Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1459: Origin of Immortal King Movement, Taikoo Wushan

Extraterritorial sea of ​​stars.


Originated in a palace of the Shanlin family.


The Origin Immortal King looked gloomy and watery, and the person he sent out was killed when he arrived at the Eternal Trading Firm.


"Who killed them?"


The low voice of the Origin Immortal King resounded in the hall.


"Master Qi, judging from the clues obtained, it should be the hand of Ye Qinghan of the Eternal Trading Company?"


An old man on crutches beside him said.


The old man's hair was white and his figure was outlined, but his voice was full of vigour, and his eyes shone brightly.


"Ye Qinghan, how strong is he capable of killing the people I sent out?"


The Origin Immortal King said in a deep voice.


"Reporting to the Immortal King, that Ye Qinghan's strength has just stepped into the transcendence realm, and the three of them should have hit three counts."


"But the subordinates guessed that Ye Qinghan should have the support of some force."


The old man said.


"With the support of other forces, the forces in the Immortal Realm should know of my existence. Could it be someone from the Three Great Dao Palace?"


Origin Immortal King frowned slightly.


"Lord Immortal King, the immortal world has changed a lot now. Fangcun Mountain and the underworld in the immortal world have become Taoist forces."


The old man said in a deep voice.


"Difu and Fangcunshan have become Taoist forces, and the Third Avenue Palace allows them to do so?"


The Origin Immortal King couldn't help but say so.


"When the two parties became the power of the Taoist Palace, there was no movement from the Third Avenue Palace. It should have acquiesced to this matter."


The old man continued to reply.


"You mean that the supporters behind Eternal Business are Fangcunshan and Difu?"


Said the Origin Immortal King.


"Fangcunshan is unlikely. After all, they also know some things about the Eternal Firm."


"My subordinate suspects that Ye Qinghan has taken refuge in the newly emerging underworld."


the old man said.


When he spoke, the old man's expression changed suddenly.


"What happened to Ye Lao?"


Seeing the change in the old man's complexion, the Immortal King Origin asked with a tight expression.


"My lord, the underworld united with Fangcunshan to destroy the Immortal King's family."


The old man calmed down and said.


"Xianjie Jun's family, Jun Zhifu and Jun Tianchi, are the existence of the eternal nine layers."


"Especially that Jun Tianchi's strength has vaguely stepped into the Eternal Ninth Layer."


"I won't necessarily kill him even if I fight him. They didn't fight?"


The Origin Immortal King asked suspiciously.


"They made a move. They couldn't kill Su Hao, the young master of Pluto City, at the red blood star in the sea of ​​​​Xingchen."


"Beheaded by people from Fudo Hades City, Fudo Hades has dispatched two Eternal Ninth Layers this time, one Eternal Peak."


When the old man talked about the peak of eternity, his tone became a little more serious.


Hearing the old man's words, the pupils of the Origin Immortal King suddenly opened.


One of the peak powerhouses of the eternal realm, and two of the ninth level of the eternal realm, it is also possible to kill the second ancestor of the Jun family.


"It seems that the Jun family wanted to ambush the young city lord of Untouchable Pluto City, and they were counter-killed!"


"After the counter-kill, the Underworld of the Immortal Realm and Fangcunshan joined forces to destroy the Jun family."


The Origin Immortal King sees it very thoroughly.


"The Scarlet Blood Divine Sovereign seems to have something to do with the royal family of the Death God Court. The Death God Court should ask about this news."


The Origin Immortal King said in a deep voice.


The old man shook his head and said, "There is no movement in the Court of Death. I think they are worried about not moving Pluto!"


"The Jun family would never have thought that Fangcunshan and the Difu would attack them."


"I just guessed that the Eternal Commercial Bank would go to the underworld, and now it is roughly certain that it is."


The old man replied.


"Judging from the information sent back, it should be the case."


"But the eternal business is the business of this seat. It is impossible for the underworld to take it away so easily."

"You go to the Immortal Realm, see people from Fangcunshan, and get in touch with this underworld."


"The Eternal Business is my origin fairy king. I'm not reconciled to being taken away by them like this."


"If they want it, they will exchange it for Lin Yuanyuan of the Eternal Firm."


The Origin Immortal King said.


"This subordinate understands that this subordinate will go to the Immortal Realm in person."


After the old man bowed and saluted, he stepped into the hall.


After the old man left, the Immortal King Origin stepped up from the seat, his eyes flashing cold.


Another place.


The Witch Royal Court.


Xing Wuming, the head of the Wu clan, and the second chief of the Wu clan are in the palace.


In addition to them, there is also a black-haired old man, the old man is burly and has a very strong breath.


He was the first elder of the Wu clan, and he and Xing Wuming were listening to the report of the second elder.


"Wizard Lord, it's fortunate that you made such a decision this time, otherwise, if my witch clan wants to be born, I don't know how long I have to hide."


The second elder of the Wu clan said with lingering fears.


When speaking, he also told the two of what happened on the battlefield at that time.


After the two heard it, their pupils shrank sharply, and their hearts were even more shocked.


Dugu Baitian, the deputy city lord of Fudo Pluto City, turned out to be an existence at the pinnacle of the Eternal Realm.


This is the character who is about to cross that step.


"Wizard Lord, it's fortunate that you made a choice this time."


The Great Elder also said the same.


"But what is the explanation from Wanshi Magic Palace now? They will definitely find us."


Xing Wuming said with a frown.


Although they did a scene in which the second elder was swallowed up, the Magic Palace of Myriad Begins would definitely not be so easy to believe.


"Second Elder recently, you have started to retreat and cultivate."


"As long as the second elder doesn't show up, I don't think Wanshi Devil Palace can take me."


Xing Wuming said.


"It can only be like this now, we Wu clan keep a low profile for a while."


The Great Elder nodded.


While he was speaking, Xing Wuming received a message.


Looking at this information, Xing Wuming murmured: "Fangcun Mountain, which is allied with Fufu Pluto City, and the Underworld, destroyed the Jun family."


"Xianjie Jun's family is gone. I didn't expect that the ancient Three Realms Jun's family would destroy the two realms."


"I don't know what the Heavenly King's family will do?"


"Wizard You are saying that Fangcun Mountain and the Underworld destroyed the Jun family. It seems that they have a deep cooperation with Fudo Hades."


"This also shows the strength of Fudo Pluto City."


The Great Elder said in a deep voice.


"Elder, I decided to go to Taikoo Wushan."


At this time, Xing Wuming suddenly said.


"The ancient Wushan!"


Hearing Xing Wuming's words, the faces of the first elder and the second elder showed surprise at the same time.


"Wizard Lord, you have to think carefully about this."


The Great Elder said in a deep voice.


"Elder First and Second Elder, now that the immortal world is changing, if my witch clan is still in this situation, they will not be able to survive at all."


"This time we made the right choice, what about next time?"


"Once we choose the wrong one, it will be difficult for our Wu clan, so strength is the only basis for our Wu clan to be born."


"I must go to Taikoo Wushan."


"Not only will I go, but Xing Mang will also go with me."


Xing Wuming's tone was firm.


"Wizard Lord, I will also go to Dagu Wushan with you. It is better to go to Taigu Wushan to get a chance."


The second elder next to him spoke at this time.

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