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Chapter 1634: Xuandu, Baimei Calculation, Buddhist Zen

Hear the words of the tyrant howl.

True Monarch Duobao was taken aback for a moment, but then he said, "You can continue!"

Now that you've helped, let's help to the end.

He also wanted to see how much of the Tribulation Realm aura the Tyrant Xiao and Yan Luo Guihou could absorb.

As for Gai Jiuyou and the Great Emperor Chaos, they left.

The exercises they practiced do not have such high requirements on the Tribulation Realm, so they went to find them separately, and finally they could meet.

The group quickly left.

After they left, some people appeared, and they looked at the scene in front of them.

"Who was that person just now, so violent."

someone spoke.

"People from the Underworld and Biyou Palace?"

The person next to him was a little surprised.

The Underworld and Biyou Palace are not allied.

"Difu and Biyou Palace, will they be together?"

Some people have doubts in their hearts.

"Who knows, we don't care about this, we will absorb some catastrophe breath as soon as possible. After absorbing it, we will hurry out of this temple space. I always feel what will happen in this temple space?"

One person spoke.


The group quickly left.

After they left, three figures appeared.

These three figures all wear black cloaks, which seem to be able to isolate the soul.

Let people hide their breath.

"Senior brother, the underworld has colluded with the Biyou Palace. Could it be that True Monarch Duobao wants that divine source!"

One person spoke.

It is impressive that he is the second day king of the ancient underworld.

As for the other strongmen, they are the Immortal King and the Fifth Immortal King.

"You don't want to participate in these things. After collecting some aura of tribulation, the two of you will leave here immediately."

"Don't go to the temple, I always feel that things are not easy."

"My avatar's strength may not be able to protect you all at that time."

The Undead King said.


The two said in response.

The shadow of the sky appears, and the source of the gods also appears. Behind these, there must be something involved.

Their strength is not enough to deal with the next scene.

Retrieving some of the aura of the Tribulation Realm and restoring their strength is the most important thing for them now.

"Let's go separately, I'll follow them."

The Way of the Immortal King.

"it is good!"

After the two of them finished speaking, they separated from the Undead King.

The Immortal Heavenly Dynasty and Duobao Zhenjun and the others left the direction.

On the other side.

in a valley.

Daoist Xuandu and Daoist Baimei both sat in it.

"Brother Xuandu, what are we doing here?"

Daoist Baimei was puzzled and asked Daoist Xuandu who brought him here.

"The seven keys have not been obtained yet, so let's not go to the temple in such a hurry."

"Here is a cave I set up earlier. We can rest here for a while. When the time comes, we will go to the temple. There will inevitably be a war in the temple. We can't underestimate it."

Taoist Xuandu said.

"Brother Xuandu, although a Taoist shadow was cut off, it shouldn't affect this space." The white-browed Taoist said in a deep voice.

He could see clearly that Primordial Dao shadow in the sky was cut off just now.

But there are still two Taoist shadows.

In this temple, they should not encounter danger.

"Let's go, let's go to the cave first!"

Daoist Xuandu did not answer Daoist Baimei's words, but waved his hand, and a cave appeared in front of him.

Then he took the lead and walked in.

When Daoist Baimei saw this, he also walked in.

Inside the cave.

There is only one stone pier, and there are no other decorations around, which looks very simple.

Ascetic site.

Valley After entering the valley, the Taoist Xuandu came to the stone pier.

With a swipe of the right hand, the pattern of the turtle shell appeared on the stone pier.

"Brother Xuandu, who are you?"

Daoist Baimei was slightly surprised when he saw the turtle pattern on the stone pier.

"Brother Baimei, let's make a reasonable calculation, this time the crisis of the divine source of the temple."

Taoist Xuandu said.

Hearing Xuandu's words, Baimei's face froze, and what vaguely sensed in his heart?

"it is good!"

He nodded and stood beside Taoist Xuandu.

Daoist Xuandu made seals on his hands, and energy emanated from his palms into the turtle's back.

Daoist Baimei also formed a seal on the side, and energy emanated from his hands and poured into the turtle's back.

After the two energies entered, the pattern of the turtle's back on the stone pier changed. Finally, the Tai Chi figure is formed.

Then the Tai Chi figure began to rotate.

After turning, one after another rune flashed in front of them.

With the flashing of the runes, the expressions of the two of them became solemn.

After a while, the two withdrew their power at the same time.

"This trip to the temple shows that it is not only you, but also me!" The white-browed Taoist said with a frown.

Before he came to the temple space, he had calculated in Fangcunshan that he was at risk, but he was not a big culprit.

But now it is a bad omen, and it may have the power of life.

"Master's Dao shadow is in the air. According to reason, we will not have a dangerous omen, but now it is really fierce, and we have to be careful."

Taoist Xuandu said.

"Who can threaten us? Except for ourselves, do not move the city of Hades, the underworld?"

Bai Mei frowned and said.

Daoist Xuandu did not answer Daoist Baimei's words.

Instead, he fell into contemplation.

at this time.

Outside the fairyland temple space.

A figure appeared, and the person who came was an unusually young monk wearing a purple-gold cassock.

This monk holds a staff in his right hand, and a golden bowl in his left hand. On the golden bowl is engraved a golden roc with wings.

Jin Peng is lifelike and his eyes are extremely bright.

The monk's left and right wrists are wrapped around Buddha beads.

There is also a string of huge Buddha beads on his chest.

The whole body exudes Dao Dao Buddhist intent.

Very impressive.

The monk glanced at the door of the temple space, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he stepped into the temple space.

"Who is this, the Buddha's will is so strong on his body, I just glanced at it, and I was almost saved!"

Some people standing outside the temple said. ,

There is a lingering fear in the center of the heart.

"Yeah, me too, I'm really strong, how can there be such a strong monk in the fairy world."

The people next to him agreed.

While people were discussing four figures cut through the void and walked out.

The leader was the previously resurrected Ancestor Wudi Jiang, and beside him were the three Wuming Lords.

"That bald donkey just now had such a deep Buddha intent!"

Di Jiang looked in the direction of the gate of the temple.

"Could it be a Buddhist person on the Tianjiling Mountain in the heavenly realm?"

Chi You opened his mouth and said.

"It should be a person from Xianjie Zen sect. I didn't expect that there are people like this in Xianjie Zen sect?"

Xing Wuming opened his mouth and said.

"Let's go! It looks like this temple space has gathered a lot of people!"

After Di Jiang finished speaking, his figure turned into a streamer.

The other three quickly followed.

"Four more people entered? The strong aura of these four people fluctuates."

"When they appeared just now, I felt a heavy mountain pressing down."

"I saw Xing Wuming, these four people should be from the Wu clan."

someone said.

Compared with other people, Xing Wuming was a general of the Great Dream Dynasty.

Later, he came out of the Great Dream Dynasty and fought against the Great Dream Heaven. It can be said that he is a famous person in the fairy world, so many people know him.

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