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Chapter 1635: 3rd Palace Master, Zixiao Dao Palace

Temple space.

The figure of the monk appeared.

As soon as he appeared, his eyes looked into the void, and his delicate brows were slightly wrinkled.

"There are only two Dao shadows. It seems that the Dao shadow had an accident. I don't know why it disappeared."

The monk said softly.

while speaking.

He held the hand of the Zen staff and released it gently, and the Zen sect was suspended in front of him.

Then he grabbed his right hand.

Not far from him.

A detached powerhouse was grabbed by his palm.

That detached powerhouse wants to resist.

But the Buddha's will poured out from the monk's palm and directly converted the other party.

In a while.

The transcendental powerhouse turned into a golden light and was absorbed by the monk.

"The source of the gods is opened, seven keys, the sword Wudao annihilates the shadow of the primordial Dao."

"Variables have appeared. It seems that my visit this time should be able to absorb the Zen spirit of the first generation of Zen Buddhism and the sixth patriarch."

"If I absorb the Zen spirit left by the Sixth Patriarch and add the vajra glazed relic on my body, I should be able to take that step."

"Once I take that step, I may be able to find out the location of the Zixiao Palace, and fulfill the purpose of Buddha's letting me come to the Immortal Realm."

The monk who appeared murmured.

while he was speaking.

The golden bowl in his hand was directly sacrificed by him, and a line of Buddhist texts emerged from his hand and poured into the golden bowl.

The golden bowl shone brightly, and an old monk appeared with light and shadow. The old monk sat cross-legged, and the Buddha light spread all over his body, pointing to one place.

"Without a Taoist shadow, the restraint is indeed weaker."

After the monk finished speaking, he took back the golden bowl, grabbed the meditation staff, and galloped towards the place.

"Who was that monk just now? He has a very strong Buddha intention."

After the monk left, several figures appeared, watching the monk who left.

Several people have a strong aura, and they are the powerhouses of the Eternal Realm.

"That man is Master Xuan Ye, the leader of the Zen sect. He is so strong. He directly turned a detached person into a Buddha."

One person said in a deep voice.

"The leader of the Zen sect of the immortal world came to this temple space in person, is it because of the source of the gods?"

One person spoke.

"It seems that this Master Xuan Ye is afraid that he is a strong man who has fully understood the aura of the Tribulation Realm. What can a strong man like him come here for, not for the source of the gods?"

"Let's go, let's get the Tribulation Realm aura as soon as possible. It is rumored that someone has filled up the Tribulation Realm breath on his body."

One person spoke.

Several other people nodded and left quickly.

in a cave.

Daoist Xuandu and Daoist Baimei, two breaths suddenly appeared on the back of the turtle in front of them.

Let the two people who are cross-legged quickly open their eyes.

"This is the Buddha's will. It seems that Xuan Ye, who has been sitting silently in Zen Buddhism, is here."

"Just who is this man with blood like a dragon?"

Looking at the two breaths in front of him, Bai Mei said in a deep voice.

"The opening of the temple this time has attracted many people. Senior Brother Xuandu, even if you help you, you may not be able to obtain the divine source."

Daoist Baimei looked at Daoist Xuandu and said.

"It's okay, come on!"

"The more people who come, the more people die, and the ultimate effect of the condensed divine source may be the strongest!" Taoist Xuandu said.

Hearing the words of Taoist Xuandu, Taoist Baimei was slightly startled.

In a sense, the Immortal Temple is actually collecting energy.

Some of that energy goes elsewhere.

Absorbed by the Palace Master of the Three Great Avenues and his master, the rest remained in the temple.

Gather the source of the aura of the catastrophe, and finally condense the source of the gods.

In fact, this world is to gather the source of the gods.

Of course, his master took that step because he stole the divine source of this world.

Became the junior brother of the Palace Master of the Three Great Avenues.

After this, he will have the opportunity to touch these.

"Don't think about it, there's bound to be a battle in the end."

After Xuandu finished speaking, he continued to close his eyes.

Daoist Baimei pondered for a moment before continuing to close his eyes.

at this time!

in a void.

In a purple palace, three figures sat cross-legged.

These three are the Palace Masters of the Three Great Avenues Palace.

In the center of the palace.

An alchemy furnace is burning with roaring flames.

The three of them sat cross-legged in front of the pill stove.

"The temple was opened for the last time, and the source of the gods appeared. I don't know who will step into the robbery this time, and whether it will be the first disciple of the three of you and me."

One of the men in a purple-black Taoist robe said.

The man exudes a terrifying killing aura, and the surrounding space forms a small space storm under this killing aura.

Beside him are two old men.

An old man was thin and well-proportioned, and his breath was calm.

The other person is a little tall, with a gleam of light in his eyes, and a majesty emanating from his body.

"It's also possible that it isn't? After all, in the previous calculations, my Taoist shadow was not destroyed."

The tall old man said.

"Senior Brother Yuanshi, if you don't worry about it, you can gather another Dao shadow and go there!"

"Junior Brother Tongtian, if you have any worries, no matter who steps into the Tribulation Realm, just like that Bodhi, you can refine him!"

"In that case, we will have five robbery realm powerhouses here, and we should be able to explore the Zixiao Palace again."

Yuanshi Taoist said in a deep voice.

"Back then, when refining Bodhi, there was almost an accident. Otherwise, there would be no afterimage of Jian Wudao left."

"If there is no afterimage, Bodhi should have stepped into the second realm of the Tribulation Realm. In that case, we can explore the Zixiao Palace again."

The man called Tongtian said.

"Zixiao Palace, you still have to be careful. We have been investigating for so many years, but we haven't found out his origin. I'm afraid we will be tricked."

Yuanshi Taoist said in a deep voice.

"The palace came floating back then, and the four of us and the Buddha of Tianji Lingshan entered it to get a chance, and became a robbery powerhouse between the big dreams."

"But after we stepped into the Tribulation Realm, we practiced for countless years, and we only entered the Second Realm, and we didn't have any insight into the Third Realm. If we don't enter it, I am afraid that those who spend their whole lives will not necessarily step into it, even if there is a plan, We need to take that step too!"

The Taoist Tongtian opened his mouth and said Hearing such words, the person called Yuanshi stopped speaking.

They have been planning for so many years, and they want to cultivate a strong robbery again.

I just wanted to enter the Zixiao Palace to investigate again.

"The people from Heavenly Vulture Mountain and the Wu people also came to the temple space."

At this time, the old man who had not spoken all the time spoke up.

It seems that he can perceive the situation in the temple space.

"Wizard, who appeared?"

Yuanshi Taoist asked.

"Di Jiang, one of the twelve ancestral witches, no one else appeared."

said the emaciated old man.

"Back then, a drop of blood flowed out of the Zixiao Palace. It was intercepted by me and the others. It was divided into twelve and merged into the bodies of the twelve people of the Jushan Clan, so that their combat power became the strongest under the robbery in one breath."

"Then their Jushan Clan changed their name to the Wu Clan, and their twelve became the Twelve Ancestors of the Wu Clan."

"This Emperor Jiang came to the temple space, it seems that it is also coming towards the source of the gods, but they can't get the source of the gods."

"Would you like to make a move, behead him, and make some blood."

At this time, the Taoist Tongtian said.

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