Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1502: The Power of the Gods and Demons Cemetery

"Damn, who destroyed my Ji family palace."

Among the people who rushed out of the palace, there were mainly six people, and one of them shouted loudly.

Everyone else glared at the appearance of Dugu Baitian and Black and White Jue.

"Old Ancestor, he is not moving the Pluto City Dugu defeated the sky."

The Empress Mingyue, who was behind the six people, saw Dugu defeated the sky, and her expression changed suddenly and said.

"Do not move Hades City Dugu defeated the sky!"

Hearing the words of Empress Mingyue, the six people in the lead were shocked, and their expressions changed one after another.

The deputy city lord of Pluto City does not move, Dugu defeated the sky.

Although they had never met, they knew the name of the person, the shadow of the tree, and the prestige of Dugu Baitian.

What's more, Dugu Baitian's appearance here was far beyond their expectations.

"I don't know why Dugu Deputy City Lord came to my Ji family."

The ancestor of the Ji family asked.

Dugu Baitian did not speak, and looked at the nebula lock suspended in the void.

At this time, the Nebula Lock is completely present, like a small star realm.

The appearance of some mountains above is somewhat similar to that of the star world today.

The power emanating from the Nebula Lock extends towards the astral world.

It's amazing.

Dugu Baitian looked at the Nebula Lock and secretly thought.

"No, this Dugu Baitian is here for the Nebula Lock."

Seeing Dugu Baitian staring at the Nebula Lock behind them, the Ji family ancestor secretly thought that it was not good.

"Is this the Nebula Lock? It's really unusual."

Dugu Baitian said in a deep voice.

Between the words, he raised his hand.

The surrounding void begins to change

The sound of Kacha Kacha appeared in the void, as if the void here was squeezed by something, and it began to shatter.


Looking at the changes in the surrounding void, the faces of the Ji family members changed.

But there was no way to stop it, because they didn't know what was going on.

in their surprise.

Void collapses.

The breath of gods and demons emerged from the collapsed gap.

The Nebula Lock behind them was gradually shrouded in darkness, as if it had disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, everyone in the Ji family felt that they had entered another space.

"Dugu defeated the sky, our Ji family has no grievances or enmity with you in the city of Hades, why are you doing this?"

An old man headed by the Ji family looked at Dugu defeated the sky and said violently.

But what answered him was a punch from Dugu Baitian.

The fist is still simple, but this one blows.

The pressure of the void, a huge power of gods and demons, included all the six ancestors of the Dugu family.

"Dugu defeated the sky, you!"

The six people immediately drank violently, and they all tried to block them, and their bodies retreated.

boom! boom! boom!

But without any accident, the six people were directly swept out by Dugutian, flying out like a kite with a broken string.

"How can this Dugu be so strong during the day?"

The six people vomited blood and were horrified.

Among the six of them, the Ji Family Great Ancestor and the Second Ancestor have the strength of the eternal peak, and the other four have the strength of the eternal ninth layer.

But now he didn't even catch a single blow from the opponent.

Dugu Baitian comprehends the aura of robbery by himself.

Recently, the power of his God and Demon Garden Mausoleum has also increased slightly by incorporating a Void God Tomb, and he is also taking this opportunity to comprehend the second aura of catastrophe.

In addition, he just cast Shenmoyuan Mausoleum to block this space.

With his own strength increasing, this Ji Family Sixth Patriarch is not his opponent at all.

"What about the rest of the Ji family?"

At this moment, one of the Ji family ancestors said.

He found that there was no one else around them, and all the people who came out of the Ji family with them disappeared.

"This is a space!"

One of the Ji family ancestors shouted.

As he spoke, a huge palm appeared on the ground and grabbed it directly towards him.

In the palm of his hand there is a magical energy soaring to the sky.

"Burning flames!"

In the face of the monstrous hand that was caught, the ancestor of the Ji family did not dare to be careless, he punched out, and a monstrous flame burst out.

The space between heaven and earth is full of fiery flames, and when it touches the space, the surrounding space burns.

It became hot in the void.

The strength of this Ji family ancestor is at the peak of eternity, and the cultivation method is fire attribute.

A single blow exploded with full strength.

The palm that was grabbed was burned before it reached the ancestors of the Ji family.

But it was followed by a low growl.

One after another, huge palms stretched out from the ground and grabbed the Ji family ancestor.


At this moment, out of nowhere, there was a miserable cry.

This miserable cry came and went quickly.

It means that the person who screamed has encountered an accident.

He looked at the other five people, all of whom were being attacked except for the Ji family ancestor.

The tall and demon-like people crawled out of the ground and fought with them.

When he was stunned.

A huge figure climbed out of the ground and attacked him.

With wings, but broken, as long as a trace of flesh and blood is connected, the wings seem to be torn in half, but not all.

The tall figure punched him.

After this figure, a huge giant ape exuding demonic energy climbed out of the ground.

There was a dark deep hole in the chest of the giant ape, and the demonic energy rolled in the middle, and he roared and swept toward the side.

This Ji family old man can only greet him and go up to fight with each other

His eternal peak strength is very to stop these two giant shadows.

But besides these two figures, a huge spider climbed out of the ground, and countless sharp tentacles attacked him.

No one could hold him, and more voices appeared on the ground.


At this moment, one of the six was dragged directly onto the ground by a huge palm.

The breath disappeared in their perception in an instant.


An ancestor of the Ji family next to him shouted.

When he shouted, a mottled war halberd suddenly appeared on the ground, and the war halberd directly pierced his chest.

Then a huge coffin covered him.

Soon, four of the Sixth Patriarch of the Ji Family disappeared into this space.

One person resisted the attacks of several giant shadows, and only the great ancestor of the Ji family faced Dugu defeated Tian alone.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Looking at the situation of the people around him, the Great Ancestor of the Ji Family was horrified.

"You should be one step away from comprehending the aura of the Tribulation Realm, and your strength is a little stronger than them."

"My subordinates can't take you down, I will take you down myself!"

Dugu Baitian looked at the great ancestor of the Ji family and said coldly.

"Our Ji family has no grievances or enmity with you if you don't move Pluto City, why do you want to destroy my Ji family?"

The great ancestor of the Ji family looked at Dugu Baitian and said with a trembling figure.

"The lock of the nebula, the seal of the star realm, I will not move the Pluto city to take charge of the star realm. When the star realm opens, it should be up to me to move the Pluto city."

"We gave you Ji's family for so long, don't you understand it at all?"

"If you don't understand it, you can only be destroyed!"

Dugu Baitian said coldly.

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