Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1554: Ascension Palace master plan

In the Feather Palace.

A figure appeared in front of the Ascension Palace Master.

"His Royal Highness, Wei Cangsheng and Yi Tianhou are going to kill the Palace Master Mu Chengxue."

A figure spoke in front of her.

"Yi Tianhou and Wei Cangsheng?"

There was a puzzled look in the eyes of the Palace Master ascension.

"Wei Cangsheng is the son of Marquis Yitian who disappeared back then."

The figure replied.

"I didn't expect Wei Cangsheng to be the son of Marquis Yitian. Now their father and son are taking action. It seems that my eldest brother is pressing me!"

Ascension Palace Master murmured in his mouth.

"Go and ask Lu Tianhou to come over and let him restrain Yitianhou. As for Wei Cangsheng, leave it to me, Palace Master Mu Chengxue."

Ascension Palace Master ordered.


The figure left quickly.

After the figure left, the Palace Master Yuhua looked out of the palace.

"Brother, are you trying to draw out the forces behind me through Mu Chengxue?"

"Aren't you afraid of Murong Yue?"

"Mu Chengxue is her master after all. Are you not afraid that if Mu Chengxue dies, I will be connected to Pluto City?"

"But Mu Chengxue still has a little use. She can't die. Her soul has been polluted by me. Once it's all polluted, Mu Chengxue will be completely under my control."

"As long as the resources are in place, Mu Chengxue's strength will be fully recovered, and I will have a completely obedient expert on my side."

Ascension Palace Master murmured in his mouth.

After she finished speaking, she turned around and entered a secret room.

in the secret room

A figure appeared.

"Palace Master, all the people we searched for Murong Yue were beheaded. It was the young man who followed Su Hao."

Black Shadow said.

"You said that all the people we probed into Murong Yue's news were beheaded?"

Ascension Palace Master frowned.

"Yes, not only those we probed, but also those probed by other forces were beheaded, and those who shot were unscrupulous."

Black Shadow said in a low voice.

"It's really domineering. It seems that this young city master Su still cares about Murong Yue, so he might be able to take advantage of it."

"I won't investigate Murongyue for now. When I find an opportunity to control this Murongyue."

"Having control of Murong Yue should be able to influence the young city lord Su."

Ascension Palace Master said in a deep voice.

"Palace Master, Fudo Pluto City occupies the star realm. It is very powerful. If you directly control Su Hao, you will plant a nail in Fudo Pluto City. The Primordial Master will be very happy to know that."

The shadow spoke in front of her.

"Su Hao is protected by a robbery powerhouse. We have no chance unless that projection leaves."

When the Yuhua Palace Master said this, he suddenly became thoughtful.

Seems to be thinking of something?

"Maybe you can really let this projection go away, eldest brother, didn't you always want to see the forces behind me?"

"I'll show you today."

The light in the eyes of the Palace Master ascension.

Then two runes appeared in her hand, which were crushed by her and disappeared into the air.

at this time.

There was silence in the street.

Wei Cangsheng did not hide the matter of Guanghan Palace, so many people in the imperial court knew about it.

Now that Wei Cangsheng has taken action against Mu Chengxue, it has also become a highlight of the imperial court.

Wei Cangsheng is Mu Chengxue's disciple.

The battle between the two can be said to be a battle between master and apprentice, and it is also an internal matter of Guanghan Palace, so outsiders will not interfere.

The top of a pavilion.

The appearance of the first prince and the leader of the Purple Dragon Palace, they looked at the place where Mu Chengxue and Wei Cangsheng were.

"His Royal Highness, do you think the gang of mice behind the Ascension Palace Master will appear?"

The master of the Purple Dragon Palace said in a deep voice.

"Yes, my sister, but she prepared a lot of treasures for Mu Chengxue just to help Mu Chengxue recover."

"Mu Chengxue should be useful to her, so she won't give up like this."

The First Prince said in a deep voice.

At this time, on the street, Mu Chengxue looked at Wei Cangsheng with a condensed expression.

"I didn't expect you to dare to come to see me. Do you think that I am injured and you are my opponent."

Mu Chengxue looked at Wei Cangsheng and said.

"Master, I have been pursuing you in my life. Since I can't get you, I will die with you."

"And my strength, it's not what you think. I have caught up with you many years ago."

"Last time I attacked you, but I didn't use all my strength."

Just then.

Wei Cangsheng's aura began to change, and the aura of tribulation was released from his body, which was extremely terrifying.

"Thirty robbery auras."

The spectators saw the changes in Wei Cangsheng's aura, and their hearts were shocked.

They did not expect the strength of this Wei Cangsheng to reach thirty auras of robbery.

Mu Chengxue was shocked when she saw the change in Wei Cangsheng's aura.

She did not expect Wei Cangsheng to reach such a height.

when she was surprised.

Twenty auras of catastrophe in Wei Cangsheng's body began to crack and gradually turned into nothingness.


Wei Cangsheng spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale.

He looked at Mu Chengxue and said, "Now you and I have the same strength. If you beat you, I will leave with your body. If you lose, I will die. I hope you will bury me in Guanghan Palace."

"Self-shattering the aura of the Tribulation Realm!"

"This Wei Cangsheng is really unusual!"

In one place, Su Hao, Murong Yue and Qiu Cai'er appeared.

Looking at Wei Cangsheng not far away, Su Hao said involuntarily.

Wei Cangsheng took action against Mu Chengxue, Su Hao still knew some reasons from Hei Jue.


Sometimes this stuff is really hard to understand.

Wei Cangsheng pursued Mu Chengxue for tens of thousands of years, and finally let his mentality change and become such a state.

"Brother-in-law, let's help the palace master and kill Wei Cangsheng."

Qiu Cai'er said.

She wanted Su Hao to help, but found that Su Hao had no intention of doing it.

She couldn't help looking at Murong Yue, and found that Murong Yue shook her head too.

Su Hao's decision was his decision, not to mention she also felt some special relationship between Wei Cangsheng and Master.

on the street.

Mu Chengxue looked at Wei Cangsheng, who had broken the aura of twenty tribulation realms, and his eyes changed slightly.

A lot of things passed through her eyes, but the next moment, a fierce cold air appeared all over her body.


In the face of this fierce sword Wei Cangsheng punched, and the moment he punched out, the sky was torn apart, and the sky seemed to be shattered by this punch.


A huge sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, and a force swept all around.

A force appeared again in the surrounding buildings to ensure the integrity of the imperial court buildings.

"I didn't expect that there is a protection formation in this imperial court. Does this allow people to take action in the imperial court?"

Su Hao looked at the appearance of the protective shield and murmured.

After smashing the sword energy with a punch, Wei Cangsheng rose into the air.

"Master, as your disciple, this recruitment is called Ice Age."

Wei Cangsheng said.

The voice fell, and a punch was thrown, and the world was covered with ice.

If Wei Cangsheng could become a disciple of Mu Chengxue, his talent in the ice element was definitely not weak.

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