Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1201: The plate of life and death, the cemetery of gods and demons

Seeing the aura that erupted from Emperor Abandoned Heaven, the spectators were all horrified.

Among them, the sixth patriarch of the Jun family changed slightly.

Before they came out again, no one thought that the strength of Abandoning Heaven Emperor was at the ninth level of transcendence.

The other five people, together with the head of the Jun family, looked at the ancestor of the Jun family at the same time.

That is the head of the old man of the Jun family, with a solemn expression.

He looked at Abandoned Heaven Emperor and then towards Su Hao.

"City Master Su Shao, are you really going to fight with my Jun family?"

"In the first battle, your Jun family will take action against me first, then I will take action against your Jun family, which is also normal. Old man, you all came out today, so stay!"

"This Jun Family site will also become my immovable Pluto City, a stronghold in the astral world!"

Su Hao looked at the ancestor of the Jun family and said.

To cut the grass and root, Su Hao didn't do it before, just to let the ancestors of the Jun family come out.

If you do your best as soon as you make a move, what will these people do if they escape.

If it appears now, then Dugubaitian should also appear.

Of course, if the Jun family still has a backer, then the projection of Gu Chensha and the demon master still remain?

"Shuzi, dare!"

When Jun Aohan heard that Su Hao dared to scold their ancestors, he immediately shouted in a low voice.

However, when he drank low, the void changed, and a figure stepped out of the void.

Around the figure who stepped out, there were torrents of demonic energy, and the torrents formed a trend of shock waves.

Under this breath, the world became dim, and a terrifying coercion swept the world.

"What a strong breath, is this Dugu defeated the sky?"

Emperor Teng Tian looked at the figure that appeared and murmured in his mouth.

He had seen Abandoned Heaven Emperor before, and he was very strong. At that time, he felt very strong, and it was not surprising that he surpassed the ninth level.

Dugu defeated the first battle in the sky, and he didn't come in person.

Seeing Dugu Baitian now, it gives him the feeling that he is as powerful as the first time he saw Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

"It doesn't move Pluto City, how many masters are there?"

"What is the strength of the remaining deputy city lord, and the other lords of the ten forces?"

Tengtian Emperor Teng secretly said in his heart.

"If they have another existence that transcends the ninth level, I think I should go to see this young city master Su!"

A young city lord can mobilize so many deputy city lords, as well as the lord of the ten forces, his status is by no means ordinary.

"Is this immovable Pluto city showing its ferocious teeth?"

"They seem to be here this time for the secret realm and territory of the Jun family!"

Next to Emperor Tengtian, the Sword Emperor said in a deep voice.

"It seems that the layout of Fudo Pluto City is almost the same!"

The Great Sun Emperor also said.

He never dared to interact with Fudo Pluto City.

It is to feel that Fudo Pluto City has huge ambitions, and it is for the sake of the star realm.

Instead of connecting with Fudo Pluto City, because he knows some secrets of the astral world.

Once the astral world recovers, the great forces of the heaven and the immortal world will definitely come.

At that time, if you don’t move Pluto City and want to unify the star world, a war will break out.

This is what he worries about.

In fact, his worry was superfluous, Su Hao had no idea of ​​unifying the star realm at all.

This time, he planned to occupy Jun's house because when he just signed in, he got an immovable Pluto city branch.

Moreover, Fudo Pluto City should also occupy a place as a stronghold, so it will be the land of the king's family.

For a time, everyone looked at the sky.

Su Hao said so, then the war will definitely break out today.

Of course, for the Jun family now, they are at a disadvantage, depending on what cards the Jun family has.

The old man headed by the Jun family has solemn eyes.

He looked at Abandoned Heaven Emperor and Dugu Baitian.

He said coldly, "I didn't expect that there would be two existences beyond the ninth level, which really shocked the old man."

"But my Jun family has been standing in the star world for hundreds of thousands of years. Don't you have any background? Then you all underestimate my Jun family!"

When the headed old man was talking.

The disc that fell into the great formation of the Jun family earlier fell into his hands in a blink of an eye.

