Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1630: test, kill

Latest website: When he sensed the six reincarnation fist intent on Su Hao's body, the sword intent of destroying all beings first merged with Su Hao, causing Su Hao to burst out with the terrifying sword intent of destruction.

At this time, three figures were not far away.

These three figures are the three people who discussed Jian Wudao earlier.

Looking here, his eyes fell on Su Hao and Gu Xi'er.

Of course, the main focus was still on Su Hao.

After Su Hao punched out, the sword qi that erupted shocked them.

"I didn't expect to integrate a sword intent from Brother Wudao so quickly."

Among them, the man wearing a black robe and carrying a giant sword said.

"It has something to do with the fist intent on his body. The fist intent on this young man's body is not simple, I'm afraid he has extraordinary power."

Beside him, the gray-robed barefooted old man said.

He is also a boxing master.

One could feel the power of Su Hao's punch just now.

Just when Su Hao used the Six Paths of Samsara Fist, he saw six ancient universes in the shadow of the fists. All the stars in the universe were looming, and the reincarnation disappeared in an instant. The end was terrifying.

"I didn't expect that the inheritance that Brother Wudao chose was unusual!"

"It seems that he will be safe without us taking action, but just now, Brother Wu Dao's last sword cut off a Dao shadow, which is a good thing for us."

The last brown-robed old man spoke up.

"Yes, two Taoist shadows, the pressure on this world is not so great, let's go, go to the land of the gods."

The old black-robed old man spoke up.

The three are ready to leave.

At this moment, three figures appeared in the low sky.

As soon as these three figures appeared, their eyes locked on Su Hao, their eyes were indifferent, revealing endless murderous intent.

"Here to kill me!"

Seeing these three figures, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

The three figures were filled with murderous intent, and there was no reservation at all.

"These three figures have a terrifying aura."

Looking at the figure that appeared, everyone couldn't help trembling in their hearts.

They looked at Su Hao.

I felt sorry for Su Hao in my heart.

When encountering such a strong person, even if Su Hao is invincible in detachment, he can't be the opponent's opponent.


When everyone was amazed, a figure started to shoot, the huge palm like a golden mountain, came to suppress Su Hao.

At this moment, the space shook, and the ground was rumbling.

Some kendo warriors close to Su Hao felt the sky rumbling.

If this palm is pressed down, not only will they be smashed into scum, but the ground may even collapse.

No one thought of it.

These people shot without any scruples at all.

These people are completely innocent.

Su Hao frowned slightly, the other party started to take action as soon as he saw him. It was obvious that he wanted to kill himself.

"Which side's enemy is this?"

Su Hao thought to himself.


At this moment, the blood-devouring magic vine appeared, and he was full of blood, and he shot out with one palm and collided with the opponent's palm.

The palm and the palm collided, and the most dazzling light erupted, as if a volcano erupted, the rock burst, and the magma rushed out, wantonly in this space.


Everyone shuddered, some fled away, some were hit by this force, their bones were broken, blood was dripping, and some were split in two.

The two of them shot, and the power displayed was too overbearing.

In front of Su Hao, blood energy shields appeared, blocking this force.

"The identity is not simple, the strength of this person is probably not worse than us!"

Seeing the blood-devouring vines take action, the gray-robed barefooted old man who was ready to take action said.

"I don't know who he is?"

The brown-robed old man said.

"There are three people on the other side, I'm afraid he can't stop them here."

Another person spoke up.

"If we can't stop it, we'll take action."

The black-robed man with the giant sword snorted coldly.

"Come on, let's go and see!"

The three came towards Su Hao.

The figure who was blocked by the blood-devouring vine took a few steps back, and looked at Su Hao with cold eyes.

"Young Lord of the Underworld City, I didn't expect you to be accompanied by a master. If there are any, all of them will appear."

Gu Dao's voice sounded in Su Hao's ear.

"You know my identity?"

"Who are you?"

Su Hao's pupils shrank suddenly.

He wants to know who the other party is?

"The people of the Jun family, come to take your head today."

One of them spoke up.

"Jun's family, I didn't expect that there were still people in the Jun family. I really didn't expect that, but just with the three of you, you want to take my head. It's really whimsical."

"But I'm very curious. The three of you, just three dead soldiers, come to me, I'm afraid it's just a test."

Su Hao said with a cold snort.

Nine Heavens Xuanzun in Fudo Hades City transmitted his voice to Su Hao.

Tell Su Hao the identities of these three people.

At this time, the three people who had stepped forward also stopped, and the three of them looked at each other.

They did not expect that the young man who received the inheritance of Jian Wudao would be Su Hao, the young city master of Fudo Pluto City.

Earlier, they also talked about not moving Pluto City.



When Su Hao's words fell, the figure disappeared from the spot and came towards Su Hao.

The other two headed towards the blood-devouring vine. They need to suppress the blood-devouring vine.

Don't give the blood-devouring vine a chance to rescue Su Hao.

Just when that figure was about to come to Su Hao.

A cyan figure appeared in front of Su Hao.

The azure figure circulated around the body, and a palm pressed directly on the person who rushed.


After the cyan figure blocked the approaching person, he raised his fist and blasted towards the opponent.

The fist was domineering, and after the man blocked the figure, the breath of his body began to decline.

The person who appeared was Emperor Yiqing.

Fist hit each other, deafening.

Qingdi's every punch is extremely domineering and terrifying.

After a while, the figure was directly killed.

After all, the strongest combat power that this figure erupted is only three strikes.

So being bombed is normal.

"What a terrifying punch. Su Hao has such a master by his side."

Some people who had thoughts about Su Hao before suddenly felt chilled.

Thankfully I didn't do it myself.

Otherwise, you may be bombed and killed before you even start.

On the other side,

The three who stopped were also surprised.

Immovable Hades actually sent two experts to guard Su Hao.

You can see the background of the immovable Pluto city.


In addition, the person who was fighting against the blood-devouring magic vine was also pierced by his magic at this moment.


The two let out a low roar, and suddenly a huge force rose up from them.

They know they are not opponents and cannot leave.

So there was a combined blow.


With one blow, the huge fist force was like a vast ocean, drowning the Gorefiend Vine, and the terror was boundless.

But then a wave of blood appeared in the ocean, and these waves of blood covered the sky and the earth, wrapping all the influx of power, as if it were about to be melted.

And one after another **** figure appeared from it.

These **** figures are like blood shadows, rushing into each other's bodies.


The two let out a scream, and then all the flesh and blood on their bodies disappeared, turning into a pile of bones.

Looking at Bai Gu, Su Hao frowned.

The people from the Jun family appeared and tested themselves.

It seems that he is going to do something to himself, but he doesn't know where this person is.

This temple is getting more and more interesting.

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