Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1527: System upgrade card page


I didn't expect to get a 14-level crystal draw card so easily.

Just when he was happy.

Black and white came to Su Hao: "My lord, there is a message from Xingchenhai outside the realm just now."

"The deputy mountain master of Wanshi Magic Mountain and the big housekeeper of Yuanyuan Mountain will go to the astral world, and I am afraid they will do something to me if I don't move Pluto City."

Hearing this, Su Hao frowned slightly.

He didn't expect the other party to be so domineering and dare to go directly to their star world without moving Pluto City.

Is this absolute confidence in one's own strength?

Su Hao thought to himself.

"What is the strength of this deputy mountain master of Wanshi Magic Mountain and the big butler of Yuanyuan Mountain?"

Su Hao asked.

"The name of the deputy mountain master of this Wanshi Magic Mountain is Qin Yao. Ten thousand years ago, he realized the aura of three robbery realms, and he did things very domineeringly."

"She usually destroys a family when she shoots."

"As for the big butler of Yuanyuan Mountain, it is not the peak of eternity, or the realization of a robbery atmosphere."

"At that time, Qin Yao of the Magic Mountain of Wanshi, the big housekeeper who threatened the origin of the mountain, came together to move the Pluto, and if he didn't come, he would kill him."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"It's really crazy, but I realized the breath of the three robbery realms ten thousand years ago, and I'm definitely not an ordinary person."

Su Hao said coldly.

Although the aura of catastrophe is difficult to cultivate, once you master certain rules, you can quickly gather the breath of catastrophe.

For example, Youhabach uses his psychic energy to collect other powers. As long as he finds different powers and refines them, he can obtain the aura of catastrophe.

As for Donghuang Taiyi, he used the Zhou Tianxingchen array to condense the aura of the Tribulation Realm, and his strength increased rapidly.

"In this case, let's go back to the star realm and meet the deputy mountain master of the Magic Mountain of Myriad Beginnings."

Su Hao said softly.

[Trigger the task, the deputy mountain master of Wanshi Magic Mountain, the director of Yuanyuan Mountain, go to the astral world, want to overwhelm Pluto City, suppress or kill, get 1 non-level lottery card and 1 system upgrade card. 】


When Su Hao heard the system's voice, his eyes couldn't help but be stunned.

He could understand the no-level lottery card, but what happened to the system upgrade card at the back?

Could it be that the strength of the people on my side has improved a bit slowly.

Upgrade the system, and more advanced draw cards will appear.

Su Hao thought in his heart.

"Notice, Shao Siming and the blood-devouring magic vine came here secretly and returned to the fairyland with me."

Su Hao ordered to Hei Jue.


Black and white bowed out of the hall.

Extraterritorial sea of ​​stars.

In a star covered with ice and snow, endless ice and snow are flying all over the sky, forming an extremely terrifying ice and snow storm.

In the middle of the stars, there is a huge palace.

inside the palace. inside a palace.

Murong Yue, dressed in white, walked out of one of the palaces.

When she was cultivating in the astral world.

When he was about to leave the customs, he was brought to this Guanghan Palace named Guanghan Star by the Snow Emperor Palace.

Became one of the named disciples of the Palace Master of Guanghan Palace.

Because she is not perfect, but has extraordinary aptitude and the bloodline of the Ice Phoenix, Palace Master Guanghan agreed to her.

As long as she steps into the ninth level of transcendence, she will be accepted as a direct disciple.

At this time, a little girl in a goose-yellow robe walked across from her.

"Sister Yue'er, I knew you were cultivating here. When I went out this time, I brought you some good things."

"Go, go to my room."

When the girl saw Murong Yue, she immediately stepped forward, took Murong Yue's hand, and walked towards one place.

"Slow down, Cai'er! Tell me about what's going on outside recently."

Murong Yue said.

When she came to Guanghan Palace, she hadn't gone out once.

