Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1188: The power of the demon master dominates the world

   Chapter 1187 The power of the devil, he dominates the world

   "You, who the **** are you?" The Heavenly Demon Emperor said in horror.

   "Who am I, you don't have to care!"

   "But I really want to thank you ancient demons, if it wasn't for your maintenance for tens of thousands of years, I wouldn't be able to get such a body!"

   As he spoke, he looked at Gu Tianchou who was lying on the ground beside him.

   "The Seventh Elder of the Ancient Demon Race, Gu Tianchou, although his strength is not very good, his soul strength is good!"

   The man's face was very indifferent.

   Talking room.

   raised his big hand, a huge handprint, grabbed Gu Tianchou's body directly, and held it lightly with his big hand.

  Gu Tianchou's body turned into a mass of flesh and blood.

  The man took a big mouthful to devour the flesh and blood.

   But when he sucked it in.

   Countless vines appeared in the void.

  These vines are wrapped in some flesh and blood, and they are swallowed directly.

   Let the man who appeared only get a part of Gu Tianchou's blood.

   Although it was only part of it, the man's face turned red.

   "Now is the time to deal with you. When I deal with you, it will be time for your ancient demons and Fudo Pluto to have a decisive battle."

   "After all, the clan elder of the ancient demons killed the young city lord of Fudo Pluto City.!"

   [Trigger quest: The opponent provokes the host from the front, how can the host tolerate it, kill the opponent and reward a level 12 crystal lottery card. 】

  【Level 12 Crystal Draw Card? 】

   Su Hao's eyes flashed.

   looked at the man in the void and said coldly, "Well, are you trying to plot that we won't move Pluto?"

   "Haha, this is not a calculation, if you don't come with them, you won't encounter such a thing."

   "But if you come today, you won't be able to leave!"

   At this time, the man looked at Su Hao with cold eyes.

  Su Hao may still be useful, but not others.

   "Don't force it, isn't it just fighting? Then let me see what kind of strength you are."

   When Su Hao was talking.

   The body and the Demon Emperor both retreated towards the rear at the same time.

  Emperor Tathagata and Demon Lord stepped forward.

  Su Hao doesn't think that the other party has perfect control over his energy now.

   Watching the Demon Lord and the Emperor Tathagata step out.

  The man stepped out, and a large formation of nebula appeared around him.

   These great formations began to compress the Emperor Tathagata and the Demon Lord, intending to trap them.

   He devoured Gu Tianchou's soul energy, and has been able to mobilize some of the energy of the mixed star.


  The Demon Lord and the Emperor Tathagata attacked at the same time, while the devilish energy was overwhelming, and the Buddha's light was shining brightly.

   They shot with all their might, directly shattering the surrounding nebula aura, rushing towards the young man, and for a while inside the cave, the cave mountain shook.

   Difficulty's expression changed. Although he could mobilize the energy of the astrolabe, he still did not fully control it.

   But he didn't expect to be smashed by two people so easily.

   His mind moved, and he raised his hand with one hand, and a burst of energy poured into the astrolabe.


   The constellation disk burst out with rays of light, and stars appeared one after another, attacking the two of them.

   This power is a bit strong for Su Hao and the Heavenly Demon Emperor, but not so strong for the Demon Lord and the Emperor Tathagata.

   After all, the horoscope focuses on defense.

The fists of the   Emperor Tathagata and the Demon Lord shattered the stars and came to the man.

   An angry look appeared on the man's face.

   Although he merged into this body and devoured Gu Tianchou's soul, this body is too powerful, and he still needs time to get used to it.

   Now that the Demon Lord and the Emperor Tathagata are bullying him, he can only fight first.

  Tai raised his arm and punched out to fight with the Emperor Tathagata and the Demon Lord.

  ! Bang!

   Continuing to fight, the fists of the Emperor Tathagata and the Demon Lord all landed on each other's bodies.

   The opponent's body was directly bombarded and flew backwards.


  The man vomited blood and his eyes were sharp.

   had some fist marks on his body, but in a blink of an eye it was back to normal.

   The strength of this body is stronger than the two of them.

   He just can't be fully mobilized now, but when he is fighting against the Demon Lord and the Emperor Tathagata.

   He was getting acquainted with his own body.

The   Emperor Tathagata and the Demon Lord didn't stop at all. After they made their move, they continued to attack the front.


  A golden Buddha body appeared behind the Emperor Tathagata, and a large hand was born from the Buddha body and pressed directly on the young man.

  The man immediately mobilized the strength in his body to resist the huge bergamot.

   He punched out and collided with the Buddha's hand of the Emperor Tathagata.

   A golden light filled the entire cave.

   And the figure of the Demon Lord appeared in front of Su Hao.

  Three things appeared in Su Hao's hands, which were directly passed on to the Demon Lord.

   The Demon Lord showed excitement on his face when he saw these three things.

   His strength has been incomplete.

   If he fuses the body of the tomb of God, his strength will be enhanced to an unbelievable level.

   But he did not immediately fuse the body of the tomb of God, but prepared to fight with this body first.

   also does not want to reveal his strength at this time.


  Emperor Tathagata's bergamot hand was smashed by the young man, and the young man's body was also shaken into the ground, and the ground directly formed a huge deep pit.

   "Haha, just because you guys want to deal with me, when I'm familiar with this body, I'll blow you up!"

Although the    man looked a little embarrassed, his eyes were sharp and his body was full of fighting spirit.


   That Emperor Tathagata turned around and returned after a blow, and appeared beside Su Hao, not intending to attack.

   "How do you know you can't kill me, do you want to give up?"

   "But do you think you can go?"

  The man is not willing to let Su Hao and the others go.

   "City Master Su Shao, what should we do now?"

   Heavenly Demon Emperor asked intently.

   "This guy is so arrogant, he is definitely going to blow him up!"

  Su Hao said coldly.

   "Break me up, you are not even the Great Emperor. If you want to blow me up, I will blow you up today!"

   After he finished speaking, the man's aura began to rise, his previous injuries recovered quickly, and a scarlet demonic energy emerged from his body.

   He stepped towards Su Hao and the others.


  The Devil Emperor's eyes narrowed when he saw this. When the man stepped, he felt a terrifying pressure, and the hairs on his body stood on end.

  If the other party shoots at you, UU reading www.uukanshu. com himself has no ability to fight back.

   Under the palm of his hand, he will become flesh and blood, no matter how strong his practice is.

   Just then!

  The Demon Lord stepped out, staring at the man with sharp eyes, and an aura of self-respect erupted all over his body.

   The Demon Lord at this moment exudes extreme power.


   Perceiving the change in the Demon Lord's breath, the Heavenly Demon Emperor's eyes were horrified.

   He felt that the Demon Lord was dignified at this time, stronger than that young man.


  The Demon Lord raised his hand, and a stone tablet appeared in his hand.

   As soon as the stele came out, a monstrous demonic energy enveloped the entire cave, and the Heavenly Demon Emperor looked at the stele. There were three words printed on the stele, the platform of worship.

   When I saw those three words.

  The Heavenly Demon Emperor only felt a dizziness in his head, he hurriedly closed his eyes and stopped looking at the platform.

   (end of this chapter)

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