Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1460: Galaxy Seal, Yin-Yang God Cauldron

Hearing the words of the two, the Great Elder pondered and nodded after a while.

"You go first, and I will bear the Wu clan first."

he opened his mouth.

On the other side.

The Magic Palace of Wanshi.

This is a mountain range full of demonic energy. The mountain range is covered with demonic energy, so it is impossible to see clearly.

But in this mountain range, three phantoms are communicating.

"Jun Zhifu and Jun Tianchi were killed by people who didn't move Hades, and the plan was a complete failure."

"How do you two view this matter?"

"This immovable Pluto City is very rampant. It not only killed the brothers of the Jun family, but also killed the Scarlet Blood God Monarch and the elders of our Wanshi Magic Palace."

"Those who don't move Pluto at this time must give us an explanation from Wanshi Magic Palace, otherwise, what is the coercion of my Wanshi Magic Palace?"

"Explain, Fufu Hades is very domineering, and now it is cooperating with the underworld and Fangcunshan in the fairyland."

"Difu and Fangcunshan helped Fufu Pluto to destroy the Jun family. It's impossible for them to give me an explanation from Wanshi Magic Palace."

"Is this matter, just leave it alone."

"It's not that I don't care, the Scarlet Blood God is not related to the Royal Family of the Death Court. If the Royal Family of the Death Court goes to the Red Blood Star, we can send someone to contact us."

"Look what they mean."

"Also, the Royal Family of the God of Death is very strong. If they make a move, we can work together to overwhelm the city of Hades."

"If not, then pause first."

"Okay, I'll report it to the Palace Master first."

After speaking, the spiritual thoughts of these three exchanges disappeared.

It seems that it has never appeared.

At this time, Su Hao had already boarded the ancient spaceship and returned to the astral world without moving Pluto City.

in the palace.

Su Hao directly started today's sign-in.

[The host checked in today and got 100 check-in points, and immediately got 10 celestial teleportation charms, which have been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

"Heavenly Teleportation Talisman, is this a large-scale teleporter to pass over?"

Su Hao thought to himself.

Then he saw the check-in value. Recently, Su Hao had never used the check-in value.

I don't know what this thing is for.

His current check-in value is more than 1 million.

Of course, some of them trigger the sign-in crit, so that's why there are so many.

Thinking of the check-in value, he couldn't help but glance at the system.

All the things that appeared in the system mall have been exchanged by him, and he has no shortage of Star Origin Stones now.

But after he exchanged the item, the item was not updated again.

Updates are displayed at the back.

Su Hao clicked on update.

[The host needs to spend 1 million check-in value to update the product display column. Do you agree? 】

"You really know how to play the system."

Su Hao agreed.

[The host consumes 1 million check-in points to update the product display column. After the product display column is updated, please ask the host to check the product display column. 】

Su Hao looked at the three items listed in the display column.

His eyes narrowed.

In the commodity bar, three treasures appeared.

The Sun God Furnace, the Galaxy Seal, the Yin Yang God Cauldron.

Sun God Furnace: The ten sun and stars smelting furnace of the Yan clan, the powerhouses of the universe, can be used to burn everything.

Xinghe Seal: The treasures of stars are condensed in the galaxy, and when the big seal comes out, it can suppress the galaxy.

The Yin-Yang God Cauldron, the most precious treasure of the ancient Tai Chi Yin-Yang Palace, can generate yin and yang qi, assist cultivators in their cultivation, and can also absorb the spiritual qi of all things to condense the supreme elixir.


Su Hao looked at these introductions, his eyes radiated fiery light.

But when he saw the exchange of Star Origin Stones behind him, he felt a chill in his heart. Each of these three things cost millions of top-quality Star Origin stones.

It was he who obtained a lot of Originium Stones last time.

But there are only more than three million top-grade Origin Stones extracted, and most of them are high-grade and middle-grade Origin Stones.

At present, there are many people in Fudo Pluto City, and cultivation also requires a lot of Origin Stones.

These people are still very strong, and they need a huge amount of Star Origin Stone.

Regardless of how much he gained, in fact, after allocating it, there are only 3 million top-grade Origin Stones left on Su Hao's side.

The system wants to take it all.

Too cruel.

Su Hao glanced at it. The three treasures, the Star Seal and the Divine Sun Furnace were the killers of martial arts.

Exchange it out and own it to him.

There is also the Yin Yang Divine Cauldron, which can help with cultivation and is also very useful.

There are two things here that are useful to me.

"It doesn't matter, with two things, my strength can also be improved a lot."

Su Hao also wanted to directly exchange the Star Seal and Yin Yang Divine Furnace.

Then he looked at the massive amount of Originium stones that disappeared from his body very distressed.

"I thought it would take a while to get rich, but I didn't expect it to last."

Su Hao turned off the mall system.

His eyes fell on the two newly obtained level 14 crystal lottery cards.

He opened it directly.

[The host consumes 2 14 crystal lottery cards, the lottery is winning...]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining a 9th-level upgrade card of the Eternal Life of the Young Master, which has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning the secret technique Void Transfer, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

"Shao Siming's upgrade card, this little girl is really lucky."

"It's just Void Shift, what is it?"

Su Hao immediately investigated the void transfer technique.

After seeing this void transfer operation, Su Hao's pupils shrank suddenly.

This void transfer technique is just like the name, that is, it can travel through the void, but this is not the point.

The key point is to be able to travel through the prohibition of powerhouses in the Eternal Realm and below the Eternal Realm.

In other words, even the powerhouses who used this secret technique in the Eternal Realm couldn't restrain him.

Of course, this kind of travel is also limited. With his current strength, he can only use it three times at most.

Power exhaustion is also banned after three times.

"Shao Siming's strength has reached the ninth level of eternity, and he can mobilize himself around him."

Su Hao thought to himself.

Thinking about it, he immediately sent a message to Shao Siming and asked her to come to the City of Pluto.

After the interrogation, Su Hao began to retreat and practice.

After cultivating for a few he will go to Tianjiejun's house in person.

The Jun family has become an enemy, so there is no need to keep it.

What he has to do now is to sweep away the Jun family, and he also really wants to see which forces in the heavens want to be the enemy of the immovable Hades.

Three days later.

Su Hao's Xingjie does not move in the hall of Pluto City.

Blood-devouring vine and Shao Siming stood on both sides of him.

Yohabach is standing in the palace.

Beside him is the Abandoned Heaven Emperor.

"The two of you will follow me to the heaven and destroy the family of the king of the heaven."

One comprehends a trace of catastrophe, the other is eternal peak.

It was enough for the two of them to follow him to the heaven to destroy Jun's house.

Of course, there are two other forces, one is the invisible empire, and the other is the Demon Realm.

They transmit the power of these forces to the heavens at any time.

In this way, it can completely shock some dynasties in the heavens.

Anyone who dares to move can be destroyed directly.

Maybe he could also meet the Heaven Realm, the Heavenly Palace and the Canglan Empire.

Of course, the Canglan World Lord behind the Canglan Empire also needs to take precautions.

The object of prevention is to fuse the two projection clones, Gu Chensha.

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