Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1601: The army is approaching, the battle of attack begins

"You want to enter the endless sea, you want to find the true body of Yuanjun."

Hearing the words of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, Duobao said with a condensed expression.

"Yes, my real body of Yuanjun is lost in the endless sea. If I can't retrieve it, it will be useless even if I dissolve the remaining palm power left on me by the undead king."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said.

Hearing the words of Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, Zhenjun Duobao's expression froze.

He handed the Eight Trigrams Mirror in his hand to Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

Seeing the change in the lines in the gossip mirror, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit was startled: "Senior brother, is this?"

"This is what happened after returning from Xuandu."

"I guess this crisis comes from the temple, so I suggest not to step into the temple, let alone into the endless sea."

"Once the Nebula Lock is opened, the temple will be integrated into the Three Realms, and the Endless Sea will also appear."

"At that time, it should be easier and less dangerous if you go into the Endless Sea to retrieve your true body of Yuanjun."

Duobao suggested.

"But now that the world is changing, my strength is a little weaker."

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said.

"If three days later, my gossip mirror crisis is solved by me, I will take you into the temple, and then send you to the endless sea."

Duobao glanced at Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

"Thank you, Senior Brother, I'll go to Jilei Mountain Mansion first."

After the Lady of the Golden Spirit bowed slightly, she exited the palace and left.

"Where does the crisis come from?"

Duobao slowly walked towards the back of the palace with the Bagua mirror.

at this time

Heaven, an invisible empire.

After the invisible empire entered the heaven, it occupied a mountain range.

The invisible imperial palace is located in this mountain range.

In this mountain range, the mountains are ups and downs, the trees are green, and around the invisible empire, countless imperial soldiers are patrolling.

beyond the mountains.

A palace stands in the void, and four men wearing the armor of the Canglan Empire are sitting in the palace.

"I heard that the Blue Dragon and White Tiger invited the Dragon Subduing and Fuhu Tiger of Tianjiling Mountain to come out."

One of them spoke up.

"The Blue Dragon King and the White Tiger King are both powerful men in the world, and they let one press down on them, both Subduing the Dragon and Fuhu."

"I really don't understand, what do you think about it, big brother!"

When the other person spoke, he looked at the other person.

"Don't underestimate these two people. I feel that they are doing one thing, but I don't know if they are right or not."

The person who spoke, opened his mouth.

"Brother, what did you see?"

said the previous person.

"Yours, the second child should have seen it? Second child, tell them."

The man didn't say anything, but said to the man who had never spoken.

Although this man was wearing a battle armor, he seemed a little refined.

"The Qinglong Ancient Country and the White Tiger Ancient Country lead the other 30 Buddhist countries, and their suppression of the invisible empire is stronger than our Canglan Empire."

"Maybe others think that this is the reward of the ancient Qinglong and Baihu countries to get the Buddha's land."

"People with this kind of thinking probably don't understand the Qinglong King and the White Tiger King."

"But eldest brother and I, together with the two kings of Qinglong and Baihu, traveled together when we were young."

"They, my eldest brother and I know each other very well. They want to use the invisible empire to get rid of the fate of the white tiger and the blue dragon."

"I don't know if the other Buddhist lords will come in person, but if the Blue Dragon and White Tiger lords come, they will surely die in the invisible empire!"

Speaking of this, the man looked a little lonely.


Hearing their second brother's words, the expressions of the other two changed.

Some of them didn't believe what his second brother said, and looked at the man in the lead.

The head man nodded.

"You two can know about this matter, don't spread it out."

The leading man said.

at this time.

In the void of the heavens, thirty-six spaceships are moving fast towards this side.

Leading them are the ancient Qinglong and Baihu warships.


The sound resounded throughout the void, and people from some forces were surprised and rushed here.

The Buddhist countries under the jurisdiction of Tianjiulingshan are large and small. The large Buddhist countries are like the ancient Qinglong country and the ancient white tiger country. There are eighteen countries, and there are more than a thousand medium-sized Buddhist countries. There are countless small ones.

Now the battle seems to be huge.

So it attracts attention.

These warships were very fast, and in a short time they came to the periphery of the mountains ruled by the invisible empire.

"Is this going to attack the invisible empire?"

When some people saw this posture, they couldn't help but say.

"It should be, the Thirty-Six Buddha Kingdoms have been suppressing the invisible empire, and now all the leaders of the invisible empire have returned, which is a good opportunity to deal with it."

"Aren't they afraid that the Astral World will not move the Pluto City, but there are experts in the Tribulation Realm in the Fudo Pluto City."

"Master of the Tribulation Realm, don't you have the Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain?"

"Yes, but it is rumored that there is more than one robbery powerhouse in Fudo Pluto City, there may be more than two."

"Do you think there is only one Heavenly Vulture Mountain?"

Some people are having a heated conversation.

while they were talking.

A rumbling sound came from the void.

Originally hidden in the void, the army of the Canglan Empire also appeared this time.

"The lord of Qinglong, the lord of White Tiger, and the commanders of the other thirty countries, come to my camp."

A voice appeared in the army of the Canglan Empire, and then a palace appeared.

The palace does not have any majesty, but it reveals endless killings, as if to render the void.

These breaths exuded finally condensed into a wolf shadow.

"This is the Blue Wolf Army of the Canglan Empire. I didn't expect that the Canglan Empire would also take action."

"This time the handwriting is really true, the Canglan Empire, the Thirty-Six Buddha Kingdoms, the invisible empire may not be guaranteed!"

Looking at this the faces of those watching the battle showed horror.

The Invisible Empire was recently suppressed by the Thirty-Six Buddhist Kingdoms.

Return to the Invisible Empire Imperial Palace.

Now, coupled with the Canglan Empire's Blue Wolf Army, the invisible empire has no chance of winning, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape.

When they were horrified, they also looked at the invisible imperial palace.

Immediately after the Intangible Empire entered the heavenly realm and led the kingdom in this mountain range, the Invisible Empire Imperial Palace appeared.

Invisible Empire.

Yohabach sat upright on the emperor's chair.

Beside him is Haas.

Members of the Star Cross Knights are standing below the palace.

Everyone's face showed excitement.

The strength has improved, and there are opponents coming, how can they be unhappy.

"Is anyone else here?"

Yuhabach said.

"According to the information provided by the Black Sky Demon God, one of the five Buddhas of Tianji Mountain, the disciple under the seat of the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha, has not arrived yet."

Haas said.

"Okay, subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger represents the Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain, and I want them to stay in my invisible empire."

Yohabach said in a deep voice.

In this fight, Yohabach doesn't plan to take it personally.

If the Buddhas of the Five Directions come, they are qualified to let him do it.


Haas took the lead.

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