Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1200: The Sixth Patriarch of the Jun Family, the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor

   Chapter 1199 The Sixth Patriarch of the Jun Family, Abandoned Heavenly Emperor

   on the other side.

  Su Hao's expression was indifferent, but he said in a cold voice: "I'm here to question, I'm here to question you. You guys are doing all sorts of tricks."

   "Shouldn't I change it and ask questions?"

"you wanna die!"

   Seeing Su Hao say this, the previous master of the Jun family couldn't bear it any longer and rushed out.

   punched Su Hao with a punch, the surging power condensed on his fist and attacked towards Su Hao.

   "Let's do it!"

  The people watching the battle thought that the two sides were going to have a fight, but they did not expect to do it.

   At this moment, the black and white beside Su Hao also moved.

   His body appeared in front of Su Hao and directly blocked the opponent's fist with his body.

  The fist of the master of the Jun family directly pierced through the body of Black and White Jue.

   "If you want to be me too, die for me!"

   The person who shot pierced the black and white body with a punch.

   There was a look of disdain and savagery on his face, and he wanted to burst into his arms again, shattering Black and White's body.

   But the next moment, he found that Heijue's body did not shed any blood, and Heijue's body was melting the power of his fist.

   "This, how is this possible?"

   The person who shot looked at his fist that pierced through the black and white body, and the power that disappeared, his face was full of horror, and there was a look of disbelief.

   If you punch a hole through yourself, how can the opponent's body and fist strength disappear?

   This is the idea of ​​the person who shot.

   Just when he was horrified.

   The black and white body began to split and change.

   His body turned into a giant pitcher plant and shrouded the punching man.

  The speed is extremely fast, and people have no chance to react.


   There was a huge scream for a moment.

   came out from the pitcher plant, and then the pitcher plant opened, and the black and white head appeared.

   When everyone watching the battle saw this scene, their pupils were trembling and trembling.

   The strength of the person who shot, in the late stage of the emperor, is also a master in the star realm.

   But now he was instantly killed by someone with a single move. Could the strength of this person beside Su Hao be beyond the realm of reality?

   "At the peak of the emperor, killing the emperor in the later stage is like slaughtering a dog. This person is not simple."

  Wang Tengteng Tiandi said in praise as he looked at Black and White Jue.


   Here, Jun Aohan's face was covered with frost.

   He didn't stop the shot behind him.

   Actually, I also wanted to test Su Hao's bottom line and Su Hao's bottom line for their Jun family this time.

   As soon as the people of his royal family took action, he was aware of the changes in the surrounding void.

   The wind was calm in the void, as if no one was going to take action.

   But he didn't expect that the people around Su Hao would directly kill the members of their Jun family after he took action.

   His eyes narrowed slightly, a cold light appeared, and he secretly said in his heart: "Do you believe in the strength of this black and white, or is there no one here?"

   "City Master Su Shao, you want to kill the people of my Jun family as soon as you come, what are you trying to do?"

  Jun Aohan looked at Su Hao and said coldly.

   "What do you want to do, it's very simple, that is, I like the site of your Jun's family and the secret realm of your Jun's family."

   "In view of what your family has done behind the scenes, give this to me, and our grievances will be written off!"

  Su Hao said aggressively.

  He came here to destroy Jun's family. Although there is no need to make excuses, it is still necessary to disgust Jun's family.

   This is the ancestral land of the Jun family, where the secret realm is located, how could it be possible to give him the immovable Pluto City.

   "This city lord Su Shao is too strong, and he even directly wants the land and secret realm of the Jun family. This is because he has no intention of reconciling with the Jun family!"

   "Is it too domineering to move Pluto before?"

   "Of course as domineering as ever."

   Some people are new born forces.

   They just heard that Fudo Pluto is domineering, but they have never seen it before, and now it is really domineering at first sight.

   Hearing that, the Jun Aohan electric casserole was covered with frost, and a monstrous aura burst out from him.

   His strength, Jun Aohan, was close to that of the ancestor of the Jun family. This aura was like a torrent, rushing towards Su Hao.

   In this torrent, the cold air is biting to the bone, and it will freeze Su Hao.

   He is angry, this Su Hao is so arrogant.

   A great emperor is not even a kid, how dare he be so rampant in his family, how can he tolerate it.


   When that cold snap appeared.

   A figure appeared in front of Su Hao, he waved his hand, the cold current shattered into nothingness.

   "Is this a man?"

   "Abandoning the Heavenly Emperor, I didn't expect that the Abandoning Heavenly Emperor came with Su Hao this time. I thought it was Dugu defeated the Heaven?"

   "Speaking of which, I don't seem to have given any hints about the location of the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor in Fudo Pluto City!"

  The people watching the battle looked at the Abandoned Heaven Emperor who appeared and said.

   "Why didn't you say it? This Abandoned Heaven Emperor seems to be the power of the Ten Directions in the City of Pluto, the Lord of the Demon Pool!"

   Someone said.

   This is still very early, when the Emperor Abandoned Heaven was in the four pavilions of the Xingyue Dynasty Station and mentioned it.

   "How strong is this person, I just said that he is very strong!"

   someone asked.

   "We don't know this either. The strongest battle was to severely damage the ancestors of the Xiao family. The strength must be beyond the realm!"

   One person replied.

   "Abandoned Heavenly Emperor, it is you who came!"

   Seeing the appearance of the Abandoned Heaven Emperor, Jun Aohan's face was solemn.

  After he retreated, Jun Wushuang reported to him in detail all the important people in Fudo Hades City, including the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

   When this Abandoned Heaven Emperor first appeared, his strength was not strong, but at that time it was rumored that he appeared as a clone.

   Now he destroys his own attack with a wave of his hand, and the opponent's strength is very strong.

   What's more, when the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor appeared, it was just that the void shook and people appeared.

   means that the other party has always been here, and he didn't notice it.

   when he was thinking.

   The aura of the Heaven Abandoning Emperor broke out unscrupulously and poured out towards the Jun family.

   "Our young master, we have taken a fancy to the land of your king's house. From now on, this will be the area where I don't move Pluto!"

   Abandoned Heavenly Emperor said loudly.

   When he was talking, he raised his hand and punched the Jun family residence. This punch was extremely terrifying.

  The great formation that the Jun family had previously arranged began to disintegrate under this punch.

   is about to disintegrate at the moment.

   Six figures appeared over Jun's house.

   A disc appeared in the hands of the headed old The disc emitted a dazzling light and poured into the great formation of the Jun family.

  The previous fragmentation formation, under the injection of light, began to no longer break apart, blocking the random punch of Emperor Abandoned Heaven.

   "Who is that, the sixth patriarch of the Jun family!"

  Some people from the ancient forces, saw six people appear, and said.

   "Do not move Hades City, you are so arrogant, you are going to destroy my king's house!"

   Among them, the fourth ancestor of the Jun family, with thunder and lightning in his hair, said angrily.

   "Is this the patriarch of the Jun family? Today is not to destroy your Jun family, but we will not move the Pluto City for this place!"

   After the Fourth Patriarch of the Jun Family opened his mouth, the Emperor Abandoned Heaven took one step forward.

   appeared in front of the six people in an instant, and the power in the body began to skyrocket wildly, and the breath all over his body directly reached the ninth level of transcendence.


   "Beyond the Nine Levels!"

   "This Abandoned Heavenly Emperor is also the ninth level of transcendence, and there are two masters of the ninth level of transcendence in Fudo Pluto City!"

   (end of this chapter)

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