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Chapter 1482: Void God Tomb

At this time, Dayan Celestial Dynasty, inside the imperial capital.

Inside a mansion.

in the hall.

Su Hao stood with his hands behind his back, while Yohabach was standing opposite him.

This mansion was specially arranged for Su Hao by Prince Ming, as Su Hao's temporary residence in the Dayan Dynasty.

"You said that there was a peculiar spiritual energy fluctuation in that space just now."

Su Hao asked.

"Yes, that spirit energy is very strange."

"According to the form of energy fluctuations, the source of energy mainly comes from the soul,"

"If I can research it and fuse this energy into my body, I may be able to go further."

Yuhabach said.

Only when Youha Baha integrates the heavenly realm and the astral realm with its own psionic energy, does he realize a trace of catastrophe realm.

It also gave him direction.

He needs to incorporate more energy fluctuations.

The energy left in the space just now is very different.

He felt that he integrated that energy research into his body, and there would be a breakthrough at that time.

"Can you trace the traces of the fluctuations in the power of the divine soul?"

Seeing this, Su Hao asked.

He also wanted to know who killed Mrs. Gulian.

"There is very little residual breath and cannot be tracked, but the power of the soul is in the detachment, it should be a detached martial artist."

Yuhabach said.

"You and Black and White will investigate this matter, be sure to find that person."

at the same time.

In an empty space.

A figure appeared, it was Yue Qingcheng who killed Mrs. Hongluan earlier.

Only at the moment she appeared.

Another figure appeared, also Yue Qingcheng, but this month Yue Qingcheng was wearing the same clothes as the banquet.

"It seems that you have done it perfectly."

The second appeared Yue Qingcheng, looking at the Yue Qingcheng Road that appeared earlier.

"When I integrate her main soul into Vientiane Senluo, it will be even more perfect."

Earlier, Yue Qingcheng said in a cold voice.

"Then can I take a look at the spirit of my master?"

Yue Qingcheng said softly.

"Her soul is already distorted, you don't need to look at it anymore. I'm afraid that the energy in her soul is attached to you, and it will be noticed by the strong."

"You have to pay attention to the young city lord of Pluto City, who doesn't move. He is not simple."

"I think he already knows that you helped Madam Hongluan shoot him."

"Doubt, what's the use, now that my master is dead, and people are dying like a lamp goes out, this matter is actually over."

"I will go to my senior sister's side to pay homage to my master and say goodbye to her at last."

Yue Qingcheng said.

"That's your business, not mine. You and I are one body, and I'm just the body you imagined."

"I only do what is best for you."

"It's still as cold as before."

After Yue Qingcheng finished speaking, her figure disappeared into this void.

Inside Yue Qingcheng's room.

She opened her eyes, walked out of the house, and said to the maid next to her, "Let's go to Nie Qingyan's mansion."

There was a sad look on his face.

Outside the mansion, the carriage is ready.

Yue Qingcheng stepped on the carriage and headed towards Nie Qingyan's mansion.

"Your Highness, Yue Qingcheng went to Nie Qingyan's mansion."

The old man beside Ming Wuyan said in the hall.

"Stare, I want to know their every move and conversation." Ming Wuyan's eyes flashed with light.

"Your Highness, are you suspicious?"

"It's skeptical, so we need to see, right?"

Ming said speechlessly.

"I want to retreat and cut off the thread of love. It's useless to put [love] on Yue Qingcheng." Ming Wuyan said.

The old man heard the words.

With a look of surprise in his eyes, he said, "Once Your Highness cuts off the word [love], your Dayan mending art will be flawed."

"It's okay, just find someone else to continue."

"Recently, on a whim, I have a feeling that if I don't cut it, I won't be able to cut it if I want to." Ming Wuyan said in a deep voice.

Hearing Ming Wuyan's words, the old man's expression changed.

But he didn't say anything, turned around and exited the hall.

Leaving Ming speechless.

"Yue Qingcheng, who are you?"

Ming Wuyan said softly.

At this time, the story of Su Hao defeating Dugu Yijian at the Ming Wuyan banquet has already spread throughout the imperial capital.

Even the final assassination was analyzed by many people.

"This Su Hao is too ruthless, it's normal to be assassinated, but I didn't expect Dugu's sword to be a two-fingered enemy."

"Yeah, according to the accounts of the people present at the time, Su Hao imprisoned Dugu Yijian with one finger, and the second finger directly damaged Dugu Yijian."

"If the main hall hadn't rescued him in time, then Dugu Yijian would have died."

"This Su Hao is really amazing. I hope someone will come forward to suppress his attitude."

A person in the city talked like this.

Sitting on the carriage mountain, Yue Qingcheng listened to the conversation of some roadside warriors on the street, her beautiful eyes flowing, as if she was thinking about something.

"Miss, Madam Hongluan is dead, now the lady is free."

The maid said happily.

"How difficult it is to get out, how can you easily get out once you enter the game."

Yue Qingcheng shook her head and said softly.

In a while.

The carriage came to Nie Qingyan's mansion, and Yue Qingcheng strode into the mansion.

At a glance, I saw the pitch-black coffin in the center of the hall.

"Yue Qingcheng, you are really ruthless."

Nie Qingyan sensed Yue Qingcheng's arrival, and a figure appeared in front of her.

"Senior Sister Nie, I don't know what you're talking about?"

Yue Qingcheng's expression was calm, her eyes were like autumn water, and she couldn't sense any fluctuations in her mind.

"Shizun's soul should be taken away by I see Shizun's distorted face, it seems that she is extremely resentful, I really want to know how you made her so angry."

Nie Qingyan looked at Yue Qingcheng Road.

"It seems that the world thinks that I killed Shizun, but I'm in the silent mansion, and I didn't go out at all. How can I kill Shizun?"

"What's more, my strength has not yet stepped into the detachment. Even if the master is destroyed and severely damaged, I am not an opponent."

"Senior Sister Nie, I think you have a good chance to take action against Master."

"What's more, there are many reasons for you to kill Shizun. By the way, I don't know how the relationship between Senior Sister and tomorrow is going?"

"Senior sister, now that Master has fallen, you can stay by tomorrow's side with peace of mind."

Yue Qingcheng looked at Nie Qingyan and said.

Hearing Yue Qingcheng's words, Nie Qingyan's face instantly turned gloomy.

She is just like a willow, and she is not worthy of tomorrow's tyrant.

This is her pain point. I didn't expect Yue Qingcheng to say it directly.

"Believe it or not, I killed you!"

Nie Qingyan looked at Yue Qingcheng with a grim expression.

"Although your strength has stepped into the first level of detachment, you still can't kill me. Don't waste your efforts."

"I'm here today, and I want you to open it with me. The tomb of the God of Void that Master obtained during his lifetime."

"Get the power of the Void family inside."

Yue Qingcheng said.

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