Then one after another energy poured into the disk from his body.

At the same time that the disc was shining brightly, two breaths appeared, one life and one death.

"Please enter the old man's life-and-death battle!"

The headed old man wanted to pull Dugu Baitian and Qitian Di into what he said was the life-and-death plate.


Dugu Baitian stepped forward, and the cemetery of the gods and demons appeared behind him

When Shenmoyuan Mausoleum appeared.

A terrifying aura flowed out, directly hitting the life-and-death plate in the old man's hands.

The suction force generated by the life and death disk disappears instantly.

Shrouded in the tomb of the Gods and Demons Garden, the monstrous aura of the gods and demons, already the energy of life and death, burst out crazily, suppressing the old man's life-and-death plate.

There are many gods and demons buried in Shenmoyuan Mausoleum.

These gods and demons crawled out of the gods and demons to produce life and death, so the gods and demons cemetery, in addition to the spirit of gods and demons, also had a huge dead energy and vitality.

Compared with the old man's life and death disk, it is not bad at all, and there is a vague suppression.

"Want to pull us in? Let's see if you can survive in my hands!"

A long sword appeared in Dugu Baitian's hand, which was his weapon.

He stepped out.

A terrifying aura of death emanated from him, boundless, making everyone feel a burst of heart palpitations and chills.

Lifting the long sword in his hand, the endless black sword energy ripped apart the sky and slashed directly at the old man.

The old man's expression froze when he saw the long sword that was cut over. He had previously wanted to pull Dugu Baitian and Qitiandi into the life-and-death plate.

Block them both for a while!

He believed that during this time, other people should be able to deal with Su Hao.

But he didn't expect that the treasure in Dugu Baitian's hand could suppress his life and death plate.

He also shot at him immediately, and now he can only do it.

A black magic dao appeared in his hand, and a scarlet blood color appeared in the air from the magic knife.

Then he slashed towards Dugu Baitian.

The knife came out, and the sky was painted red, like blood.


The sword qi collided with the sword qi, and let out a loud shout.

The sword qi blasted by the headed old man was shattered, and his body directly slammed into the battle of Jun's family.


The guarding formation of the Jun family immediately collapsed.

And Dugu Baitian held a long sword and stood in the void, without the slightest movement.

"This, your strength!"

The old man headed by the Jun family didn't care, the great formation behind him was shattered, and his eyes looked at Dugu Baitian in shock.

Not only the elders of the Jun family were shocked, but the people watching the battle were also shocked.

The strength of the ancestor of the Jun family must be at the ninth level of transcendence, but in the battle with Dugu defeated the sky, he was invincible.

"Emperor Tengtian, the strength of this Dugu defeating the sky, isn't it?"

The Great Sun Emperor asked with a horrified face, and beside him was Emperor Tengtian.

"Not yet, it is still the ninth level of transcendence, but the strength is stronger than that of the ancestor of the Jun family!"

Emperor Tengtian's eyes flickered, as if he could see through everything.

"I'll block them, and you can take people away!"

After the old man of the Jun family felt the strength of Dugu Baitian, his face was extremely solemn.

With a low voice, a huge black moon appeared behind him.

And under the increase of the black moon, the black long knife in his hand revealed a powerful murderous intent, shrouding Dugu Baitian.

Just when this murderous aura appeared, the old man's face turned pale.

The blow used all his strength.

Dugu Baitian stepped forward and slashed out with a sword, and the sword slashed the sword with a force of destruction.


The two forces collided and burst into the void, and the surrounding void burst wildly, forming a space storm.

At this moment.

The other ancestors of the Jun family headed towards the Jun family. They knew that they were not opponents and needed to evacuate immediately.

"Aren't you supposed to abandon the Heavenly Emperor for me?"

Just as they turned around, a domineering voice came from the void.

with the sound.

A big hand shrouded directly down, and the big hand carried a terrifying and destructive force, sweeping towards the remaining five ancestors of the Jun family and Jun Aohan.

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