Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1259: 3000 gods and devils palms, gods and devils cemetery

Inside the hall.

Su Hao's complexion changed. This is too arrogant. As soon as he made a move, he shattered the screen of their unmoving Hades City.

This was what he had done before.

Now it has been done by others.

"Lord, it's not easy to come, I'll go meet him."

At this time, Dugu Baitian stood up, and the light in his eyes flashed.

"These are 20 robbery auras, if necessary, absorb them."

Su Hao directly handed over the 20 auras of catastrophe to Dugu Baitian.

He didn't want Dugu to be defeated.

Dugu Baitian nodded and stepped out of the palace.

At this time, in the void, Qin Yao and the head of Yuanyuan Mountain had already appeared in the void.

The old man who was caught by them before has already left.

"Qin Yao of the Magic Mountain of Wanshi, Li Tao, the director of Origin Mountain University."

After Dugu Baitian appeared, he looked at Qin Yao and the others.

"Untouchable Pluto City Deputy City Lord Dugu defeated Tian, ​​hand over your Young City Lord Su Hao, I'll leave today, otherwise, I will destroy your Star Realm today without moving Pluto City."

That Qin Yao looked at Dugu Baitian and said very domineeringly.

"This woman is still domineering as always, and as soon as she comes, the other party will hand over their young city lord."

"It seems that she may have accumulated a lot of robbery aura in the past tens of thousands of years. Otherwise, she would not be so arrogant."

In some dark places, the powerhouses who have long come to the star realm secretly said in their hearts.

"There will be a good show to watch next."

Some people were talking in secret.

Obviously, Fudo Hades City will never hand over the young master Su Hao.

Once handed over, all the majesty of the immovable Pluto City will be lost, and the dominance of the astral world will not be guaranteed.

So there must be a fight.

Hearing Qin Yao's words, a fierce cold light flashed in Dugu Baitian's eyes.

"You are really presumptuous. You dare to provoke me so much that I can't move the city of Hades, and I will let you be buried here today."

Dugu Baitian speaks and speaks.

With a palm shot, the situation changed suddenly, and the huge palm shot into the sky, slamming down towards the opponent like the sun.

That Qin Yao's eyes were calm, and with a little finger, a finger light rose into the sky and swiped across the falling palm.


The huge palm was directly torn into two sections.

"Judging from the strength of your attack just now, you have at most comprehended 4 auras of catastrophe, but do you know how much I have comprehended?"

That Qin Yao looked at Dugu defeating Heaven with contempt.

when she speaks.

Twenty tribulation auras burst out from her body.


"Qin Yao, she has already realized twenty auras of catastrophe, how is this possible?"

Some spectators showed surprise.

They didn't expect that Qin Yao actually realized 20 auras of robbery, no wonder she had the courage to come to the city of Hades.

Such strength is indeed too terrifying.

Dugu Baitian's expression froze, but his expression remained the same. Su Hao gave him 20 catastrophe auras, 16 of which were all integrated into his body.

He looked at Qin Yao and said, "I didn't expect you to have comprehended 20 auras of catastrophe. It's really strong, so I will fight you with the same realm."

When Dugu Baitian spoke, 20 robbery auras also erupted from his body.

Look at this situation.

The faces of the spectators turned pale, and they were also horrified at Dugu Baitian.

What Dugu Baitian said just now, however, used the same realm.

That means that Dugu Baitian has definitely comprehended more than 20 things.

Seeing such a scene, they instinctively shuddered.

The cultivation of the aura of robbery.

Some say he is difficult, some say he is not difficult.

This is purely by epiphany and mastery of power.

At this time, seeing the change in Dugu Baitian's aura, Qin Yao, who was arrogant before, changed his face.

The old man of Yuanyuan Mountain beside him looked horrified.

First, he was horrified by Qin Yao, and now he was horrified by Dugu Baitian.

He stepped back slowly, looking for a chance to leave.

Don't think about it, if you do it yourself, I'm afraid there is no chance of life.

But it's not that he comes when he wants, and leaves when he wants.

"Friends of Yuanyuan Mountain, since they are here, let's fight."

At this time, the voice of the Demon Lord rang in the ears of the old man.

"Do not move Hades City's Deputy City Lord Demon Lord."

He turned his head and saw the figure of the Demon Lord, his face condensed.

"If that's the case, let's fight!" Qin Yao snorted coldly, and a terrifying demonic energy emanated from her body.

These demonic qi formed a vortex, and the aura of catastrophe circulated in her body.

The figure flashed towards Dugu Baitian, and the killing intent was awe-inspiring, without any hesitation.

Dugu Baitian's eyes turned cold, and he also attacked and killed him.

After the two collided in the sky, Qin Yao's body was shaken back a few steps.

"Three thousand devil palms!"

Seeing this, Qin Yao's complexion changed, and she gave a low drink.

Behind her appeared one after another ghosts, these ghosts, arrogant, violent, and mighty.

There are three thousand paths.

The moment Qin Yao raised his hand, the three gods and demons gathered into one palm and shot out

The figure covered the world, and the sight shocked everyone.

"This is Qin Yao's Three Thousand Devil Palms, it's too terrifying!"

Some people were horrified when they saw the vision in heaven and earth.

Six Ways of Samsara Fist.

Dugu Baitian also blasted out the Six Paths Samsara Fist, the fist intent enveloped the world, forming the Six Path Samsara Fist.


Dugu Baitian blocked this palm.

Suddenly, Qin Yao moved, three thousand gods and demons moved, and the terrifying boundless mana bombarded the Six Paths Samsara Fist Intent.

The two fought, and Dugu Baitian stepped out in one step, and the six reincarnation breaths under his feet formed a terrifying wave, which bombarded the three thousand gods and demons on the horizon.

He will use this to suppress the three thousand ghosts and ghosts beside Qin Yao.

The fist in his hand did not stop in the slightest, and with endless strength, he pierced through the gods and demons in front of him and slammed directly on Qin Yao's body.


Qin Yao had three thousand gods and demons guarding her in front, but she was still hit by Dugu Baitian's attack.

There was a wisp of blood on the corner of his mouth, and the whole person moved backwards, his chest heaved violently, and he gasped heavily.

"Your strength is so strong, you will shock me with one punch."

Qin Yao wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth.

But the body rose into the air again, and a claw in his hand directly grabbed Dugu Baitian.

This palm tore the world apart.

Dugu Baitian's eyes narrowed, and a golden fist slammed out of his palm.


Qin Yao's body was shaken flying but at the same time, his eyes flashed with light.

This time, instead of wiping the blood from his mouth with his hands, he licked the blood with his tongue.

A **** statue appeared in her hand.

As soon as the statue appeared, he merged into Qin Yao's body.

Then Qin Yao's eyes became red, and the magic energy in her body was blessed, and it continued to rise.

Three thousand ghosts of gods and demons who were previously suppressed by Dugu Baitian's Six Paths of Reincarnation.

At this moment, they began to roar, breaking free from the previous six-path reincarnation and heading towards Dugu Baitian.

"Since this is the case, then I will bury all your gods and demons in my gods and demons cemetery."

Originally, Dugu Baitian didn't want to use the Gods and Demons Cemetery.

But now I don't want to spend it with each other.

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