Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1187: Demon Lord God tomb body, worship platform, Tai Chi God and Demon Figure

   Chapter 1186 Demon Lord God Tomb


  Su Hao sensed when his heart was beating.

   A huge vitality emerged from the body of the corpse.

   The Heavenly Demon Emperor beside him had a happy look in his eyes.

   With the beating of the heart, the soul of the corpse also showed signs of recovery, and an invisible spiritual force slowly radiated from the corpse.

   This power of the soul reveals a vast, ancient aura.

   When this breath appeared.

   The light of the astrolabe began to flourish, wrapping them all.

The    nebula was shrouded in nebulae, and for a while, the outside world could not see the inside at all.

  Su Hao narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to see through the situation inside, but what he saw was just a nebula.

   "That's the treasure of our clan. If the outside world forcibly breaks in, you can only get lost in the nebula. Even the detached powerhouse will be trapped in it for a long time!"

   "Of course because of this, his attack power is a little weak."

  The Demon Emperor said with a sigh.

   Although he was talking, his mind was paying attention to the surroundings.

  Although the enemy can't enter the defensive range of the mixed star, if he attacks them, he has no chance of winning.

   So he was just next to Su Hao.

   After all, Su Hao is protected by experts like Demon Lord and Emperor Tathagata, who can protect his safety.

   At this time, Su Hao and the others could only wait.

  It's okay, Su Hao immediately started to sign in.

  [The host has signed in today to get 100 points and the tomb card of the Demon Lord and God, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

   "Demon Lord God Grave Card!"

   Seeing this, Su Hao's eyes were stunned, he didn't expect to draw this.

   The current identity of the Demon Lord is the previous life of the Demon Lord, and he is also an immortal character, but the Demon Lord in the tomb of the gods is the perfect partner of the first ancient **** Dugu Baitian.

   That is to say, the strength of the Demon Lord is comparable to that of Dugu Baitian.

   I don't know if this **** tomb card has made the demon master's strength reach the realm of Dugu defeating the sky.

  Su Hao hurried to investigate.

  【Demon Lord God Tomb Card】: It can be integrated into the main body of the demon, which can help the demon master reach the ninth level of transcendence. With the magic weapon of his own attributes, he can worship the general platform, and the Taiji **** and demon map can fight for eternity.


  Su Hao could only think like this.

   But the Prayer Tower, the Taiji Gods and Demons, don't seem to be on my side.

   Then there is a look at 2 level 12 crystal draw cards in your inventory

   1 is obtained by killing more than 2 beasts before, and 1 is obtained by Yuhabach and the others who killed Tianxie Sect just now.

  It’s useless to keep it anyway. Today’s luck is on the table, and you should be able to draw good things.

   He directly clicked on 2 Level 12 Crystal Draw Cards.

   He now wants to add some means. After all, someone is plotting against Huangjie. As long as he finds out who it is, Su Hao will kill whoever he is.

  [The host consumes 2 level 12 crystal lottery cards, the lottery is in progress]

   [Congratulations to the host who has drawn a specific character and treasure, the Demon Lord-Waijuntai, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

   [Congratulations to the host who has drawn a specific character and treasure demon master-Tai Chi **** and demon map, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】


   Su Hao saw these two things, his eyes were straight, he didn't expect to draw it just after thinking about it, is this a dream come true, or is it a special show for the devil.

   He is preparing to pass things to the Demon Lord.

   However, suddenly a scream came from the area shrouded by the constellation disk.

   The one who screamed was Gu Tianchou, the seventh elder of the ancient demon clan.

   With the screams, the accompanying voice burst out: "Who are you, who are you?"

   The questioning voices continued, but after a while, they disappeared.

   "No, something happened!"

  The Heavenly Demon Emperor and Su Hao called out at the same time, and the two of them looked into the constellation plate.

   The Demon Lord beside Su Hao suddenly appeared outside the defense of the mixed star, trying to check if the defense had changed.

   But the defense of the horoscope is still there.

   "Can you open the Mixing Star?"

  Su Hao looked at the Heavenly Demon Emperor and said.

  The Heavenly Demon Emperor had a solemn expression, shook his head and said, "Only the Elder level can use this mixed star disk."

   Hearing this, Su Hao narrowed his eyes.

   He thought about whether to let Dugu Baitian take action.

   But Su Hao had a thought in his heart.

   Judging from the current situation, the opponent should be plotting against the ancient demons, so there should be strong people here.

  The Devil Emperor seemed to realize something that day?

   looked at Su Hao and said, "City Master Su Shao, can the Demon Lord and Lord Di Rulai be able to smash the defense of this soul astrolabe!"

   Demon Lord and Emperor Tathagata shook their heads at the same time.

   Their strength is still unbreakable, the defense in front of them.

   Hearing the words of the Demon Lord and the Emperor Tathagata, the Heavenly Demon Emperor's expression changed greatly.

   He didn't expect that the original protection has now become a deadly thing, making him wonder what to do for a while?

   "We can only wait for the news from Elder Gu!"

  Su Hao said in a deep voice.

  Although Gu Tianchou of the ancient demons had a deal with him, the situation is unclear now.

  Su Hao wouldn't make a rash move.

   as he speaks.

   The space shrouded in the nebula began to change.

  The originally rich star power began to become diluted.

  Su Hao and the others could clearly see the picture inside.

  Gu Tianchou fell to the ground, his face was pale, without a trace of blood, and his eyes became very empty, as if his soul had disappeared.

   On the other side, on the corpse of the fifth elder of the ancient demon clan, a soul above is devouring the power of Gu Tianchou's soul.

   "What a strong power. Now, my soul power is perfect, and I can better control this body."

  The shadow laughed and merged into the corpse of the Seven Elders of the Ancient Demon Race.

   "What's going on here? How could the fifth elder devour the soul of the seventh elder?"

  The Demon Emperor looked at the scene in front of him with a puzzled expression on his face.

   "That soul should not be the soul of the Fifth Noble Elder, but Elder Gu was just asking who the other party is!"

  The Demon Lord said.


  The Devil Emperor's eyes narrowed, he didn't expect such a situation to happen.

   His strength is too low to control any situation here.


   The defense of the mixed astrolabe disappeared, but Gu Tianchou's soul had been swallowed up. UU Reading

   That ancient demon fifth elder opened his eyes.

   An earth-shattering aura erupted from the ancient demon clan elder.

   This breath is still rising, when it is coercing the entire burrow.

   The fifth elder of the ancient demons began to fight slowly.

   When the ancient demon clan stood up, his body changed.

   In the blink of an eye, he turned into the pale-faced man Su Hao and the others met outside the God Burial Valley.


   Looking at such a situation, the eyes of Heavenly Demon Emperor, Su Hao, and others showed surprise.

   "Who are you? Why are you here?"

   Looking at the man who appeared, the Demon Emperor asked in horror.

   "Who am I, we just met before, but is my purpose here obvious? It's for the body of your fifth elder of the ancient demon clan."

   The man said coldly.

   (end of this chapter)

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