Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1484: Canglan Emperor's Spiritual Mind

One place at this time.

Previously, Mrs. Hongluan lived in the elegant garden.

Nie Qingyan and Yue Qingcheng appeared.

The two pushed open one of the doors and appeared in a secret passage.

At the bottom of the secret passage is a space full of runes.

"According to my calculations, this rune should be the place leading to the Void God's Tomb."

Yue Qingcheng pointed to a rune and said.

"Then let's go."

Nie Qingyan said.

She stepped forward, made a seal in her hand, and a rune appeared. The rune was the same as the one they saw.

The rune shrouded her feet, and Yue Qingcheng stepped into it.

The rune radiance enveloped them.

After they left.

The void flashed, and two figures appeared.

It was just when Ming Hong left Qin Miaoyan and they arrived at Nie Qingyan's mansion.

Found Nie Qingyan and the others leaving, and immediately followed.

"Miss, let's go too."

The old slave said.

"Go!" The old slave ripped apart the void and took shape without using the teleportation rune.

It can be seen that she should be able to perceive the position of the two.

Just as the two left, a group of people appeared one after another.

The death of Mrs. Hongluan was a bit strange, but she was sent back by the Prince of Men, which may have something to do with the assassination at the banquet.

In this case, the two of them are actually under the attention of many eyes.

As long as you make a move, many people will definitely come.

After everyone left, Yohabach and Heijue stepped out.

"You go to inform the young master, I will **** the Void God's tomb."

Yuhabach said.

"Okay!" Black and white's clone disappeared beside him.

in the mansion.

Su Hao was standing on the highest point on the roof, looking at the starry sky.

A star means a star, but I don't know if the stars seen in this heaven are the same as those seen in the fairy world and the astral world.

Su Hao murmured in his mouth.

"My lord, Na Minghong found Qin Miaoyan, and Na Minghong seems to have some friendship with that Qin Miaoyan."

"Another thing is that it seems that Ming Wuyan is using Yue Qingcheng as a bottleneck in his cultivation. Minghong seized this point and wants to destroy Ming Wuyan's cultivation."

The blood-devouring vine said.

"Then Minghong's aura of an emperor is very obvious. It seems that he is good at imperial power. Now I see three princes, and they are all stronger than Prince Ming."

"Even if he had my help, he wouldn't be able to get the position of the Great Evolution Heavenly Dynasty."

Su Hao said softly.

"The throne of the emperor is not something that anyone can do. Prince Ming is a little weak, so Ming Wuyan is going to be tolerant."

"Minghong's pure imperial power, there is tomorrow's hegemony, and it's a slaughter, only Mentaiko did not do his own way."

"Such a person will never become an emperor."

The Lord of Dayan Celestial Dynasty is a force controlled by the Lord of Dayan.

Each generation of emperors must have distinct personalities.

Even with his help, it wouldn't change Mentaiko's ending.


At this moment, Black and White Jue appeared in front of Su Hao.

"My lord, they are leaving for the Void Sacred Mountain. Mr. Youhabach has followed him. Do we want to go over and see?"

"Look, why not? I really want to see what the fight between the top three beauties in the heavens will be like."

Su Hao said with a smile.

After Su Hao's words fell, Hei Jue waved his hand, and the rays of light enveloped several people and disappeared into the mansion.

The void turns.

They appeared in a land surrounded by mountains.

"This is the Hidden God Mountain thousands of miles away from the Dayan Heavenly Dynasty." Black and White replied.

"Meet with Yohabach first."

They sensed Yohabach's position and moved directly over.

A mountain range.

Nie Qingyan and Yue Qingcheng appeared in a valley.

"Could this be the tomb of the Void God?"

Seeing the valley collapsed under his feet, Nie Qingyan said.

"Just take out the token and start it."

While speaking, Yue Qingcheng took out two tokens. Upon seeing this, Nie Qingyan also saw a token in her hand.

Three tokens appeared, and they quickly emitted a bright light.

The rays of light gathered together to form a crescent mark, the crescent mark, which fell directly at the bottom of the valley.

And there were rune formations around them, covering up the strangeness here.


Yue Qingcheng and Nie Qingyan stared at the bottom of the valley.

The bottom cracked open, and a suspended graveyard appeared.

In this cemetery, there are six nameplates, and the grave under one of the nameplates has been opened.

It seems to be the one that Mrs. Hongluan refined.

"Open the remaining five tombs."

Nie Qingyan and Yue Qingcheng, a force erupted from the palms of the two of them, rushing towards the five tombs.

The tomb cracked open, and five crystal clear coffins appeared in front of them.

Inside were five healthy women.

"I'll choose that one." Nie Qingyan pointed to one of the most beautiful corpses.

"Looking for death, dare to blaspheme the body of my goddess of the Void Mountain."

At this moment, in the sky.

A huge crutch emerged from the void. It landed directly on top of Nie Qingyan's head.

Nie Qingyan's expression changed drastically, she stretched out her hand to block her, but the huge crutch directly shattered her palm.

Then it slammed on top of her head.


Nie Qingyan's whole body turned into a cloud of blood.

"Yue Qingcheng, the more you live, the more you go back. You actually want to refine the goddess of my Void Sacred Mountain."

After killing Nie Qingyan with one palm, Qin Miaoyan walked out of the void with the old woman leaning on a cane.

"I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

Yue Qingcheng looked at Qin Miaoyan calmly.

"You are still as indifferent as always. Today, we will take away this Void God's Tomb."

Qin Miaoyan looked at Yue Qingcheng Road.

"But there are a lot of people here. They won't let you take away the Void God's tomb so easily."

"After all, the bloodline of your Void family is very powerful, and everyone wants to get it."


At the foot of Yue Qingcheng, the rays of light flowed, and the great formation that shrouded the valley before gradually expanded, covering the sky for a long time.

Several figures were squeezed out of the As soon as those people appeared, they headed straight towards the five bodies. Their purpose was very clear, it was for the corpses of the Void family.

"You dare!"

The old slave beside Qin Miaoyan snorted, his breath soared, his body was reaching the peak of the ninth level of transcendence, and he was about to step into the first level of eternity.

She directly killed the few people who were rushing towards the Void God's Tomb.

Seeing this, those few people quickly joined forces to resist the old slave.

The rest of the scene, Yue Qingcheng and Qin Miaoyan.

"I really want to fight with you to see who of us is stronger and show your full strength. I don't believe you haven't stepped into the detachment yet."

Qin Miaoyan looked at Yue Qingcheng Road. ,

Both of them are known as the top three beauties in the heaven, and they have the same appearance, but they have never fought.

This time, it may be a challenge.

"Is that so? Then I have to learn about the unique skills of the Void Sacred Mountain."

When Yue Qingcheng spoke, a figure appeared on her body.

This figure is exactly the same as Yue Qingcheng, but his aura is much stronger.

Not far away, Yohabach saw the figure, and there was light in his eyes.

"This is a body of divine soul, the energy body I'm looking for."

"No, there is still a powerful sleeping spirit on Yue Qingcheng's body."

"That sleeping divine sense is somewhat like the emperor of the Canglan Empire." There was a hint of surprise in Youhabach's eyes.

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