Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1199: Immovable Hades City Branch

   Chapter 1198 Unmoved Pluto City Branch City

   Jun's house, in the secret realm.

   Six ancestors of the Jun family sat cross-legged on the suspended stone platform.

   "How can you not see the intention of coming to Pluto City!" The old man in the lead said.

   This old man is also the head of the Sixth Patriarch of the Jun Family, with the strongest strength.

   is the old man who was previously called by the sixth patriarch of the Jun family to be able to fight Dugu defeated the sky.

   Hearing the old man's words, the other five looked very ugly.

   "This young city lord who doesn't move Pluto City is too arrogant, he dares to come directly to my Jun's house!"

   "What is he trying to do? Do you want to do something to my Jun family?"

   A black-bearded old man said.

   Speaking of this, there was a cold and stern look in his eyes.

   He is the third patriarch of the Jun family and ranks third in the sixth patriarch of the Jun family.

   "With the current style of doing things in Fudo Pluto, I'm afraid it means to do something to my king's family!"

   The sixth patriarch of the Jun family said in a deep voice.

  He has been helping Jun Wushuang deal with the affairs of the Jun family.

   I know a lot about the outside world, and I have also collected information about Fudo Pluto City.

   "Even if the Dugu defeated the sky, what can we do, as long as the big brother can suppress the Dugu defeated the sky, we"

   "Do it, they are so arrogant!"

   Another old man said.

   This old man's hair stood up like a steel needle, and lightning flashed from the roots of his hair.

   He is the fourth ancestor of the Jun family.

   "Don't think it's that simple, there are five deputy city lords in Fudo Pluto City. Among them, Dugu defeated Tian, ​​and his strength is doubtful beyond the ninth level!"

   "I'm afraid only the big brother can compete!"

   "As for the other four city lords, there is one person who did not show up. We must be cautious and cannot take it lightly!"

   "Unmoving Hades is different from our previous enemies!"

   The second ancestor of the Jun family, who had not spoken, opened his mouth and said.

   There was a hint of solemnity in his tone.

  Although he did not leave this secret realm, he has always received some news from the Jun family.

   Regarding the immovable Pluto City, his consciousness was very complicated.

   "Second brother, even if they are strong, what can they do? Don't they just let the other side bully them."

   "Our Jun family has never suffered such an insult!"

  The Fourth Ancestor said in a deep voice.

   "War is definitely going to be fought, just be careful!"

   The Second Ancestor said contemptuously.

   Immovable Pluto has already taken action, even if their family wants to stop, I am afraid the other party will not.

   "When the time comes, when the other party arrives, we will appear together and see what the other party chooses!"

   The old man at the head said.

at this time!

   outside your house.

   Figures appeared one after another, and Fudo Pluto City took action against the King of the Golden Family, known as the never-falling family.

   is quite interesting.

   Although the Xiao family was strong in the past, the main force of the Xiao family was in the sea of ​​stars outside the territory, so the point of view was not as strong as the Jun family.

  The family of the three realms has a great reputation.

   If Fudo Pluto City suppresses Jun's family this time, then it can be said that Fudo Pluto City will definitely become one of the current overlords of the astral world.

   Aura appeared around Jun's house.


  While they were waiting, a flying boat came towards Jun's house.

   "Don't move Hades City, Su Hao's seat is here, the show has begun?"

   "I don't know, is it still as strong as before when I don't move Pluto this time?"

  Some people in the dark communicate with each other.

   Just before Su Hao's flying boat reached the sky above Jun's house.

  Su Hao stood up from his seat and looked towards Jun's house in the distance through the window.

   I remembered that I haven't signed in today, so I'm going to sign in on the Jun's house to see what I can sign in.

   Sign in silently.

  [The host will get 100 check-in points by signing in today, and the random reward will be divided into one, which has been stored in the inventory. 】

   "Does not move the city of Hades?"

  Su Hao listened to the system prompt and directly checked the information of this sub-city.

  The sub-city needs to be fixed in a certain place, the main city can be connected to the sub-city, control the situation of the sub-city, spend the star source stone, and can be directly teleported.

   "So arrogant, do you want me to occupy this king's family and become a branch of the city!"

  [Trigger quest: The host destroys the Jun family here, establishes the Fudo Pluto sub-city here, and rewards a level 12 crystal lottery card. 】


   Su Hao's eyes radiated light.

   at this time.

   A terrifying aura burst out from within Jun's house, locking on Su Hao's flying boat, as if to shoot down Su Hao's flying boat from the sky.

   Inside the flying boat, Black and White Jue looked cold.

   A breath burst out from him, shattering the pressure.

   Then Su Hao and Heihe Jue appeared on the deck of the flying boat, looking down at the Jun family.

   "Jun's family, is this how you treat guests?"

   Standing on the deck, Su Hao said coldly.

   The sound was not loud, but it enveloped the entire Jun family.

   "Hospitality, does City Lord Su Shao think he is a guest?"

at this time.

   Four figures flew out of Jun's house.

   was headed by the head of the Jun family, Jun Aohan, he looked at Su Hao with a gloomy expression.

   There were three other members of the Jun family behind him.

   The aura on his body is surging, and he is a strong person in the Great Emperor Realm.

  Su Hao and Heihe Jue stepped out of the flying boat.

   Then the flying boat behind him shrank and fell into Su Hao's hand, disappearing.

   "The Patriarch of the Jun Family, Jun Aohan, don't move, Su Hao, the Young Master of Pluto City!"

   "I came here today just to ask, is your family going to deal with me?"

  Su Hao looked at Jun Aohan and said with a questioning tone in his voice.

   "Su Hao, you are too arrogant, dare to talk like this to our Patriarch!"

   Jun Aohan did not speak, but one of the three who came with him said coldly.

   "This Su Hao is really crazy. He even questioned Jun Aohan directly. It looks like he's going to fight today."

In one place, Chu Kuangsheng said to Empress Mingyue.

   "This is the way they do things, as domineering as ever, check it out today!"

   "The Jun family is known as the golden family that never falls, but it's not that simple."

   Empress Mingyue said in a deep voice.

   "But this time it's better not to move Pluto City, maybe it can help us test the details of the Jun family!"

   "The doubts in my heart have always been there!"

  Chu Kuangsheng looked at Jun Aohan's direction.

   "Emperor Tengtian, do you think Su Shao, the city lord who does not move Pluto City, is arrogant, or is he prepared?"

   "Are there any masters around him?"

  Wang Tengteng Wang Sheng, as well as the great emperor and the sword emperor, the four looked at the situation of the Jun family in a void and said.

  The Emperor of the Sun did not detect any masters around, so he asked this question.

   "I didn't notice it either, but I knew that Dugu Baitian should be around."

  Tengtian Emperor shook his head.

   "Emperor Tengtian, who will win if the Jun family fights Fufu Pluto City?"

   "Jun's family is not simple, there should be someone who can compete with Dugu defeating the sky."

   Sword Emperor stared at the Jun family tightly.

   He doesn't know much about Jun's family, but the other party has been able to stand in the astral world for so many years.

   What's more, there are kings in the fairy world and heaven, and there must be means and characters who can cope with Dugu defeating the sky.

   "Look, it's hard for me to know too."

  Tengtian Emperor shook his head.

  The city of Pluto is mysterious, but the Jun family is very ancient and powerful.

   (end of this chapter)

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