Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1505: Reincarnation, Cao Wuyan

complexion changes.

It can be seen that when Duan De absorbed this energy, his body suffered a certain amount of severe pain.

But his expression didn't change.

Instead, the speed of the seal in the hand became faster, and the power that had previously poured into the body began to speed up.

And suppress this dark energy fluctuation.

Turn all these energies into pure energy into the body.

After the first wave of energy is absorbed.

The second wave of energy continues.

Origin Qi and dark energy continued to rush in, making Duan De's aura constantly stronger.

After an unknown amount of time, Duan De's pale complexion began to return to normal.

And the star source stone in the source pool also disappeared.

The previously black spots on his body turned into dark gold, emitting a terrifying light.

Then Duan De opened his eyes, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

He opened his mouth and said, "Finally stepping into the ninth layer of the Eternal Realm, it can be regarded as a bit of self-protection ability."

His body is the body of the Second Underworld Venerable, and he is proficient in both corpse and source techniques.

The combination of the two can make his body extremely terrifying.

After stepping into the eternal ninth level, he can perform both techniques at the same time, and he can tear off the peak of the eternal ninth level.

So it is normal to say that the ability to protect yourself is somewhat normal.

He walked out of the source pool, and a dark golden robe appeared on his body.

When he came out of the secret room.

Madara Uchiha's figure appeared in front of him.

"Palace Master, Fangcunshan wants to see you."

Madara Uchiha said.

"I want to see me, it seems that I want to see my strength and see if we have the ability to enter the temple."

Duan De said coldly.

"Okay, make an appointment for the meeting place, I'll be there on time."

Dean replied.

He also wanted to meet people from Fangcunshan.


Uchiha Madara turned and left.

Recently, the underworld has gradually stabilized.

The Eighteen Reincarnation Pool of the Underworld has begun to gradually take over the reincarnation of the soul of the fairy world.

They also used these powers to start improving their own strength.

Therefore, during this period of time, the underworld did not expand to the outside world, but only terrified himself in the 18th Reincarnation Pool.

Although it has not expanded, it is several times stronger than before.

When Madara Uchiha left.

Su Hao and the others appeared in the underworld.

"I have seen the Lord!"

Seeing Su Hao appearing, Duan De stepped forward and saluted.

"Palace Master Duan, this strength is improving very quickly."

Su Hao saw Duan De's aura and his face showed surprise.

"The underworld is in charge of eighteen reincarnations in the immortal world, and I stole some of the power of the underworld to improve my strength."

"And Fangcunshan just contacted us to meet me."

"I'm going to meet the people from Fangcunshan in person."

Dean said.

"People from Fangcunshan, if they want to meet, it should be for the temple." Su Hao frowned slightly.

"The temple is related to the aura of catastrophe, and we have at least five people entering this time."

Su Hao said.

"Understood!" Duan De nodded.

After he entered this world.

perceive a bottleneck.

This bottleneck is about whether he can go further.

And the key is the robbery atmosphere.

Therefore, he also attaches great importance to the affairs of the temple.

Su Hao didn't plan to go with Duan De to meet people from Fangcunshan.

One of his identity is the young master of the underworld, but now many people are staring at the underworld, and he is afraid that there will be flaws.

So I don't plan to show up for now.

He was going to meet the Nine Heavens Succubus.

in the Palace of War.

Jiutian Succubus stared at Gu Huai: "Su Hao, who doesn't move the city of Hades, when will you come?"

"If he doesn't come, I'll really go to the underworld."

"There is still the breath of the undead king. I feel closer and closer. I am afraid he will appear."

Jiutian Succubus said in a deep voice.

"It seems that you are very afraid of the Undying King. Did you really plan on him back then?"

Looking at the Nine Heavens Succubus, Gu Huai frowned.

He felt that the Nine Heavens Succubus was hiding something.

"Actually, it's nothing. When the Undead King was severely injured, I took action to intercept some of his power."

"However, his power is too great, and I have never recovered because of the injury. It is too difficult to refine his energy."

"Once he is born, I'm afraid that energy will be felt."

"So I want to recover from his injuries and find a place to slowly refine that power before he is born."

Nine Heavens Succubus said.

"You are really cruel. The Undying King should have taken that step."

"It exists like this. In the end, you can also fish it out. I can only call you big sister."

Gu Huai sighed.

After this period of time, Gu Huai didn't have that kind of timidity.

After encountering the Nine Heavens Succubus, the memory of that lifetime gradually began to recover.

So I feel like an old friend with Jiutian Succubus.

while they are talking.

Old Gu's figure stepped into the hall.

"Young Master Gu, the young master has already arrived in the Immortal Realm. Come to the God of War Palace immediately. The young master invites you to meet at the God of War Palace."

Old Gu said.

"Boss, boss is coming so soon."

Gu Huai was a little surprised. Some time ago, when he contacted Su Hao, was Su Hao still in the heaven?


Old Gu replied.

"Okay, we'll go to the War God Palace to see the boss later."

Gu Huai nodded.

After Old Gu bowed slightly, he turned around and exited the palace.

"There is an aura on this old Gu's body, and this aura is not simple."

Seeing that Gu Lao left, Jiutian Succubus's eyes flashed.

"He was a servant next to my boss before, and he was later arranged to serve my sister at the God of War Palace. He was a little complicated and normal."

Gu Huai said.

"Your boss is not easy, it seems that you are hugging your thighs."

Jiutian Succubus looked at Gu Huaidao.

Last time, Su Hao obtained the body of an ancient corpse and gave it directly to Elder Gu. Now, Elder Gu is refining and cannot control it perfectly.

Have to release some breath from time to time.

Of course, Jiutian Succubus can see that it is not simple.

That's why Gu Huai hugged his thighs.

The two briefly talked in detail, then stepped out of the palace and went to the Temple of War to meet Su Hao.

at this time

in the mountain of origin.

Inside a huge bronze palace.

Lu Ming, who had returned from the heaven before, was sitting in the palace with Ling Yanrong of the Magic Mountain of Myriad Beginnings.

They are waiting for Cao Jia Cao Wuyan to come.


A figure appeared in front of the palace gate.

With this figure appeared.

A reincarnation-like force erupted from the opponent's body and swept into the palace.

Immediately, the scene in the palace changed, and the void began to distort.

Lu Ming and Ling Yanrong showed signs of boundless reincarnation around their bodies, and countless souls were walking in this reincarnation.

"Endless Wuyan!"

See the complexion of the surrounding scene.

Lu Ming and Ling Yanrong's expressions changed, and they said at the same time.

They were horrified, but they didn't expect that it would be Cao Wuyan, the head of the Cao family.

They immediately restrained their minds and wanted to speak out, but found that even more terrifying reincarnation power swept over them.

"Brother Wuyan came here, the reception was not good."

At this moment, a figure appeared in the center of the hall, which was the origin immortal king of Origin Mountain.

When speaking, a power like the origin of species emerged from him, blocking this power of reincarnation.

"Original Immortal King, you should give me an explanation."

Cao Wuyan snorted coldly when he saw the Origin Immortal King.

When he was speaking, the power of reincarnation was released before, and it immediately disappeared without a trace.

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