Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1632: Join hands to go to the temple

Inside the temple space.

Central area.

True Monarch Guangcheng, who was arranging the great formation, looked solemnly at the vanishing shadow in the void.

"I didn't expect that my master's Dao Ying would be cut off with a single sword without a sword!"

Zhenjun Guangcheng said with a solemn expression.

"This should be a good thing for you."

"This Taoist shadow may affect you at that time!"

Beside him, the man called Qing Niu said.

"Yes, it's a good thing, but it's also a bad thing."

"The good thing is that my master's Daoying was annihilated by Jian Wudao with one sword. Even if he perceives it, he will not send Daoying again, and the three Daoying's suppression of this space will become smaller."

"When I step into the Tribulation Realm and want to leave quickly, I can do it."

"But the bad thing is also the same. The suppression force in this space has weakened. In the past, only me and others were able to fly in the air. Now some people can fly higher, probe farther, and exert their strength stronger."

True Monarch Guangcheng said in a deep voice.

Hearing Zhenjun Guangcheng's words, the man called Qingniu also had a solemn expression on his face.

Maybe before them.

As long as they do their best to deal with True Monarch Duobao, they can do it.

But now I'm afraid there are more people who need to be careful.

"Actually, you don't have to worry, there is still suppression. Those two Taoist shadows put a lot of pressure on me."

At this time, Jun Jiuling said.

Hearing Jun Jiuling speak.

The other two also shook their heads, worrying too much.

The expression of Jun Jiuling, the patriarch of the Jun family who suddenly spoke, changed suddenly.

Then he opened his mouth and said, "The three dead men I sent out are all dead. Su Hao has two strong men with the aura of a complete catastrophe."

Hearing Jun Jiuling's words, True Monarch Guangcheng's expression froze.

"Two people with aura of complete calamity, the immovable Hades came to investigate the news here, collect the aura of calamity, and are they just here to protect this young master?"

Zhenjun Guangcheng said.

"Wouldn't we just do it if we didn't provoke each other?"

"The arrangement of the great formation, Guangcheng Zhenjun, you integrate the origins of the three perfect robbery powerhouses of your master's sect, and in the fusion of the divine source, to reach the robbery realm, in this world, who can stop you!"

"At that time, who are you afraid of, and whoever refuses to obey you, will be slapped to death."

Qing Niu on the side opened his mouth and said.

"This great formation is about to be set up. I wonder if anyone will arrive first, and then try the power of this great formation first."

Then the green ox spoke again.

"Until the last minute, if we don't show up, we will hide here."

Zhenjun Guangcheng shook his head.

"You want to take advantage of the fisherman!"

Qingniu glanced at him and said.

True Monarch Guangcheng stopped talking and continued to arrange the great formation.

On the other side.

The Qing Emperor and the Blood Devouring Devil Vine appeared beside Su Hao.

Those who peeped at Su Hao before turned around and left immediately.

After knowing Su Hao's identity and seeing the strength of Blood Devouring Vine and Qingdi.

These kendo practitioners can only retreat quickly.

When these people backed away.

Su Hao brought Qing Emperor and Blood Devouring Devil Vine to the front of the three old men who were watching the battle.

"I have seen three seniors!"

Su Hao saluted the three of them slightly.

When I was in danger just now.

He sensed that the three were going to help him.

But he doesn't like to owe favors, so he still let Qingdi take action.

But the other party showed good intentions, so of course he wanted to see the other party.

When I saw these three people.

Su Hao's face showed surprise.

These three people are actually strong men with aura of complete calamity.

"City Master Su Shao, you're welcome. Brother Lin is from the same era as us. You get his inheritance because you have a fate with us."

"Old man Lin Wuyang! These are Chi Xuntian and Lu Wu."

The old man in black robe with a giant sword on his back said.

And introduce the old man in brown robe and the old man with bare feet.

In front of Su Hao, they didn't entrust him.

After all, there are two strong men with the same strength as them.

"Junior Su Hao, this is the Qing Emperor of the Underworld City, and this is Su Chixue."

"This is the younger generation's lover, Gu Xi'er."

"I have seen three seniors."

The Qing Emperor and the Blood-devouring Demon Vine just nodded, but Gu Xi'er stepped forward and saluted slightly.

"Okay! Even the little girl has obtained the inheritance of the Wudao brother. I didn't expect your husband and wife to have such aptitude in swordsmanship!"

Seeing the eyes of Gu Xi'er and the three of them couldn't help but light up, the old man with a giant sword on his back said in surprise.

Previously, they only paid attention to Su Hao, not Gu Xi'er.

"Several seniors also came for the source of the temple."

Su Hao then asked.

Hearing Su Hao's words, the three of them shook their heads and said, "Shen Yuan is not something we can obtain. The only people who can obtain the source of God can be people from the Three Great Dao Palace's lineage, or they can also add a square inch mountain."

"This time we came here mainly to collect some aura of catastrophe. This temple obtains the power of the origin of the immortal world and condenses the aura of catastrophe. Therefore, among the younger generation of the immortal world, it is difficult for a strong person to comprehend the aura of catastrophe."

The old man with the giant sword on his back said.

"It turns out that the origin of the fairyland was absorbed by this temple!"

Su Hao felt something different when he came here.

Hearing the old man say this, he immediately thought of the words of the Nine Heavens Succubus.

"But several seniors said that the source of the temple, we can't get it, why?"

"The strength of the people who come in from the Three Great Daoists has not yet reached an invincible state."

Su Hao asked.

On his side, does he still have the task of obtaining the source of the temple?

"The three dao shadows in the sky are the master dao shadows of the Three Great Dao Palace. Don't look at them as only dao shadows, passive defense!"

"Three Dao Palace people, in fact, can let the three Taoist shadows take action."

"Of course now one of the Taoist shadows has been beheaded by Brother Wudao, maybe this is an opportunity, but not necessarily!"

The old man with the giant sword on his back said.


Hearing the old man's words, Su Hao looked to the sky.

"In the end, we may have to fight these two Taoist shadows!"

Su Hao secretly said in his heart.

Originally, I was thinking of letting Jiutian Xuanzun appear outside, but now it seems that he still wants to appear in this world.

"City Master Su Shao, although there are still two Taoist shadows, are they invincible in this world?"

The old man who was carrying the giant sword saw Su Hao's expression and knew that Su Hao had an idea for Shen Yuan.

"Since I'm here, of course I'm going to see the source of the gods, not to mention I got the key to enter the temple."

A key appeared in Su Hao's hand.

Seeing the key in Su Hao's hand, the three of them became condensed.

"Several seniors are here, and they should meet the source of God!"

"In addition to our immovable Pluto City, the immortal underworld where we have formed an alliance, there are also experts there."

"Together, the people of us are very powerful, and they should not be inferior to those from the Three Great Dao Palaces!"

Su Hao said.

These three are the masters of the older generation in the Immortal Realm.

If Su Hao wanted to know about the immortal world and the temple, he still needed to ask three people for advice.

So Su Hao wants to pull the three of them along.

After hearing Su Hao's words, the three of them pondered for a moment, and the barefooted old man among them took the lead and said, "Okay, let's go together. After being suppressed by the Third Avenue Palace for so many years, I want to see the grievances of the Third Avenue Palace!"

When the old man spoke, there was a hint of happiness on his face.


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