Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1182: Jun family planning, mixed star disk

   Chapter 1181 Jun's family plans, mixed stars

   Looking at the exploding body, Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

   He doesn't know now, who is this man wearing a mask coming for, whether it is him Su Hao or the ancient demon clan.

   If he came for himself, then when did he offend such a strong person?

  The Jiang family, or other forces.

   If it is for the ancient demons, then I am afraid it has something to do with the revived elders of the ancient demons.


   The Heavenly Demon Emperor, who was not weak before, spit out a mouthful of blood, and hundreds of medicinal pills appeared in front of him, which he swallowed directly.

   After a while, his breath returned to normal.

   "What's going on with Elder Gu?"

  Su Hao asked with a condensed expression.

  The Devil Emperor hurriedly contacted Elder Gu, but found that he could not contact Elder Gu, his eyes narrowed.

   A blood-colored disc appeared in the palm.

   A drop of blood dripped onto the disk, and a phantom appeared on the disk, pointing in one direction.

   "Go, let's go over!"

  The Demon Emperor said.

  Su Hao has two masters by his side, even if there is danger over there, he can handle it.

   They are flashing rapidly.


   When they reached a place, the void in front of them suddenly collapsed, and a figure appeared from the collapsed void.

The appearance of    is Gu Tianchou, the seventh elder of the ancient demon clan.

  The Devil Emperor and Su Hao looked shocked when Gu Tianchou appeared.

   At this time, the seven elders of the ancient demon race had all their internal organs pierced. Except for the head, the body was destroyed in pieces, and the breath was extremely unstable.

   looks like he was almost killed.

   They looked at the void, wanting to see who the Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Race were like in the void.

   When Su Hao and the others looked at him.

   A terrifying breath came from the void.

  Emperor Tathagata and the Demon Lord appeared in front of Su Hao at the same time, blocking the pressure, but the Demon Lord and Emperor Tathagata still trembled slightly.

   Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, ready to send a master to deal with the people in the void.

   But in the blink of an eye, that breath disappeared, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

   "Well, let's go!"

  Su Hao's eyes froze for a moment, the opponent's strength is very strong, not inferior to the Jiang family Jiang Jiuyou.

   But he left without fighting. Could it be that he was afraid that Dugu Baitian would appear.

at this time!

  In the Valley of the Burial God, in the cave where the masked man was located, an old man with thick lines, the old man looked indifferent, watching the situation in the cave.

   A ray of light flashed in his eyes, a rune appeared in his hand, and a palm was printed on the ground.

   Then, countless blood-colored runes appeared on the ground. After these runes appeared, they roared and roared like tragic souls.

  In the middle of these souls, a cyan light group emerged.

  If Su Hao and the others were here, they would sense the fluctuation of this aura. It was the masked man they killed earlier.

  The old man grabbed the cyan light group with the palm of his hand, and an energy leader poured into the light group.

  The light group was injected with energy, and a soul figure appeared.

   After the figure appeared, he opened his mouth wide, and all the endless breath around him was sucked into his mouth.

  The figure also began to gradually become solid.

   In the end, he turned into the appearance of the previous man, his face was pale and bloodless.

   "I've seen the ancestor, have I destroyed that body?"

The man who appeared    looked at the old man and said respectfully.

   "Yes, the opponent is very strong, your body is directly shattered, and it is impossible to recover!"

  The old man said in a deep voice.

   "Then am I going to receive the corpse of the ancient demon clan now?"

   Hearing the words, the figure said with a very calm expression.

   "That body was originally prepared for you."

   "It's time for you to merge into that body!"

   "You better understand the situation first,"

   The old man informed the phantom in front of him about the situation.

   "That is to say, my body was destroyed by the Emperor Tathagata and the Demon Lord who did not move Hades!"

   When this figure said this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

   "It should be, I didn't participate in the battle on your side!"

  The old man replied, he intercepted the seventh elder of the ancient demon clan halfway, if not for the life of the seventh elder of the ancient demon clan.

   That Gu Tianchou had already been beaten to pieces by him.

   Their main purpose is to attack Su Hao, but the other party cannot simply think that they are attacking Su Hao.

   In this case, it will affect the layout of your house.

   "Is that so?"

   The figure nodded.

   "The ancestor, shall we go to the place where the ancient demon clan elder is?"

The    figure opened his mouth and said.

   "Let's go, Gu Tianchou was severely injured by my sneak attack and needs time to recover, we have plenty of time!"

   The old man said in a deep voice.

   After he finished speaking, he raised his hand and waved, a space fluctuation appeared in front of him, and he stepped into it.

  The figure stepped into it.


   They appeared in an underground cave.

   Inside the secret cave.

   A huge corpse was blocked in the secret cave, like a rock.

   "This body's last remnant soul should not be able to resist your erosion. If you can swallow that remnant soul, then you can successfully control this body!"

  The old man looked at the body and said.

   "Ancestor Ling, you can rest assured on this point. My soul has been cultivated for many years according to the soul thoughts of the ancient demons. As long as I enter his soul, I can control this body!"

   "The owner of this body is about to step into the eighth level of transcendence. As long as I fuse this body, then I will be able to reach the eighth level of transcendence!"

   The phantom said.

   "Let's start, the Seventh Elder of the Ancient Demon Race is injured and his soul will not heal. When he wakes you up, he will be your nourishment!"

   The old man said.

   From their conversation, it can be known that the seven elders of the ancient demons are just nourishment.

   The reason why this old man had hurt the seventh elder of the ancient demons was this reason.

   After finishing speaking, the figure turned into a phantom and merged into the head of the corpse.

   Silent, as if natural fusion.

   "Not moving Pluto City is still a problem, that Dugu defeated the sky is too strong, it is difficult to resist him!"

   After the phantom merged into the ancient demon corpse, the old man's eyes narrowed slightly.

   He looked at the situation around him, his eyes flickering.

   Another place.

   Gu Tianchou, the seventh elder of the ancient demon clan, has recovered some Seventh elder, should we go back now, and after the injury is recovered, come to wake up the clan elder! "

  The Devil Emperor said in a deep voice beside Gu Tianchou

   "No, recently I feel that the soul of the fifth elder is weakening. If it is dragged on, I am afraid it will have an impact on the resurrection of the fifth elder!"

   "I'm afraid the other party thinks so, so let's resurrect the fifth elders first!"

   Gu Tianshou said in a deep voice.

   "But if he does it when we resurrect the Fifth Elder, I'm afraid?"

   "It's okay, this time I brought the Ancient Demon Clan's Treasure Mixed Astrolabe, and at that time, I can block the space where I and the Fifth Elder are!"

   "Without the strength of the Eternal Realm, it is impossible to break the horoscope!"

   Gu Tianshou said in a deep voice.

   I have something to do this week, too much procrastination

   It is estimated that this month will not be better, try to update it!



   (end of this chapter)

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