Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1555: The battle is over, sneak attack

A teacher of the same origin.

The cultivation of the two is an ice-attribute technique.

Although Mu Chengxue didn't take action, the chill on his body also permeated.

The defensive shield formed by the buildings on both sides of the street also felt like it was about to be frozen and shattered.

Ice Age.

Everything in the world is frozen, Wei Cangsheng's move is a big move.

I want to freeze Mu Chengxue into it.

In the frozen center, Mu Chengxue's eyes became extremely cold.

Behind her, a shadow of endless cold air appeared.

This shadow appeared, and the previously frozen cold air quickly shattered.

"The ice of extreme cold, the ice shatters the world."

Mu Chengxue let out a low drink and slapped it out with a palm, a feeling of shattering spread out in this space.

This breath is so strong that it shatters everything.

It seems that everything in this world will be frozen to pieces.

The cold air that had previously frozen her also burst in an instant, turning into cold currents flowing in the air.

"Are these two people very domineering in the way of cultivation?"

Looking at the situation in front of him, Su Hao said softly.

Wei Cangsheng, ice age, frozen everything, buried everything.

Mu Chengxue's shot is to freeze everything and destroy everything.

One is buried, the other is destroyed.

Murder is strong.

There was no winner or loser for the time being.


Mu Chengxue took the lead.

She slapped it out with a palm, and the cold light in the palm of her hand soared a hundred times, and the space began to shatter under this cold air.

With this shattering power, he attacked Wei Cangsheng.

Wei Cangsheng looked at Mu Chengxue, who was bombarded, with light flashing in his eyes.

One after another powerful force came out of his body, and his figure suddenly rose into the air: "Master, I will show you my strength today.

As he spoke, he slapped it out.

There is a thunder in the chill in the sky, and Wei Cangsheng also has a violent, killing power.

This burst of power instantly exploded the chill around him.

Step out, punch out.

An ice dragon appeared in the fist, and the ice dragon howled. Wherever it passed, the sky and the earth collapsed, and the space was like a mirror, shattering every inch.

This Cangsheng Wei showed an extremely strong attacking power this time.


Only a loud bang was heard, and the two collided in the air, trying their best to shoot.

A huge force erupted in their hands, shattering the surrounding void.

Judging from the situation of the fight, the two have no scruples about the master-disciple relationship at all, as if only one of them can survive.

At this time, the eldest prince was watching the battle not far away, looking at the two people fighting in the sky.

Some sighed and said, "Wei Cangsheng's talent is probably stronger than that of Mu Chengxue, but it's a pity that someone will fall after today.

"Your Highness, will the other party really show up for Mu Chengxue?"

The man beside him said in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter if she comes out or not. After this battle, Mu Chengxue's value has become lower, no matter if she wins or loses."

The First Prince said in a deep voice.

No matter how strong Mu Chengxue was, she was just a tool.

After today, no matter whether Mu Chengxue is dead or not, Guanghan Palace will inevitably decline, and the supporters of the master of Yuhua Palace will be broken.

As long as it is broken, it is very difficult to continue.

Unless someone in the dark shows up.

The eldest prince thought to himself.

at this time

in a dark place.

A white-haired old man was staring at the direction of the eldest prince.

He didn't pay attention to the fierce confrontation between Wei Cangsheng and the others. The purpose of his coming here was to attack the eldest prince.

The white-haired old man is waiting.

He was waiting for his chance to make a move.

When the battle between Mu Chengxue and Wei Cangsheng was over, it was time for him to take action.

On the other side, a man covered in black robes was staring at Su Hao.

His purpose was Su Hao.

Su Hao has the projection of a robbery powerhouse on his body. He has a chance to shoot.


Of course, it's not that there is a chance to kill Su Hao, but just a chance to kill.

As long as he sneaks up on Su Hao and puts Su Hao in extreme danger, the Gu Chensha projection that protects Su Hao will definitely appear.

As long as the ancient dust and sand projection appeared, his purpose was achieved.

The last time he appeared, he had already shown his majesty, and this time he was intercepted and killed. This is a provocation.

This is a provocation to the robbery powerhouse.

At that time, Gu Chensha's projection will definitely be angry.

The anger of the robbery powerhouse cannot be borne by anyone.

Ji Haoyue, who had just climbed out of the coffin, would definitely come to comfort him in person.

At that time, Palace Master Ascension will have a chance to approach Su Hao.

As long as she gives the Ascension Palace host a chance, she will be able to leave something in Su Hao's soul.


At this moment, there was a loud noise, and a figure in the sky fell on the ground.

Not Mu Chengxue, but Wei Cangsheng.

At this time, blood was spilling from the corner of his mouth, his face was pale, and he covered his chest with one hand, and his eyes were looking at the sky.

The figure of Mu Chengxue appeared in the sky.

"Why did you keep your hands in the end, otherwise my heart will be pierced just like yours."

Mu Chengxue looked at Wei Cangsheng and said coldly.

Wei Cangsheng glanced at Mu Chengxue: "Just to make you remember me forever."

The voice fell, and where Wei Cangsheng had covered his hands earlier, streaks of frost appeared.

With this frost, his body was instantly frozen.

In the moment of freezing, his life breath disappeared.

In the previous exercise, Mu Chengxue pierced his heart.

Of course, he could also shatter Mu Chengxue's heart, but at the last moment, he stopped.

Mu Chengxue did not stop.


The people watching the battle did not expect it to be like this.

They all showed surprise.

And just when everyone was surprised, a figure suddenly rose into the air.

The moment this figure rose into the air, a long knife appeared in his hand, the long knife was split out, the light of the knife soared, and it attacked a pavilion overwhelmingly.

That pavilion is where the First Prince is.

Someone wants to kill the eldest prince of the eternal kingdom.

Su Hao also looked over there.

The void over there was shrouded in long swords, cracks appeared, and an indescribable sense of terror appeared in the hearts of people.


The pavilion where the eldest prince was located was disintegrated by the powerful sword qi.

The power of the previous defensive building seemed to disappear at this moment.

"It seems that someone has cut off that defensive force!"

Su Hao thought to himself.

"You dare!"

With the disintegration of the pavilion, a figure rose into the sky, and the person who appeared raised his palm above his head, like a god.

"Tarzan is on top!"

The voice fell, and the five fingers clasped together into a fist, and a punch slammed into the person who threw the knife.


The long knife and the fist collided, and rays of energy blocked everyone's sight.

This is the moment!

The man who has been in the dark has shot.

A punch was thrown out, and the rolling punches swept towards Su Hao like a tsunami.


When Su Hao saw this punching force, his pupils suddenly became bigger.

Because in his spiritual space a fist is about to appear, to smash his spiritual space with one punch.

"Nima, I just watched the play. It seems that I didn't offend anyone. How could someone attack me."

"This strength is absolutely close to the first level of the Eternal Realm."

Su Hao cursed in his heart

But look at the punch from this bombardment.

Su Hao didn't hesitate, his mind poured into the mental space, and he also punched out.


The two forces collided, setting off a burst of energy fluctuations.

A mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of Su Hao's mouth. When the blood spilled out, the rolling fist energy also swept in.

to smash his body to pieces.

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