Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1506: 9 days of succubus's temptation

"Brother Cao, what happened to Cao Shan is not what Lu Ming and the others did. There is absolutely no need for them to do such a thing."

"This matter should be blamed by the people of Fudo Pluto City."

The Origin Immortal King said in a deep voice.

As soon as Lu Ming and the others came back, they informed the Immortal King Origin of this matter.

You don't have to think about it to know that it is the ghost of Fudo Pluto.

"The two of them are in good condition, and all of my Cao family died in the Taikoo Divine Mountain in the heavens."

"This matter is also very puzzling. It should be easy to kill Cao Shan, but they are not dead."

"So Brother Yuanyuan, you shouldn't give me an explanation"

Cao Wuyan looked at the origin of the Immortal King.

He also knew in his heart that killing Cao Shan should have been done by Fudo Hades.

But the three parties who planned the plan, now only their Cao family is dead.

Cao Shan also sent back information.

He said that he was surrounded and killed by Lu Ming and Ling Yanrong, so he needed an explanation from them.

while speaking.

A jade pendant in his hand flew directly to the Origin Immortal King.

Here is the voice that Cao Shan finally returned.

"Cao Shan is the powerhouse of the eternal peak, he should not admit his mistake, if the two of you want to prove your innocence."

"Just give our Cao family an explanation."

"Brother Yuanyuan, I am here to give you face, within a month, I want to see this explanation!"

After saying that, Cao Wuyan turned around and left, not staying here any longer.

"Humph! This Cao Wuyan is so domineering, I am not afraid of their Cao family."

Ling Yanrong snorted coldly.

She was waiting for the people of the Cao family in Yuanyuan Mountain just to clear up the misunderstanding.

But this Cao Wuyan was so domineering.

"Elder Ling, Cao Wuyan, the endless reincarnation should be cultivated to the extreme."

"If you meet, you won't even have a chance to escape."

The Origin Immortal King said in a deep voice.

He collided with Cao Wuyan just now, Cao Wuyan's strength was vaguely stronger than what he had seen before.

Ling Yanrong's complexion changed when she heard the words of the Origin Immortal King.

As soon as Cao Wuyan appeared, the momentum suppressed her. She was indeed not Cao Wuyan's opponent.

It was too easy for Cao Wuyan to kill her.

"Immortal King, what should we do now?"

Lu Ming, who was beside him, said.

"Cao Wuyan's purpose is very simple, he wants us to give an explanation."

"I want us to surround and kill the people of Pluto City, as an explanation."

The Origin Immortal King said in a deep voice.

"But the Immortal King, we are here to find the whereabouts of Lin Yuanyuan, not to be the enemy of the immovable Hades."

Lu Ming frowned and said.

The origin of the fairy king is mainly looking for Lin Yuanyuan, not the enemy of Fufu Pluto City.

As for Ling Yanrong on the side, her expression remained unchanged.

Fudo Pluto City and their Wanshi Demon Mountain have already formed a revenge, and they are very willing to kill Fudo Pluto City people.

This will not only take revenge, but also pull up the Origin Mountain to deal with the immovable Hades together.

"This matter, there is no way, you and Elder Ling, discuss it with the two, and see how to do it."

"I am arranging for others to investigate the clues of Lin Yuanyuan."

The Origin Immortal King said in a deep voice.

But his face was a little dignified.

He was involved in a fight.

Another place.

Inside the God of War Palace.

Su Hao has appeared, he is waiting for Gu Huai and Jiutian Succubus.

He needs to understand the affairs of the Immortal World Temple.

palace gate

Nine-day succubus appeared, dressed in black, with a coldness in the charm.

When she walked in from outside the palace, Gu Huai followed her.

Jiutian Succubus looked at Su Hao, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Su Hao's strength lies in detachment, but following Su Hao is not easy.

Shao Si's life is the eternal ninth level. Although the blood-devouring vine has not reached the eternal ninth level, it gives people a sense of danger.

This is an extremely cruel person, as if he has no feelings.

Or that this kind of person only has feelings for his master.

"I have seen City Lord Su Shao."

The Nine Heavens Succubus saluted slightly.

"Please sit down!" Su Hao waved his hand to let the Nine Heavens Succubus sit down. ,

His eyes couldn't help but look at the nine-day succubus, revealing an endless charm all over his body.

Don't start it yourself, it's an instinct of the body.

"We don't move the Pluto City very well about the situation of the Immortal World Temple. This time I actually came here to ask Jiutian Your Excellency."

Su Hao then said.

"This Immortal World Temple, according to my previous calculations, should appear within a year."

"As for the specific time, the Three Great Avenues Palace should know."

Nine-day succubus opened his mouth and said

"Within 1 year"

Su Hao frowned slightly.

Unexpectedly, this Immortal World Temple will start within a year, which is not a long time.

"City Master Su Shao, I don't know if I can persuade the masters in Hades City to go with me."

Jiutian Succubus stared at Su Hao with a pair of eyes.

She had to find a way to enter the temple.

Otherwise, once the Undead King appears, she may be in trouble.

"I need to go back and discuss this matter."

Su Hao said in a deep voice.

He has already arranged for the underworld to contact Fangcunshan.

From the attitude of Fang Cunshan's recovery, he knew about the temple there.

And judging from the feedback from Fangcunshan, he did not intend to let Fudo Hades enter the temple.

So if you don't move Pluto City and want to enter the temple, I am afraid that you will face pressure from all sides.

What's more, the underworld will probably be pulled into it to fight the immovable Pluto City.

Feeling Su Hao's attitude.

Jiutian Succubus opened his mouth and said, "City Master Su Shao, are you worried?"

"It's not a worry, but this matter, I'm afraid it's not that easy."

"Fujian Pluto City is not an immortal force, and it will definitely be excluded."

Su Hao shook his head and said,

The Immortal World Temple must have started a lot. Why haven't other forces in the Immortal World entered? Are the other forces not strong?

Certainly not, it means that other forces are jealous, or there are some unwritten rules.

"Then it seems that I can only talk to the underworld. The undead king is about to recover. I will tell them the news."

"I think they should let me into the temple."

Jiutian Succubus shook his head.

Hearing this, Su Hao frowned and said, "The Immortal King is revived. Didn't the Immortal King fall? How can he still recover?"

"The Immortal King is the first Heavenly King of the Underworld. He is in charge of the Underworld and dares to fight against the Three Great Dao Palaces with the power of one government."

"City Master Su Shao, do you think that the Undying King is really gone?"

"The undead king was a strong man in the calamity realm before his death."

Nine Heavens Succubus replied.

"The robbery powerhouse!"

When he heard the Nine Heavens Succubus say that the Undead King is a powerhouse in the Tribulation Su Hao's face was slightly surprised.

Although I had guessed it before, I was a little surprised to hear it.

The Immortal King is a powerhouse in the realm of robbery, so the Palace Master of the Three Great Avenues must be a powerhouse in the realm of robbery.

At this time, when the Nine Heavens Succubus was talking about the Immortal King, his eyes kept staring at Su Hao.

She wanted to see Su Hao's reaction when he heard the news.

Of course, it was mainly because of the shock level of the news that Su Hao's Immortal King was a calamity realm powerhouse.

If you are shocked, it means that there may be no robbery powerhouse in the city of Hades.

Wei Wei was surprised, indicating that there are people in the realm of robbery in Fudo Pluto City.

In this case, she will definitely make good friends with Pluto City, and will make further preparations.

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