Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1207: Weight 0 feet appeared, Jiang family lineup

Behind Li Chenzhou, three men in black robes followed.

They are the people of the imperial family who came from the Shang family.

"Thank you, Brother Li for your help. There may be some danger in it. Brother Li is waiting for us here."

One of the people from the imperial family said.

"It's okay, I'll go in with you. There is an order from the young master, but I don't want the Jiang family to leave alive."

Li Chenzhou said.

"City Master Su Shao has such an order, but Mr. Chen Zhan doesn't seem to be here. The other party just entered is Jiang Qing, the peak of the emperor. It is rumored that if you use the emperor's soldiers, you can go directly to the first level of transcendence."

Hearing what Li Chenzhou said, the businessman who spoke earlier said.

"Beyond the first level, it's okay, we will handle it here!" Li Chenzhou said flatly.

Hearing this, the three Shang family members were slightly startled.

But this matter is not moving Pluto City to inform them, so the other party is going to enter together now, and they can't stop it.

The four of them headed towards the valley.

Inside the valley, the old Jiang family who entered earlier.

When entering the valley, three chess formations appeared in his hand, flew out directly, and landed on the ground outside the valley.

The moment it fell, it disappeared.

This is to prevent someone from stepping into the valley and being able to hinder the other party for a while.

Of course, it also facilitates his discovery.

After arranging these, he looked at the people holding stone plates beside him to find the position of the imperial soldiers.

The men in white immediately stepped forward, sat cross-legged, and the energy all over their bodies melted into the stone plate.

Immediately, the stone disk shone brightly, and streaks of white light began to cover the valley.


Just after these white lights enveloped the valley, suddenly the ground of the valley began to shake.

Feeling the shaking, the people of the Jiang family looked normal.

They stared closely at the ground in the valley, and a huge crack started on the ground.

After the crack appeared, a huge weight appeared in the valley.

Some of the weaker Jiang family members were directly pressed by this heavy pressure, and a trace of blood spilled from the corners of their mouths.

The white-robed scribe, with a wave of one hand, sent out a force in his hand, blocking the invasion of the heavy pressure.

The crack is still expanding, and as it expands, a white light emerges from the crack.

"Take it!"

Seeing this situation, the scribe in white immediately shouted in a low voice.

The man who held the stone plate in his hand before flew away from their arm in an instant, and moved towards the white light to suppress it.

The white light that just rushed out was directly suppressed by these circles and turned into a pitch-black ruler.

The suppressed ruler was constantly struggling, but it couldn't break free from the suppression of the surrounding stone plates.

Emperor soldiers are just weapons, and only the people he needs to use can show their formidable strength.

Of course, it is rumored that the Jidao Emperor can burst into a powerful formidable power by itself.

"It weighs a thousand feet, our Jiang family, one more first-class imperial soldier!"

The middle-aged scribe, he stepped forward, raised his palm, a huge handprint was formed in the air, and grabbed the black ruler.

"Haha, Jiang Qing, I didn't expect you to lead us to find a first-class imperial soldier. I really want to thank you."

At this time, four figures came out from the dark.

One of them also raised his hand, directly shaking off the previous handprint of the white-robed scribe.

"Di Hao, why are you here!"

Looking at the man in black who appeared, the man in white changed his face and said coldly.

He set it up outside the valley

"Of course it's for this imperial soldier."

That Emperor Hao said very calmly.

"It seems that you have been staring at my Jiang family, but do you think you can take this imperial soldier with you?"

That Jiang Qing watched Di Hao burst out with a huge coercion.

But at this time, he saw Li Chenzhou in the middle of the four.

"I didn't expect that the people who didn't move the city of Hades also came along. It seems that you should find out that our Jiang family discovered the emperor's cave."

The scribe in white looked at Li Chenzhou and said.

Huangjie had not moved the Pluto City site before, and if the traces of the Jiang family's people could be found, they only had to move the Pluto City.

"You Jiang family Jiang Ziya, dare to count our young master, this feud has not ended yet?"

Li Chenzhou said coldly.


Just as Li Chenzhou's voice fell, the Jiang family suddenly shot and killed Li Chenzhou and the others with a palm.

"Thousand Thunder Soul Destroyer Palm!"

With this palm, there is an endless sound of wind and thunder.

There is also a soul-destroying power in the wind and thunder, as if to directly destroy the human soul.

The power of this blow is unparalleled, if it is hit, I am afraid that it will kill people's souls.


That Emperor Hao snorted coldly and threw a punch with equally astonishing power, blocking the punch.

But a violent force emanated from the surroundings.

The strength that had previously suppressed the heavy thousand feet loosened.

A heavy pressure pressed against everyone like a mountain, causing the ground to collapse.

The rumbling continued to erupt.

At this time, a long stick appeared in Di Hao's hand, his figure flashed, and he rushed up directly, hitting the man in white with a stick.

The face of the man in white changed, a silver bracer appeared on his arm, and he punched his palm directly.

He did not use the previous pagoda outside the valley.


The two forces collided, but the difference in combat power between the two was not large, and there was no way to tell the winner for a while.

"I'm going to get that heavy thousand feet, you protect Brother Li!"

A business man said.

With a flash of his figure, he grabbed towards the heavy thousand feet. Jiang Qing stood with Emgrand, and he could handle the others.

But when he was about to grasp the weight of a thousand feet with his palm, he suddenly felt a danger of death.

The person who came from this death crisis made him feel unpredictable.

A sword glow appeared in the void, and the sword energy penetrated the void and stabbed the man who shot directly.

The man hurriedly changed his body, but the hand he grabbed was slashed by the sword glow.

The man in black let out a scream, and quickly retreated back, his eyes looking at the void.

A middle-aged man with a sword stepped out.

"Jiang Jianhen, I didn't expect you to come and hide in the dark."

Looking at the person who appeared, the man with the broken arm said resentfully.

"Hmph, do you think that there is only one person in my Jiang family?"

Jiang Jianhen let out a cold voice and another man appeared beside him.

As soon as the man appeared, he looked at Li Chenzhou sharply.

"I was thinking about getting to know Fudo Hades City, but I couldn't find a suitable person. The characters you appeared in the early days of Li Chenzhou should be able to help Jiang understand Fudo Hades City."

While the man was talking, he raised his hand to grab Li Chenzhou, and a huge handprint appeared in the void, pressing down on Li Chenzhou.

"Brother Li, step back!"

Another business man beside him stepped forward and threw a punch, but the punch was directly smashed by the huge palm force.

Seeing that Li Chenzhou was about to be caught, Di Hao who had previously fought against the man in white stunned the man in white with a palm.

Appearing in front of Li Chenzhou blocked the man from grabbing a palm.

"Jiang Yulu, I didn't expect you to come here. It's a big deal. One is beyond the 1st level, and 2 are the peak of the emperor."

That Emperor Hao looked at Jiang Yulu who appeared.

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