.

  Don't look at these two people being very powerful, but for the emperor or transcendence, backhand can be suppressed.

   Seeing Su Hao's complexion, the Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Race, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

  Su Hao didn't seem to pay attention to these two people.

  Recalling some of Su Hao's achievements, it seems that he is really strong, and the emperor has fought at the peak.

  Although it may be with other forces, it has indeed been fought.

   "I know who this person is. It seems to be Jiang Haoyue of the Jiang clan!"

  At this moment, the crowd spoke alone.

  "What is the ginger?"

  Some people don't understand the Jiang Clan, so they asked in confusion.

   "The ancient emperors have ruled the star realm for a period of time!"

   "Very powerful, this Jiang Haoyue seems to be the young patriarch of this generation, his strength is amazing!"

   "I didn't expect it to be so strong."

   "Then who is fighting him?"

   "I don't know this, but the background should be extraordinary."


  The two continued to fight each other and broke out that Yu Wei was getting stronger and stronger, and the construction and personnel casualties in the dynasty were getting more and more serious.

   "Two juniors, this is the Star-Moon Dynasty, not the place where you fight!"

  At this moment, a voice came from the void.

  With the appearance of this voice, a golden figure appeared.

  The golden figure, the face that can't be seen clearly.

   But after it appeared, he let out a low growl.

  The wild lion roars!

  A huge roar erupted from the mouth of the golden figure.

   Suddenly a huge earthquake

  The two people who were fighting each other were swept by the huge roar before they could react.


  The two of them fell directly from the sky and were shocked, suddenly sooting into the sky.

  When the smoke disappeared, the two embarrassed figures stood up from the ruins.

  A trace of blood popped from the corners of their mouths, and their eyes looked at the sky in horror.

  As the golden phantom in the sky finished roaring, it began to dissipate gradually.


  Two figures appeared beside them, it was the guardian who followed them together.

  Their eyes also looked towards the vanishing shadow gradually disappearing, and there was a color of jealousy in their eyes.

  Just now this phantom shot, they couldn't react.

  Fortunately, the opponent did not kill.

   "Master, this man is very strong, I am not an opponent!"

  The two guardians said in a deep voice at the same time.

   "Diheng, I can't kill you today, I will definitely kill you when I leave the capital!"

   "Jiang Haoyue, I am waiting for you!"

  Di Heng said in a cold voice, then turned and left.

   The roar just now.

  Have his qi and blood unable to calm down, he needs to go back and adjust his breath to recover from the injury.

  Na Jiang Haoyue watched leaving Di Heng, and a jade bottle appeared in her hand. He pulled out the cork, and suddenly a dragon-shaped jade gas floated out of the bottle.

  When it floated out, a fragrance appeared around.

  Everyone was surprised. They looked at the jade bottle and saw Jiang Haoyue pouring out a few drops of jade liquid. These jade liquid crystals were crystal clear.

  One of the dragon shadows is circulating.

  That Jiang Haoyue swallowed it directly, her body was originally impetuous, blood and injuries, but he recovered in a blink of an eye.

   "That is the dragon marrow, these treasures can be taken out at will."

  Many people saw the jade liquid in Jiang Haoyue's hands, and they were full of envy in their hearts.

  This dragon marrow is a treasure of heaven and earth.

  Recovering Qi and blood, Jiang Haoyue did not care about the envy of everyone.

   But looking at Su Hao not far away, two amazing rays of light came out of his eyes.

   "You just don't move Su Hao, the underworld city. Just now Di Heng should have met with you. You agreed to their terms!"

  Jiang Haoyue's eyes flickered, which was breathtaking.

  Just now he was playing with Gong Lingling on the street and saw Di Heng coming from the direction of Su Hao’s mansion.

  The two races were enemies of life and death, so they fought directly.

  Now after the battle, he wants to know if Su Hao has reached a deal with Di Heng.

   "Follow the city of Hades, Su Hao, isn't that the young city master of the city of Hades?"

  When Jiang Haoyue talked about Su Hao, some of them were taken aback at first, and then they remembered who Su Hao was.

  They couldn't help looking at Jiang Haoyue.

  This Jiang Haoyue is so courageous. He has just fought with that young man, and now it seems that he is about to provoke Su Hao in the city of Hades.

  For a time, the surrounding space began to become silent.

   Even turning around to leave Di Heng, when she heard Jiang Haoyue's question, her face was shocked.

   Jiang Haoyue's tone is really too big.

  He looked at Jiang Haoyue with an idiotic look.

   "Yes, I just made a deal with the Shang clan, Huangjie, Daluoyu, 100,000 top-grade star source stones!"

  "If you Jiang Clan want take out 100,000 Star Origin Stone, I can give you a domain!"

  Su Hao already knows some things about the Yellow World from the Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Race.

  So it’s okay to trade out.

  The ancient imperial clan, not only the Shang clan, but the Jiang clan, there should be other clan!

  It is best for him to change the star source stone.

   "What, 100,000 high-grade star source stone, high-grade star source stone."

  In the crowd, someone uttered an exclamation.

   Su Hao's words made them feel like they were being struck by thunder.

   Their eyes turned red, as if they heard endless wealth.

  Some low-strength warriors are a bit miserable, they really don’t know the Star Origin Stone.

  But when you see people exclaiming, you know the preciousness of Star Origin Stone.

  That Jiang Haoyue heard Su Hao's words, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she said in a deep voice: "100,000 high-grade star source stones, demon realm!"

  (End of this chapter)

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