Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1206: Nameless Heavenly Sword Body, Eternal Limitation Card, Dong Huang Tai 1

"The seal of the star world, you said that the lock of the nebula is the seal of the fairy world."

Heihe Jue was shocked when he heard the news.

"This is the news I know, but I don't know whether it is specific or not." The Demon Emperor said.

"I will inform our young master of this news, but our young master does not like the way your ancient demons do things."

Black and White Jue looked at the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"In this matter, it was our ancient demons who did something inappropriate, but the news was not leaked on purpose. The three elders of our ancient demons will come to the star realm in person after a while to see the young master."

The Heavenly Demon Emperor directly pulled out the third elder of the Ancient Demon Race.

"Really? When the three elders of the nobles come, let's talk about it, I'll go back first!"

After Hei Jue finished speaking, he disappeared in front of the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

"This Black and White Jue feels a little terrifying, but he was able to find me in the first time." The Heavenly Demon Emperor murmured while looking at Black and White Jue.

"But I happened to be in retreat for a period of time to practice, and I didn't participate in other things."

After thinking about it for a while, Black and White was ready to retreat and practice.

at this time.

Do not move the Pluto sub-city.

Su Hao sat in the main hall, and Heihe Jue informed Su Hao of the news he got from the Heavenly Devil Emperor.

Su Hao frowned slightly, he didn't expect that the Nebula Lock would be the Star Realm seal.

"And this star realm is actually a node in other spaces. It's a bit interesting. Once the seal of this star realm is opened, I am afraid that the major forces in the heaven and immortal realms will not be able to sit still."

Su Hao thought to himself.

These are all things to worry about later. Now that the Nebula Lock has not yet appeared, I am afraid that the seal will not be so easy to unlock.

I just need to increase my strength, don't worry about the rest.

Su Hao then glanced at the 2 lottery cards in the inventory.

He first clicked on a 12th-level crystal lottery card.

[The host consumes 1 level 12 crystal lottery card, the lottery is in... ]

[Congratulations to the host who has drawn the character Wuming, Tianjian body, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

Hearing the system's voice, Su Hao's eyes lit up.

This time the draw turned out to be the Wuming Tianjian body, what is this?

Click on the item bar to explore.

[Wuming Heavenly Sword Body]: After the Heavenly Sword Body merges with Wuming, Wuming's strength can step into the transcendence realm. As for how many steps to step into, it is determined according to Wuming's own understanding and resources.

"What, need resources!"

Su Hao looked at the prompt given by the system and looked stunned.

He didn't expect to need resources, the system is too pitiful.

Thinking of this, Su Hao immediately arranged Wuming to come to the sub-city of Fudo Hades City.

Resources, and now it can only be said that his own side has the most resources.

Then he looked at the non-level lottery card again and clicked it directly.

[The host consumes 1 non-level lottery card, and the lottery is in the lottery......]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing 1 Eternal Nine Limit Card - Taiyi Donghuang, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Eternal Nine Limit Card, Dong Huang Taiyi. 】

Su Hao was surprised when he heard this voice.

Su Hao didn't hear about the eternal ninth layer, as to whether it was restricted or not. Anyway, he heard the eternal ninth layer.

The previous system did not even have an Eternal Realm, but now there is one.

He immediately checked, wanting to see what this Eternal Nine Limit Card was.

[Eternal Nine Restriction Card - Donghuang Taiyi]: At this moment, you can help Donghuang Taiyi to directly fight the Eternal Nine, but it is limited, and you can only use the power of Eternal Two or more once in three months.

"Once every three months, this is the same as the previous Abandoned Heaven Emperor, but I finally have an Eternal Realm here, or the Eternal Ninth Layer!"

"It's also an extra nuclear weapon-like character!"

Su Hao thought in his heart.

The face is very excited, this time the card of the Eternal Realm appears, which means that the system is opening up the characters of the Eternal Realm.

"It seems that there will be people in the eternal realm in the heaven and the fairy world."

Su Hao thought in his heart.

At this time, in the previous Yellow Realm Demon Domain.

The Jiang family's people appeared outside the valley they explored earlier, but they did not enter the valley, as if they were waiting for someone.

Not much time.

A tower appeared in the void, and countless runes appeared on the tower, which seemed to give people a feeling of being absorbed,

The people from the Jiang family below looked at the pagoda that appeared with respect in their eyes.

This pagoda is in the air, exuding a majestic atmosphere, like a mountain peak, suspended above the valley.

After a while, a middle-aged scribe in white came out of the tower.

Three men in white clothes followed behind him, and these people exuded a surging aura of power.

At this time, a member of the first Jiang family on the edge of the valley stepped forward and said respectfully, "See the elders."

"This is where the imperial soldiers were found earlier."

The middle-aged scribe who came out of the tower looked at the cloudy valley road in front of him.


The leader said quickly.


The middle-aged scribe said to the men in white behind him.

The man in white behind him immediately stepped forward.

They all had a stone plate in their hands, after the stone plate appeared.

Pieces of dazzling Star Origin Stone emanated from his hands and fell towards the surroundings.

In a moment, their figures disappeared.

When the others saw this scene, their eyes became serious and their expressions were extremely focused. Only the middle-aged scribe in white looked at the valley in front of him.

Time passed little by little.

Suddenly, a person walked out of the place that was previously wrapped by the energy of the star source.

He came to the middle-aged scribe: "Elder Qing, the imperial soldiers here should be first-class imperial soldiers, weighing a thousand feet."

The man opened his mouth and said with excitement on his face.

Hearing this, the middle-aged scribe's face was overjoyed.

He didn't expect to find a first-class imperial soldier here, still weighing a thousand feet.

"Okay, then let's enter the valley!"

After the middle-aged scribe knew that there was news of a thousand feet in the valley, he ordered it directly.

First-class imperial soldiers are very important to the Jiang family.

He must retrieve it as soon as possible and bring it back to Jiang's house, lest there be too many dreams at night.

What's more, the site of Pluto City is still untouched here. If the other party tries to **** it, it will be a little troublesome at that time.

Before this middle-aged scribe came, he investigated some circumstances of Huangjie.

Now Chen Zhan is stationed in the fire domain of Huangjie.

According to the information from the investigation Chen Zhan's realm is at the peak of the emperor, and it is suspected that he has the first level of detachment.

But he is completely able to deal with the first level of detachment, but he is afraid that it will not move the city of Pluto, and there are other masters here.

So he immediately took out the imperial soldiers and took them away.

Of course, the first-class imperial soldiers are not so easy to obtain, and it takes some time.

Now time is of the essence.

The group followed the men in white and headed straight for the valley.

After a while, the Jiang family disappeared from sight.

After the Jiang family entered the valley, a group of people appeared where the Jun family had stood before.

The leader was a man wearing a yellow robe, exuding endless domineering and majesty, and it was Li Chenzhou who was in charge of the fire domain.

Of course, he is now showing his realm, and he is still at the peak of immortality.

As for the death of the true demon leader, outsiders simply don't know that he did it.

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