Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1631: Zuwu Emperor Jiang, Lin Yuanyuan's plan


in a forbidden place.

The figure of the main court of the Wu clan is suspended in this forbidden space.

in the main court

The head of the Wu clan, Xing Wuming, Da Wu Jiufeng, and Chi You, were standing together.

His eyes looked at a huge burly body not far away.

The body looks a little hazy, absorbing the continuous power in the main court of the Wu clan.

Along with this figure appeared.

One after another, vast sea-like power emanated from that body.

Seeing the power fluctuations emanating from this body, Xing Wuming's faces were full of excitement.

"The Emperor Jiang Zuwu has recovered, and I can enter the temple space today."

Nameless Xing said happily.

Before the temple was opened, they sneaked into the fairyland and hid in this forbidden space.

"It's still almost, we should wait for the fusion of the three realms, and then revive Lord Zuwu."

At this time, Chi You opened his mouth and said.

"There's no way to do that. Although Lord Dijiang has recovered and his strength has fallen under the robbery realm, with the powerful physical strength of Lord Dijiang, he can be invincible under the robbery realm."

"Until Lord Dijiang appears, we can enter the fairyland, the temple space."

Da Wu Jiufeng said.

Da Wu Jiufeng turned into a plump woman, her eyes were eager, and the temple space opened.

The power inside can help her recover her strength quickly.

With their current strength, they can enter, but they may not have a chance to survive.

That's why they thought of resuscitating Di Jiang, one of the twelve ancestor witches, in advance.

But now, due to the limited power stored, the resurgent Dijiang simply cannot reach the power of its heyday.

"I don't think Lord Dijiang will blame us. What's more, as long as the main court of the Wu clan is still there and the ancestors' flesh and blood exist, even if the ancestors fall, they can be resurrected again."

Jiufeng said.

"But the price of resurrection is very high!" Chi You sighed, but said nothing.

His eyes looked at the floating body full of power.

Compared to the conversation between the two, Wuming Xing, the head of the Wu clan, seemed very quiet.

Both of them are stronger than him.

He is easy to talk at all, of course he prefers Jiufeng's words.

After all, if you can't grab energy, you can't resurrect anyone, so now is the time to think about energy.

In the temple space, they must go.

Otherwise, why did they hide in the fairyland for so long?


when they were quiet.

The body took shape, and a burly man stepped in front of them.

On the man's chest is a fiery red divine bird logo.

When Wuming Xing looked at it, he felt stinging pain in his eyes, as if he had been burned.

"I have seen Lord Dijiang!"

The three hurriedly bowed to the person who came.

"The strength is still a bit poor. What's the matter with you so eager to revive me?"

Di Jiang looked at Xing Wuming and said.

Xing Wuming is the head of the Wu clan and the owner of the main court of the Wu clan.

"Reporting to Lord Dijiang, the Immortal World Temple is open, and our strength is weak, so we revive Lord Dijiang and lead us into the temple space to obtain energy and resources."

Xing Wuming, the head of the Wu clan, said.

"Since the temple space begins, the people of the Three Great Avenues Palace are not guarded?"

Di Jiang heard the words and said.

"This time the Three Great Avenues Palace is open to the outside world. Many people from the immortal world have entered, and they are not fortified. As long as the detachment is strong, everyone can enter."

"As for the reason, I haven't found it yet."

Xing Wuming said.

"Everyone above the transcendence realm has been put in. It seems that there is a divine source in the temple. The recovery time is good this time. If the divine source is strong, I will be able to step into the catastrophe realm again."

Hearing Xing Wuming's words, a bright light flashed in the eyes of the Ancestral Witch Emperor Jiang.

"Lord Dijiang, you are saying that the source of the gods appeared in the temple space this time." After hearing the words of Ancestral Wu Dijiang, the expressions of Chiyou and Jiufeng changed greatly one after another.

"If it wasn't for the emergence of the source of the gods, how could so many people be allowed in as nutrients?"

Di Jiang said.

When he opened his mouth, he looked towards the direction in which the temple was opened.

"Come on, let's go in too!"

After speaking, he stepped out of the main court of the Wu clan, and several people hurriedly followed.

Go towards the temple space.

Another place.

Origin Mountain, in a palace.

A figure appeared in the palace, with a person in his hand, it was Lin Yuanyuan.

At this time, Lin Yuanyuan seemed to be imprisoned and unconscious.

When the two arrived.

The statue of the Origin Immortal King turned into a human figure and appeared in front of the two of them.

"You're back, is this Lin Yuanyuan? It's really easy for me to find."

The Origin Immortal King looked at Lin Yuanyuan and said.

"Does the confinement need to be released?"

The person who carried Lin Yuanyuan said.

"No, I'm just extracting the source power from his body, I don't need him to wake up, just imprison him."

The Origin Immortal King shook his head.

"You are protecting the law for me by the side, and when I refine him, you and I are merging into one. In that case, I will return to the Eternal Imperial Court, and with the help of the Eternal Wood, I may be able to step into the Tribulation Realm in one step."

"At that time, I will be able to become the third ancestor of the eternal kingdom."

The Origin Immortal King showed excitement on his face.

Then he offered the seal in his hand.

One after another runes were issued in his hands, covering the origin of Nalin.

Lin Yuanyuan's body was shrouded in the rune and suspended in the palace.

"The stars are spinning, the origin of life!"

The Origin Immortal King gave a low voice.

Stars appeared on Na Lin Yuanyuan, and a hazy vortex appeared in the stars.

When the vortex appeared, a spot of fire appeared in the chest of the Immortal King Origin, and it looked bright.

He sat cross-legged, and the palm prints moved the stars step by step, constantly making the vortex begin to solidify.

Although it seems that the action is very easy.

But the Origin Immortal King's face was very There were some beads of sweat on his forehead before time.

The person sitting cross-legged on one side of the hall, looking at this situation, a glimmer of light flashed in his dull eyes.

"Although you and I are one of the Immortal King Origin, but I, Lin Yuanyuan, why can't I be you?"

The figure secretly said in his heart.

When this Origin Immortal King clone went to catch Lin Yuanyuan.

Lin Yuanyuan used his cards in the heavens to trap the avatar of the Origin Immortal King, and then split his soul to occupy the avatar of the Origin Immortal King.

Bringing his true body again is for the time when the Origin Immortal King fuses his true body.

Do it yourself.

At that time, I will integrate them all by myself.

Talin Origin is the new Origin Immortal King, becoming the Lord of Origin Mountain.

Can also become the third ancestor of the eternal kingdom.

He stared at the Origin Immortal King closely.

To find the best chance to make a shot, he only had one chance to make a shot, and he missed it.

He never had a chance again.

If Su Hao saw this situation, he would really admire this Lin Yuanyuan.

Because looking at this situation, the probability of his success is very high.

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