Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1300: Rules for the replacement of the throne, 9 guardians

"Cooperation is possible, as long as your Xing family pays the starting price, we will definitely help you solve some troubles!"

Su Hao said.

The Ming organization originally appeared in the form of a killer organization, and it was normal to take money to do things.

The Great Dream Dynasty must be replaced by someone.

As for whether it is the Xing family of the Wu clan in the end, it is hard to say.

Previously, Su Hao heard that Xing Wuming's back and Da Meng Tianchao's back belonged to the same palace.

Now the Xing family is thinking of replacing the Great Dream Dynasty, and it can be seen that the forces behind them are not monolithic.

At this time, Su Hao was also slightly surprised.

The strength of the Dream Emperor just appeared is similar to that of the current Tang Emperor, and it is estimated that it has reached the eighth level of detachment.

The Dream Emperor of the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty is a figure who has been in charge of the Great Dream Heavenly Dynasty for tens of thousands of years.

Menghuang was the prince ten thousand years ago, and he is still the prince now in his reincarnation.

The Dream Emperor of the Great Dream Dynasty is definitely an old antique.

It is the Celestial Dynasty, and the background is definitely not ordinary.

Xing Wuming, the general of the Great Dream Celestial Dynasty, must know the power of the Great Dream Celestial Dynasty.

Knowing that, if you dare to face it, it means that Xing Wuming has some certainty.

"It seems that the Witch Royal Court really exists!"

Su Hao thought in his heart and said, "When did your Xing family come out of the Great Dream Dynasty?"

Cooperation? You must know some basics.

Otherwise, how to cooperate can not rely on just one mouth.

"One month later, the four northern states of the Great Dream Dynasty will split, and my Xing family will announce the establishment of the Witch Royal Court!"

"When the time comes, I hope that Young Master Fang will be able to visit my Wu clan royal court in person!"

Xing Mu said.

Xing Mu didn't ask Kaguya Otsutsuki, but Su Hao.

Su Hao is the young master of the Ming organization, inviting Su Hao also means inviting the Ming organization.

Su Hao's presence means the presence of the Ming organization.

"Okay, then I will go to the Witch Royal Court!"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't expect the Xing family to move so fast that they would set up the Wu clan royal court.

Xing Wuming hid it deeply enough.

"This is the token of my Xing family. After the independence of the four northern states of the Great Dream Dynasty, Fang Shao will host this token and there will be a special reception!"

That Xing Mu said.

"Then thank you Elder Xing!"

Su Hao took the token and thanked.

"Then the old man is waiting for Young Master Fang in the royal court of the Wu clan!"

Xing Mu looked very happy.

Their Xing family established the Wu clan royal court, and they definitely hope that powerful forces will visit.

If the Ming organization came, maybe that Yaochi Holy Land would also send someone there.

There are two powers at once.

It's a good thing for their Witch Royal Court.

"Then the old man will leave first, and go back to the Xing family to report this matter to the witch master and the ancestors of the witch clan!"

Then Xing Mu said.

"Then don't send Elder Xing!"

Su Hao bowed slightly and said.

After Xing Mu left.

Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, he could know from the last sentence of the other party.

In addition to Xing Wuming, the Wu people also had their ancestors.

The strength of this Xing Mu is in the second level of detachment, and the strength of the person he calls the ancestor is not simple.

"Wizard, I don't know what kind of characters will appear!"

Su Hao thought in his heart.

After a while, Yao Bingyu and Lu Yinglong returned to the house.

Then Lu Yinglong saw Su Hao and said, "Thanks to Young Master Fang for your help this time, so that we can have a relationship with the Ming organization."

Lu Yinglong saw Kaguya Otsutsuki approaching Su Hao, calling him the young master.

It means that Su Hao is not the young master of the Ming organization, but the young master of the forces behind the Ming organization.

Su Hao is very mysterious in his eyes now.

There was a suspicion in his heart that Su Hao was not the other party's real name.

"It's a small effort, but Deputy Sect Master Lu, I am the Young Master of the Underworld Organization!"

Su Hao said softly.

"I understand this!" Lu Yinglong said hurriedly.

"Then shall we return to Chang'an City?"

Su Hao said and led the two of them towards the teleportation formation.

the other side.

Inside the Ziji Hall in the center of the Imperial Palace of the Tang Dynasty.

"Underworld organization, what kind of force is this force, and there are masters who surpass the ninth level!"

A voice came from above the throne.

"Your Majesty, do you need to go check it out?"

In this voice fell.

Another voice came from the hall.

The place where the sound came from.

There were nine people standing, all of them closed their eyes slightly and looked calm.

They just stand quietly, but they give people a sense of boundless weight.

The dark aura of these people vaguely exudes an aura of detachment.

Not only does it have an air of detachment, but it also has a strong taste of power.

This taste of power.

It shows that these nine people are in high positions, and those who are in power will have this feeling.

The nine guardian envoys of the Tang Dynasty.

They are all in this Purple Palace Hall.

If outsiders knew, they would think that something big happened in the Tang Dynasty.

After all, these nine people are giant crocodiles in the army of the Tang Dynasty, and they only obey the Emperor Tang.

"You don't need to check, they help the third to participate in the competition for the throne, and they will definitely show specific strength in the end!"

Tang Huang's voice sounded again.

"Your Majesty, now that the expansion of the star realm is imminent, it may join the ten thousand realms. At this time, it is not the time for you to abdicate!"

One of the men wearing a white robe with a calm face said.

This person is Lu Taixuan, the southwest guard of the Tang Dynasty.

"This is the system of the Great Tang Dynasty, but you don't have to worry, I have already negotiated with the ancestors of the clan to implement the system of the Supreme Emperor!"

"The normal affairs of the Tang Dynasty will be handled by the new emperor. Once the star realm is opened, if the new emperor cannot take charge of the Tang Dynasty, I will regent!"

Tang Huang said.

"Then I can rest assured when I wait!" Lu Taixuan said.

"How about the rules for the competition for the throne?"

Tang Huang said.

"We have already formulated the rules for the throne That is, whoever wins the Wanmo Mountain first will be the new emperor!"

One of the guards spoke up.

"Wan Demon Mountain?"

Emperor Tang was slightly surprised when he heard Wan Moshan, but then his expression became dull.

"Your Majesty, the Wanmo Mountain has been expanding over the years, and the Yaochi Holy Land has been silent these years. It should be the work of the Wanmo Mountain Mountain Master."

"If I, the Tang Dynasty, can win the Wanmo Mountain, then our territory in the southern region will be doubled."

"Of course, this can also force the forces behind the princes to show their full strength!"

Lu Taixuan said.

"Okay! Just follow this rule and inform the world after registration!"

After a moment of contemplation, Emperor Tang said.

"Also, the battle for the throne has started, and your nine guardians will return to the place where they are guarded!"

"I'm afraid that other dynasties will have ideas about our Tang Dynasty during this period of time!"

Tang Huang ordered.

"I will return to the guarding place after I wait for the release of the rules of the throne!"

The nine people bowed and said at the same time.

"Lu Taixuan, you secretly disclosed the rules of the throne to the eldest prince Li Jiancheng first. This is also one of the things I can help him!"

Emperor Tang then sent a voice transmission to Lu Taixuan, the guardian envoy.

Lu Taixuan followed the other eight people out of the hall with an unmoved expression.

"I didn't expect that I, Emperor Tang Li Zhao, would quit the stage of the Tang Dynasty during this period!"

Tang Huang looked a little lonely.

Although he received the title of Taishanghuang, no matter what, he was a person who quit the stage of the Tang Dynasty.

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