She has been practicing in the Guanghan Palace, and she wants to reach the ninth level of transcendence as soon as possible.

At that time, he will be able to become the disciple of Palace Master Guanghan.

At that time, he can go out to help Su Hao.

"Sister Yue'er, this time I went out, and I really heard something important."

The girl called Cai'er immediately said happily.

"What's the big deal?"

Murong Yue asked in confusion.

"It's Qin Yao, the deputy mountain master of Wanshi Magic Mountain, and the housekeeper of Yuanyuan Mountain. The two went to the star realm to destroy the immovable Hades City."

"Sister Yue'er, you are from the star realm, you should know about the immovable Pluto City."

The Cai'er girl looked at Murong Yue and said.

Hearing this, Murong Yue's complexion changed, and she did not move Pluto City, she was very familiar with it.

"You said that the deputy mountain master of Wanshi Magic Mountain and the butler of Yuanyuan Mountain will go to the astral world and will not destroy the city of Pluto."

"What's going on with Fudo Pluto City now?"

Murong Yue asked nervously.

"I don't know about this, it's just rumors that they are going, haven't they fought yet?"

"Sister Yue'er, do you have a sweetheart in Fudo Pluto City?"

Na Cai'er looked at Murong Yue and said.

Murong Yue didn't answer, she couldn't say, I'm the wife of the young city lord of Fudo Pluto City.

"It seems to be true. I didn't expect Sister Yue'er to have something to do with Fudo Pluto City."

"This immovable Pluto City's current power is no worse than our Guanghan Palace."

Na Cai'er looked at Murong Yue and knew that Murong Yue's sweetheart was in the city of Fudong Pluto.

"My husband is in Fudo Pluto Castle."

Murong Yue replied.

She is not a virgin, and many people in Guanghan know it, so there is no need to hide anything.

As long as she doesn't say Su Hao's name.

"I didn't expect my brother-in-law to be in Fudo Pluto City. When I have time, I will show my brother-in-law to see if he is worthy of my sister."

The little girl said with a smile.

But she saw the worried look on Murong Yue's face.

"Sister Yue'er, in fact, you don't have to worry, this does not move Pluto City, it is the overlord of the star realm."

"It is also very powerful in the fairy world, and it will not necessarily be defeated by the Wanshi Magic Mountain."

"What's more, Fudo Pluto City must have known the news. Brother-in-law and the others will definitely not stay on the battlefield, so you don't have to worry."

"When Master comes back, I'll go find out the news for you."

The little girl immediately said: "Let's go and see what I brought you."

After she finished speaking, she stopped Murong Yue from heading towards her Fang's house.

Hearing what the little girl said, Murong Yue secretly thought in her heart, and she was confused when she cared about it.

They all know here.

Su Hao must know that it is not his turn if there is danger.


Do not move within the city of Hades.

Su Hao was sitting in the main hall, they were waiting for Qin Yao, the deputy mountain master of Wanshi Magic Mountain, and the chief butler of Yuanyuan Mountain.

Now, the action of the Magic Mountain of Myriad is completely in the Three Realms, and it is also spread in the sea of ​​stars and stars outside the realm.

"My lord, this Magic Mountain of Myriad Beginnings is trying to hold the city of Pluto untouched by us."

Dugu Baitian opened his mouth and said.

Light flashed in his eyes.

The star world does not move Pluto City, but he presides over it. The other party is coming to provoke him now, and he cannot tolerate it.

"The opponent's strength is not simple. It is rumored that tens of thousands of years ago, he realized the aura of the Three Realms of Tribulation. Now his strength must have increased greatly, otherwise he would not be so rampant."

Su Hao said in a deep voice.

"Lord, the last time you brought back the Void God Tomb, I merged into the God and Demon Cemetery."

"During this process, I realized some ways to enhance the aura of robbery."

"I have now realized the aura of the four robbery realms, plus the words of the gods and devils cemetery, it can be seen that the challenge force is several times that of me."

Dugu Baitian said.

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