Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1181: explode, explode

   Chapter 1180 Destroyed, self-destructed

   "Kill me, it seems that the front is just a temptation, and now is the real shot."

   "I really want to know, who are you?" Su Hao said coldly.

   "Su Hao, the young city lord of Fudo Pluto City, the Heavenly Demon Emperor, you two will die today, so you don't need to know."

  The masked man looked at Su Hao and said coldly.

   "I stopped the Demon Lord, you go and solve them."

  The man wearing a mask appeared and ordered to the black dragon under his feet.

   Talking room.

  The man wearing the mask suddenly appeared in front of the Demon Lord.

   looked at the Demon Lord with a solemn expression.

   The aura on this Demon Lord is stronger than the projection aura passed on to him last time.

   gives him a kind of pressure, so it must be treated with caution.

"Who are you?"

  The Demon Lord looked at the man wearing the mask and said.

   This person is calculating them here, there must be a purpose.

   He wanted to see if the other party would say something.

   "You shouldn't come here, so it's normal to die. Let me see how powerful you are, Demon Lord."

  The masked man said coldly.

   Between talking.

  The man wearing the mask, with blue light all over his body, punched the Demon Lord with a punch.

   punched out a blue light that emerged in his hand and attacked the Demon Lord.

   The Demon Lord flashed and attacked.

   A powerful demonic energy erupted from him, and finally condensed on his fist.

  In the world of warriors, fists and strength are the greatest. Whoever has the thickest fist and the greater strength is the winner.


   The fists of the two collided, making a loud bang.

   Cracks appeared in the sky.

   "The battle broke out over there, it seems to be fierce!"

   Outside the Valley of the Burial God, some people who are trying to look at this side.

   They watched the spatial fluctuations created by the constant explosions in the air.

   quickly gathered towards this side, wanting to see what happened.

  The dangerous place to bury the Valley of God is the inner valley, the outer area is relatively safe, and there are many people who are trying.

   When they arrived, they watched the battle in the sky with horror in their eyes.

   "The Demon Lord, that's the Demon Lord. Who is the one who fought against the Demon Lord?"

   Some people looked shocked and said.

   "Who is that? It's Su Hao, the Young City Lord of Fudo Pluto City, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor!"

  Some people looked at Su Hao who was standing on the ground.

at this time!

   The black dragon in the sky turned into a man in battle armor.

   "You die!"

   He first appeared in front of the Heavenly Demon Emperor and punched the Heavenly Demon Emperor with a punch.

   The injured Heavenly Demon Emperor quickly took out the Heavenly Demon Wheel and collided with the opponent's fist.

   made a dangdang sound, as if metal collided, and the Heavenly Demon Wheel was shaken and flew upside down, and was directly mounted on the Heavenly Demon Emperor.


  The Heavenly Demon Emperor flew out again, blood flowing from his mouth, and looked at the fallen armored man, endured the injury, and stood up.


   That day the magic wheel directly entered the body of the Demon Emperor.

   The aura on the Demon Emperor began to become fierce.

   A terrifying aura erupted from his body, and his eyes became the same as the previous light from the Demon Wheel.

   Scarlet and dark.


   Those who were watching the battle not far from the Heavenly Demon Emperor were spit out a mouthful of blood by the terrifying aura emanating from the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

   They quickly retreated.

  The black dragon looked at the Heavenly Demon Emperor with a hint of excitement in his eyes. He raised his right hand and a bronze halberd appeared in his hand.

   attacked towards the Demon Emperor.


   The Heavenly Demon Wheel appeared again in the palm of the Heavenly Demon Emperor, but it was connected to his arm, as if it was his body.

  ! Bang!

   The two also fought, and a wave of terror swept downwards.

   If it is said that the Demon Lord and the others are fighting Void Collapse, their battle seems a bit violent and not so restrained.

  The remaining power is like a wave, coming towards the ground.

  Su Hao quickly retreated, and some warriors also retreated quickly.

   For a moment the ground they were standing on turned to powder.

   "Fortunately, we walked fast, otherwise we would have become scumbags!"

   Looking at the powder on the ground, the people who left earlier trembled.


   Fighting again, the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the Black Dragon were separated, their auras seemed a little unstable, and it seemed that they were evenly matched just now.

   "The strength of this demon emperor is so strong!"

  Su Hao looked at the fighting Heavenly Demon Emperor and was slightly surprised.

   "It seems that there should be no one in the dark, then get rid of them!"


   At this moment, in the sky, a huge golden palm fell.

   As soon as the black dragon raised his head, he was crushed to the ground by the giant golden palm.


   Some warriors looked at the black dragon being smashed on the ground by the golden palm, and their hearts were shocked, and their eyes looked into the air.

The figure of    Emperor Tathagata stepped out from the void.

   "Emperor Tathagata!"

   Seeing this figure, some of the people who came here shouted in exclamation.

  Golden palm, full of Buddha light, Buddha light enveloped the earth and directly covered the black dragon, to refine the black dragon.


   Looking at the appearance of the Emperor Tathagata, the man wearing a mask was slightly startled. No one showed up when he tried before and after the aftermath of Su Hao's power.

   Now that the Emperor Tathagata has appeared, it is conceivable that the other party should be waiting for something.

   "We will meet again!"

  The masked man shook the Demon Lord away with a palm, and his figure turned into a ray of light and left the Valley of God Buried.

   At this stage, the only option is to escape into the Valley of God Burial.

  The Demon Lord he can deal with, but the Emperor Tathagata cannot.

   The strength is different, and there are some disparities.

   He felt that even if he tried his best, there was no match for this Emperor Tathagata.

   So he just retreated and left.

   But you still have to let go of harsh words, and you have to give yourself a step down.

   "Want to go, do you think you can get it?"

   "My Buddha Cihang Vajra Buddha Body!"

  Emperor Tathagata looked at the masked man who escaped, snorted coldly, and a huge golden body appeared in front of the man.

  The golden body appeared, and the vast wave of Buddha's light shook out, blocking the masked man.

   and slammed it out. UU reading www.

   The azure light all over the man wearing the mask shone into the sky, and he also wanted to block the palm from the golden body.

   "Reverse yin and yang, the devil's palm shakes the sky!"

  The Demon Lord also stepped forward and followed the golden body to attack the man wearing the mask.

   The face of the man wearing the mask changed greatly, but his palms collided with the golden body.


  The man wearing the mask let out a scream, and half of his body was smashed by the devil's palm.


   The remaining half of his body spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the mask fell directly from his face, revealing a pale face.

   But now no one is paying attention to his face, but the palm of the demon master grabbed his head, wanting to search for his soul.

   "If you want to search for souls, you can't do it!"


   When the Demon Lord's palm fell, the remaining half of his body exploded directly.

   (end of this chapter)

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