Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1503: Buried in the cemetery, the fire of Suzaku


Hearing Dugu Baitian's words, the great ancestor of the Ji family's eyes narrowed.

He understood the meaning of the other party, and suddenly a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he grabbed the five fingers of his right hand, and nine stars appeared in his hand.

These nine stars exude dazzling brilliance, and each star contains surging power.


As soon as these nine stars appeared.

The surrounding void immediately made a vibrating sound, and an invisible giant force was pressing in this space.

Huge energy runs through the void, and the space energy in this void becomes chaotic.

"It's a bit interesting, as long as it is fused, it should be able to form a robbery atmosphere."

Dugu Baitian looked at the energy generated by these nine stars and murmured in his mouth.

Then the light in his eyes flickered.

He felt that if he buried the power of nine stars in this cemetery of gods and demons.

Then maybe you can touch these sources of energy yourself.

At that time, he will be able to comprehend a robbery atmosphere again.

Plundering is the quickest way to increase strength.

"Nine Star Town!"

The Ji family ancestor let out a low roar, and the nine stars shrouded towards Dugu Baitian.

At the moment when the nine stars appeared.

A treasure appeared in his hand, and this treasure exuded a heavy feeling.

Appearance is three giant elephants, these giant elephants roar in the sky.

The power in his body rushed to the three giant elephants like a torrent.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The three giant elephants let out a low roar, turning into three giant golems and appearing in the void

The giant elephant roared, forming a wave that swept toward the space of the gods and demons cemetery, trying to dispel the surrounding demonic energy.

"A full blast? It's just that I'm useless at all."

Dugu Baitian looked at the shrouded stars and shook his head.

This is the cemetery of the gods and demons, and it is his battlefield.

He controls everything.

Not to mention the gods and demons buried here.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and the world collapsed in an instant, and the wanton energy in the space was led under his palm and began to collapse.

The shrouded stars were covered by the collapsed power and disappeared.

A terrifying vortex formed among these disappearing energies.

A big hand appeared above the vortex and directly grabbed the three giant elephants roaring in the void.


The three giant elephants were slapped by the giant hand and fell from the air.

The great ancestor of the Ji family vomited blood in his mouth.

But Dugu Baitian's palm still did not give up, and pressed directly over, pressing him on the ground.

The endless mud on the ground began to roll, and it was like being buried in it.

The Great Ancestor of Ji Family wanted to struggle, but the soil seemed to have the power of confinement.

Lock his power to start.

And a violent soul energy hit his soul, making him unable to resist the power outside the body at all.

That violent soul power is like a loud one.

Soon the defense of the ancestor of the Ji family's soul was washed away, and his own soul was instantly fused by the torrent.

His eyes gradually became empty, and finally there was no struggle, and he was buried in this cemetery of gods and demons.

at this time

The last ancestor of the Ji family was besieged by many ferocious gods and demons, and his power was gradually suppressed.

After seeing his brother buried, he looked horrified.

He was hit directly in the chest by the giant ape.


A huge blood hole appeared in his chest, and blood was constantly flowing out of it.

He let out a scream, desperately trying to repair the wound on his chest.

But at this time, the huge spider arms passed through his limbs, and a jet-black toxin poured into his body.

In an instant he turned black.

Then he was dragged directly into the ground and disappeared.

So far, the sixth ancestors of the Ji family have all been imprisoned in the cemetery of the gods and demons.


Then the cemetery of the gods and demons disappeared.

Dugu Baitian looked at the Nebula Lock suspended in the void.

The big hand grabbed it directly, and the Nebula Lock seemed to feel something, frantically releasing the power of the stars to resist Dugu Baitian's palm.

But Dugu Baitian's palm still moved forward, and finally caught on the Nebula Lock.

A terrifying force pressed against the nebula lock in Dugu's palm, and then grabbed it hard.

The Nebula Lock was pulled directly into his cemetery space by a huge brute force.

When the Nebula Lock was pulled into the space of the Gods and Demons Cemetery.

This void began to collapse, showing a state of destruction.

"Let's go, this space is about to disappear."

Dugu Baitian faced the black and white beside him.

I absorb the power of this space.

A phantom of the divine tree appeared on Hei Jue's body, the phantom rushed into the void, and the rhizomes merged into the void.

Start to absorb the remaining space power in this space.

Of course, the Void Collapse is also continuing.

Black and white definitely just absorbed a little bit, and disappeared into this space like Dugu Baitian.

The Ji family of the ancient lost imperial clan disappeared like this.

at the same time.

within a boundary.

There are broken walls and ruins everywhere, no grass grows, in a huge abyss.

Empress Mingyue is at the bottom of this abyss.

She stared blankly at the abyss in front of her.

Entered this world through the teleportation array, but was teleported into this abyss.

Divine consciousness could not be passed on. She wanted to contact Yang Emperor, Da Ri Emperor and others, but she couldn't get in touch at all.

"What the **** is this place?"

She muttered in her mouth.

There is a painting on the wall of the abyss. The painting on it, the Empress Mingyue has never seen it before, and it can definitely tell the picture of a very ancient scene.

She walked along this abyss and moved Suddenly her heart trembled.

"My clone is dead, what's going on?"

Empress Mingyue's eyes narrowed.

She had a clone who stayed in the Xingyue Dynasty to deal with the affairs of the Xingyue Dynasty, but now that body is dead.

How could she not be shocked.

What was going on in the mind.

But then she shook her head and put this thought aside, she now aims to get out of this abyss.

Empress Mingyue marched forward in this abyss, and there was no threat all the way, but she didn't find anything.

Walking and walking, in front of the abyss, an area of ​​burning flames appeared.

Her figure flashed, leaning against the shoulder area.

Above this flame area, a huge Vermillion Bird figure is suspended in the air.

This Suzaku figure is not an entity, but energy, as if it was generated by this burning flame.

It seems to sense the appearance of Empress Mingyue.

The Vermillion Bird suspended in the air suddenly opened its eyes and made a crisp low-pitched sound.

It turned into a ray of fire and charged directly towards the Empress Mingyue's eyebrows.

Empress Mingyue wanted to resist, but the firelight penetrated her body shield directly and got into her body.

When the fire light rushed into the eyebrows of Empress Mingyue.

The bright moon woman's whole body burst out with endless flames, as if to set her body on fire.


On the top of Empress Mingyue's head, there was a phantom of a treasure vase radiating light.

This aquarium phantom sent out a force that enveloped Empress Mingyue and helped Empress Mingyue suppress the flames on her body.

When the bottle appeared.

The low-pitched voice in the middle of Empress Mingyue's eyebrows continued to sound, and flames enveloped the treasure bottle, trying to melt the treasure bottle.

But the aquarium is bright, and becomes clearer, more solid and real under the burning flame.

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