Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1602: The war started, the star 10-character knights appeared

Canglan Empire, in the army.

"The King of Qinglong and the King of White Tiger, after a hundred years of separation, I didn't expect to meet here."

The leader of the Canglan Army said.

when talking.

He glanced at the man beside him, and there was a hint of decline in his eyes.

The Qinglong King and the White Tiger King appeared, and they guessed the matter.

These two really want to do that.

"Brother Liu, Brother Chu, stay safe. I didn't expect you to bring troops here."

"It is rumored that the great emperor friend of the Invisible Empire, Habach, also understood the three robbery realms, so there is absolutely no need to use your Blue Wolf Army."

The Qinglong King said.

While speaking, the Qinglong King and the White Tiger King showed a smile on their faces.

"The invisible empire is not easy, so be careful."

"Speaking of subduing the dragon, when will the two Venerable Fuhu arrive?"

The leading man opened the mouth and said.

The leading man was Liu Qingyun, the commander of the Blue Wolf Army, and the three beside him were his righteous brothers.

Lieutenant General Chu Tiankuo, Lu Yu, Mu Valley, three people.

Among them, Chu Tiankuo and Liu Qingyun, when they were young, they met the lord of the Qinglong and the lord of the white tiger, and they went to the heaven together.

Later, they separated, but they were still in touch.

It's just that during this century, Liu Qingyun was promoted to commander-in-chief of the Canglan Army, and he has been busy with the military, so there is no contact.

"We respectfully invite His Holiness now."

Hearing Liu Qingyun's words.

The Blue Dragon King and the White Tiger King spoke at the same time.

"The two lords, to deal with the invisible empire, you don't need to invite the subduing dragon and the white tiger from the Buddha Land."

Chu Tiankuo, who was beside Liu Qingyun, stepped forward and said.

He didn't want the two friends to fall away.

Even if the invisible empire was destroyed in this battle, the lord of the Qinglong and White Tiger had to die in battle.

If you don't die in battle.

Then the revenge of Fudo Pluto City will fall on the ancient country of Qinglong and the ancient country of Baihu.

Died in battle, Fufu Hades wanted to increase its deterrent power, and could only kill Subduing Dragon and Fuhu Venerable.

After all, they led the Thirty-six Buddha Kingdoms against the invisible empire.

Chu Tiankuo still wanted to persuade him.

"This time the matter is of great importance. Subduing the Dragon, Venerable Fu Hu will of course show up."

The Qinglong King replied.

when talking.

Two Buddhist seals appeared in the hands of the Qinglong King and the White Tiger King, and they injected energy into the Buddha seals.

The Buddha's seal shines brightly.

In a while.

Two teleportation circles appeared in front of them.

After the formation, two figures walked out of the formation.

Both of them looked like middle-aged monks, their bodies were shrouded in Buddha light, and a green dragon and a white tiger sat cross-legged under their feet.

"I have seen it, Subduing the Dragon, the Venerable Fuhu."

The Qinglong King and the White Tiger King immediately led the other thirty-four kingdom leaders and bowed towards the subduing dragon and Fuhu Venerable.

As for the Blue Wolf Army, Liu Qingyun and the other four did not salute.

Tianjiulingshan has absolute control over the Buddha State, but they belong to the Canglan Empire, so they don't need to respect this Dragon Subduing, Fuhu Venerable.

The two Venerable Dragons and Fu Hu appeared and walked towards Liu Qingyun and the others.

"I have seen two venerables, please take a seat!"

Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger represent the Buddha land, and their status is the same as theirs, so they must be respected.

What's more, Liu Qingyun also knew what Emperor Canglan meant.

They want to pull the Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain to their side of the Canglan Empire and become an ally to deal with the immovable Pluto City together.

"I didn't expect that Emperor Canglan would let Commander Liu lead his troops here. It seems that he doesn't want to let anyone from the invisible empire go!"

Venerable Dragon Subduing looked at Liu Qingyun and said.

"The two venerables are here, the two are here, we should also launch the invisible empire."

Liu Qingyun said.

The gathering of the army cannot give the invisible empire more time to prepare.

"Everything is under the command of Commander Liu!"

Venerable Dragon Subduing said.

They are only here to watch the battle this time. If they can do it or not, they will not do it.

"I immediately set up the invisible empire of Heaven, Earth and Guishui Great Array on top of this mountain."

When Liu Qingyun was talking, four blue flags appeared in his palm.

Afterwards, the four cyan flags were sacrificed with a seal in his hand.

The flag flew all over the sky, and suddenly there were thunder and lightning everywhere in the void. Along with the thunder and lightning, the sky and the earth were covered with gray.

And a waterfall-like stream of water appeared under the flag, blocking off the mountains of the invisible empire.

"The Great Formation of Heaven, Earth and Guishui by Liu Qingyun, the commander of the Canglang Army, does not give the invisible empire a chance to escape at all."

Seeing the river flowing down the waterfall in the sky, some people said in surprise.

"The first wave of attacks was launched by our Canglan Empire."

After arranging the big formation, Liu Qingyun said.

Jianglong and Venerable Fuhu looked at each other and nodded.

Seeing this, Liu Qingyun nodded towards the remaining Chu Tiankuo.

Chu Tian stepped out, and a military order appeared in his hand.

The military order was activated, and a giant steel ship flew out, densely suspended in the air.

There are countless soldiers standing on these steel ships, and these soldiers have spears in their hands

There are dense runes on the spear.


Chu Tiankuo's figure flashed and he appeared on a steel boat.

"Prepare, let go!"

The moment he raised his hand.

Behind him, the steel ship turned like a monster inside, and then countless arrows flew out of the steel ship, whistling towards the invisible empire.

In the invisible empire.

Haas's expression turned cold.

"We are also dispatched!"

After speaking, Haas disappeared into the hall with the members of the Star Cross Knights.

Inside the palace

Yohabach raised his head, and in front of him, a huge image appeared, which was the situation outside the invisible empire.

Countless arrows are about to reach the invisible imperial palace.

Suddenly, one after another light masks appeared, and the masks were like layers of waves, covering the countless arrows that attacked.


Seeing that the arrow was the people watching the battle were slightly surprised.

After the light, dozens of white space cracks appeared in the sky.

In this space crack, countless psionic soldiers poured out frantically. These soldiers poured out and rushed towards the Canglan Army and the flying boats of the Thirty-Six Buddha Kingdoms.

"How did these soldiers get here!"

Looking at the invisible imperial soldiers that appeared, Chu Tiankuo's expression froze.

But without any hesitation, he waved his hand.

\'kill! "

On top of the thirty-six Buddha State spaceships, together with the Blue Wolf Army, the psionic imperial soldiers summoned towards the invisible empire attacked.

in the sky.

Suddenly, the sound of killing broke out, and countless corpses fell from the sky.

It's just that the soldiers who fell from the invisible empire turned into psionic particles before they reached the ground.

"This battle!"

Countless soldiers fought against each other, which shocked the hearts of those watching the battle.


Just when people were shocked.

Thirty figures walked out of the void.

The moment you walk out.

Thirty breaths seemed to be connected together, and the breaths emitted suppressed the attacking aura in the void and stopped it.

"The Invisible Empire Star Crusader Knights, Haas, the second character of the Invisible Empire."

"Yuhabach didn't show up!"

Seeing the figure that appeared, some people said.

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