Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1180: The dragon is now, the man behind the scenes

   Chapter 1179 Demon Dragon, the man behind the scenes


   in the valley.

  The man wearing the mask had a fierce light in his eyes.

   "Do not move Hades City, detached powerhouse, Demon Lord!"

  Although he was in the Valley of Burial Gods, he knew the changes outside.

   I didn't expect that this Demon Lord would follow Su Hao's side. What is going on?

   The brows under the man's mask could not help but wrinkle slightly.

   He looked at the big man, and at this time the Heavenly Demon Emperor had already been suppressed by the big man.

   The opponent's defense blocked his magic wheel.

   And he is not an opponent in terms of strength, which puts him at a disadvantage for a while.

  When the Demon Lord's breath appeared.

  The Demon Emperor thought that the Demon Lord would easily get rid of this giant ape?

   But after the Demon Lord made his move, his figure appeared in front of Su Hao, his eyes staring in all directions, as if he was looking for something.

   As for the Heavenly Demon Emperor, he was not in the scope of his consideration.

   "Could it be that there are still masters around!"

  Emperor Tianmo was taken aback.


   At this moment, the giant ape didn't kill the Heavenly Demon Emperor for a long time, and it seemed a little violent.

   "Looks like there are people around!"

   When the Demon Lord appeared.

  Su Hao knew from the Devil Lord's mouth that there was still one person hidden around him. This person was stronger than the previous seven people combined.

Although the    Demon Lord sensed this energy, he failed to lock the opponent.


   When Su Hao and the others were looking for the Qi machine, the giant ape behind the big man made a roaring sound.

   With this roar, the big man punched out

The moment    this punch was thrown, endless black airflow appeared in his fist.

   Then, like a vast ocean, it swept away toward the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

   This power completely shrouds the Heavenly Demon Emperor and does not give him a chance to recover.

   Watching the battle over there, Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

   He lifted his right hand, and the coffin of the Ninth Emperor flew directly into the void, and then moved towards the big man to suppress it.

  The big man seemed to feel the pressure that shrouded him.

   growled lowly, his figure rose into the sky, and his fists slammed into the coffin of the Emperor Nine who came to suppress him.

  The surging power swept towards the coffin of the ninth emperor in a blink of an eye.

   Nine Dao Emperor felt this power, and quickly converged and merged into an emperor body, which vaguely condensed into a real object.

   directly slammed the body of the ninth emperor's coffin with his palm, and pressed the emperor's coffin to the fist that was bombarded by the big man.

  The power of the emperor's body, plus the power of the god's coffin, simultaneously pressed against the big man.


   The void vibrated, and the huge force collided with the big man's double fists.

   The big punching man let out a scream, his arms all burst open, he was severely injured, and his body fell directly to the ground.


   was knocked to the ground by the coffin of the emperor, and the big man let out a low roar, and his body changed into a giant ape.

The   giant ape exudes a fierce and tyrannical aura.

   "I still can't perfectly control the violent emotions in my heart!"

  The masked man murmured.

   There was a slight disappointment on his face.

   The big man who turned into a giant ape and walked towards the Heavenly Demon Emperor and Su Hao.

   He radiated black light all over his body, like peerless iron, and every inch contained a terrifying, murderous and destructive power.

   The void around him began to collapse, and he could feel how powerful his body was now.


  The giant ape let out a low roar, it looked like a madness, and its vicious aura formed a tsunami, sweeping towards Su Hao and the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

   The Heavenly Demon Emperor in front of Su Hao was the worst. He was hit by this tsunami-like roar, and his body flew out and spewed out a mouthful of blood.

   The Heavenly Demon Emperor, who had already consumed too much, was injured more severely.

   As for Su Hao, the Demon Lord took action and formed a shield in front of them to block the drowned roar.

   Then the Demon Lord raised his right hand, and a fiery demonic flame formed in his palm.

   Then he punched out, and the huge demon flame drowned the giant ape on the spot.

   Immediately, an endless magical flame appeared where the giant ape was.


   In the flames, the giant ape let out a scream.

   Then his body, like a peerless iron, began to dissolve under this endless flame.

   Not long after, the screams of the giant ape disappeared.

  Su Hao, who was behind the Demon Lord, also felt a blazing heat. The Demon Lord's punch was too powerful.


   At this moment,

  Sudden void changes.

   A black light burst out of the void instantly and attacked Su Hao behind the Demon Lord.

   The Demon Lord's eyes changed, and he immediately punched out his left hand, trying to resist the sudden black light.

   The black light collided with the Demon Lord's fist, making a rumbling sound.

The energy generated by the    aftershocks instantly scattered and hit Su Hao directly.

  Su Hao flew upside down, his clothes were torn to pieces, and bloodstains appeared on his body.

  If it wasn't for his strong body, I'm afraid Su Hao would be smashed to pieces by this scattered energy.

   The Demon Lord appeared in front of Su Hao in a flash when he saw this. He found that Su Hao was not injured and his eyes turned cold.

   The aura around his body became extremely sharp.

   The breath on the body began to change, transcending the first level, and transcending the second level.

   Endless power emerged in this area.

   He punched out.

   The void changed, the void collapsed instantly, and then a figure fell from the void.

   The figure that fell down, wearing bronze armor, vomited blood, and looked at the Demon Lord in horror.

   He wears a battle armor with a fist print on his chest.

   This is what the Demon Lord just punched.

   "It seems that there are no masters on their side. They just came to a transcendence. As long as I hold this transcendence, my Eight Shikigami No. 1 Ancient Demon Dragon will be able to kill the Demon Emperor and Su Hao that day."

  The masked man in the cave said coldly.

   When his voice fell, his figure disappeared.

   At this time, the Demon Lord looked at the man who vomited blood, his eyes were cold, he stepped forward, and directly grabbed the man in the bronze armor.

   The bronze man's expression changed, and he clenched his fist to block the punch of the Demon Lord.

The    blasted fist shattered directly under the Demon Lord's fist.

  The Demon Lord slammed a fist into the chest of the man wearing the armor, and this time a crack appeared in the armor.

   then burst, and the huge punch directly pierced the opponent's chest.


  Blooming blood flowed out from the blood hole. UU reading www.

   But the man in the battle armor did not die, but roared, his body rose into the sky, and turned into a huge black dragon. The chest that was pierced before has become very small and is still recovering rapidly.

  The Demon Lord's eyes narrowed, and he grabbed it with one hand. The huge palm condensed in the air, covering the sky and the sun, and grabbed the black dragon.


   at this time.

   A figure appeared on the body of the black dragon, raised his hand and slapped it, and collided with the attack of the demon master, the energy scattered and merged into the void.


  The Demon Lord stared at the dark shadow and his eyes narrowed.

   This should be the person behind the calculation master

   Previously, he thought it was the man in the bronze armor, but after fighting, he realized that something was wrong.

  Although the opponent is stronger than the other seven, the vicious aura still exists, so there should be one more person.

   Now this man has appeared.

   (end of this chapter)

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