Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1483: Void Sacred Mountain, Qin Miaoyan

"You want to refine the Void Goddess buried there like Master."

"But the Void Goddess appears, and the people from the Void God Mountain will definitely send people to investigate. You are now smelting those buried Void Goddesses."

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered by them?"

Hearing Yue Qingcheng's words, Nie Qingyan said coldly.

"It's not that you have to worry about it. I don't know if you're merging or not, but I'm going to do it."

"But Senior Sister, if you change the body of a goddess and abandon your current body, I think you are qualified to be the woman of tomorrow."

Yue Qingcheng said.

Hearing this, Nie Qingyan's eyes changed.

"But three tokens, one for you and one for me, are still with the second junior sister. Without one, we can't open it."

"No, Second Senior Sister's token is in my hands."

Yue Qingcheng said.

"Yue Qingcheng, it seems that you have long been thinking about the Void God's Tomb."

Nie Qingyan looked at Yue Qingcheng with a look of surprise on her face.

"I just took one more step than you."

"After we've dealt with the burial of the master, we will go to the Void God's Tomb."

Yue Qingcheng said.

The two then arranged for Mrs. Hongluan to be buried.

in the mansion.

Su Hao listened to Dark Jue's report, but his expression kept changing.

He did not expect that Yue Qingcheng and Nie Qingyan hated Madam Hongluan so much.

"Lord, I sensed that peculiar divine soul energy on Nayue Qingcheng's body."

At this time, Yuhabach said.

"Did she do it?"

"It shouldn't be her hand, but she should have come into contact with that person. As long as I stare at Yue Qingcheng, I believe I will find him soon."

A fiery light flashed in Yohabach's eyes.

As long as the vines are long, the melons will definitely be found in the back.

"My lord, I have a general understanding of what they said about the Void God's Tomb."

"The Void God's Tomb is only after the disciples in the Void God Mountain have fallen and their bodies are intact, they can be taken into the Void God's tomb and look forward to being resurrected in the future."

"But the Void God Tombs are all on the Void God Mountain. I don't know how a Void God Tomb suddenly appeared."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"Look into this matter." Su Hao said softly.

[Trigger quest: Find a lost Void God tomb in Void Mountain, find and obtain it, and reward a 14th-level crystal lottery card. 】

At this time, the mechanical sound of the system rang in his ear.

"A lost tomb of the Void God, return it to Void God Mountain, and get a 14th-level crystal lottery card."

Su Hao murmured in his mouth.

In a few days, what happened at the Mingwuyan banquet was no longer a topic of conversation.

Su Hao and Prince Ming met some people who supported him.

It is equivalent to standing up for Mentaiko.

Afterwards, they were playing with Shao Siming in the imperial capital. In fact, they were waiting for Yue Qingcheng and the others to attack the Void God Tomb.

In the evening, when Su Hao and Shao Siming returned to the mansion.

Su Hao suddenly stopped.

Because in front of his mansion, there was a woman standing.

The woman is slim and graceful, with immortal muscles and bones, crystal clear, her hair is black and shiny, her face is flawless, and she is indescribably beautiful.

"His appearance is no worse than Yue Qingcheng."

"I have seen Goddess Qin." Su Hao said.

The reason why they knew each other was because this woman, together with Yue Qingcheng, was known as the top three beauties in the heavens.

Qin Miaoyan from the Qin Family of the Void Mountain

"I've seen City Master Su Shao!" Qin Miaoyan saluted Su Hao gently.

"Goddess Qin entered the manor for a chat."

Su Hao waved his hand.

"City Lord Su, I won't bother you anymore. The main purpose of my coming here is to get a share of the blood energy from the woman who killed me from the Void Clan a few days ago from City Lord Su."

Qin Miaoyan looked at Su Hao with a charming smile on her face, her teeth were shining brightly, her red lips were bright, and her eyes were like autumn water.

Coupled with that delicate and flawless face, it seemed that no man could refuse her request.

"This is not reserved. You can go to Ming Wuyan's mansion. In his main hall, I don't know if there is any trace of blood left."

Su Hao said.

Su Hao likes this Qin Miaoyan a little.

I asked you to come into the house for a talk, but you don't even give this face, you don't give it to me, do I want to give you face?

Then Qin Miaoyan didn't expect Su Hao to say this.

Immediately after taking a look at Su Hao, he opened his mouth and said, "Since there is no young master Su Hao, then it will be more disturbing."

Qin Miaoyan left after saying a slight salute.

"Let's enter the mansion."

Su Hao and the others stepped into the mansion.

After Qin Miaoyan left, he entered a manor.

Inside the manor.

There is an independent Hu Bo, and the lake is bright and clean. Under the radiance of the sunset, it appears as bright red as blood.

In a pavilion in the manor.

Qin Miaoyan's figure appeared.

"Miss, you got that blood energy."

When Qin Miaoyan fell, an old slave on crutches stepped forward,

Qin Miaoyan shook her head and said, "He didn't leave blood energy behind."

"No, then how can you be sure that the person who shot is the goddess of the Void Sacred Mountain?"

Hearing Qin Miaoyan's words, the old slave's expression changed slightly.

"I'm going to see Ming Wuyan, I think he should know something?"

Qin Miaoyan said.

"Miss, you don't need to see Ming Wuyan, Ming Wuyan has already retreated and won't see anyone."

"It seems that he doesn't want to be involved in this matter."

"And I just went to the main hall where the incident happened, and I no longer have any energy."

The old slave sighed.

"The Void Goddess who appeared here should be the tomb of the gods that our Void God Mountain lost."

"There are six goddesses buried in that tomb, and one of them is the body of my senior sister, so it must be found."

Qin Miaoyan said in a deep voice.

Her master is the Void Mountain Lord, which means that there is a disciple of the Void Mountain Lord.

Knowing that the disciple might be refined by Void Mountain Master, how not to get angry, so he dispatched Qin Miaoyan.

"Goddess Qin, you've got some looks."

At this moment, the void flashed, and a figure came out of the void.

The person here is Ming Hong, the Second Highness of the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty.

"His Royal Highness Minghong, your Emperor's Heart Sutra has been cultivated to the point where it can be freely retracted."

When Qin Miaoyan spoke. Ask Minghong to check in and pour tea for Minghong.

It seems that the two are old acquaintances.

"I don't know Brother Minghong, what did you mean just now?"

"Actually, the person in charge of this matter is Yue Qingcheng's master, Mrs. Hongluan. The person who refines your Void family must be that Mrs. Hongluan."

"This is also what I just found out. Although Mrs. Hongluan is dead, her two apprentices are still there, so there must be some clues."

Minghong said.

"You mean that the person who melded our Void family is Mrs. Hongluan."

Hearing this, a cold light flashed in Qin Miaoyan's eyes.

"Yes!" Minghong nodded.

"Mother Yu, let's go to Nie Qingyan's mansion. Thank you, His Highness Minghong."

Then Qin Miaoyan got up, thanked Minghong, and left with the white-haired old slave.

"Big brother, if you want to cut Qingsi, I won't let you succeed. Once Yue Qingcheng is in danger, you still have to come before it is cut off."

Minghong took a sip of tea and said softly.

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