Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1716: The Supreme Dao Zun dies, the Supreme Dao Palace perishes

Remember [] for a second,!

When the Great Emperor Wushi was speaking, he stepped out. The embodiment of the murderous intention step by step.

Now the people of Supreme Dao Palace have been beheaded.

Now as long as the Supreme Dao Zun is killed, the Supreme Dao Palace will be destroyed.

So he didn't hold back at all.

To launch the strongest attack.


A streak of power lustre burst out from his body and swept away towards the Supreme Daoist.

Taoist Taishang's complexion remained unchanged, and the pagoda that had been shaken back in his hand reappeared.

The luster on the pagoda flows, and there is an extra purple gas compared to the previous one.


The two forces collided.

It spreads all around as if the air collides.

at the moment of this collision.

Taishang Daozun took the palm of his hand. When he took the picture, there were four more arched doorposts between the heaven and the earth.

The doorposts formed a formation that enveloped the Beginningless Great Emperor.

This arched doorpost emits magma like a torrent, and it spreads out overwhelmingly, forming a curtain of magma.

Poured down from the sky, this scene is a spectacular misunderstanding.


Facing these falling magma, the Beginning Emperor's expression remained unchanged.

With one punch and one punch, waves of monstrous power waves blasted out from his hands, sweeping towards the falling curtain.

Resist and melt away all that magma.

At the moment of blocking, the Great Emperor Wubei was divided into four, and at the same time, he bombarded a punch and landed on the arched doorpost.

The arched doorpost shattered above the fist of the Great Emperor Wubei.

But the Dao Zun's expression remained unchanged.

There were thunderbolts in his palm, and at the moment when the doorpost was smashed, eighty-one thunderbolts crashed down from between heaven and earth.

This falling thunder was extremely thick, and it enveloped the Beginningless Great Emperor.

When the Great Emperor Wushi saw the falling thunder, a dazzling golden light erupted from his body.

The golden light swept towards the falling thunder.

At the moment of blocking the thunder, the figure of the Great Emperor Wubei disappeared.

When he appeared again, he had already appeared in front of the Supreme Daoist.

He is the Great Emperor of Beginning, but he is not someone who always makes people attack and is on passive defense.

Taking the initiative to attack, gaining the upper hand, and breaking everything is the style of his Beginningless Great Emperor.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the Great Emperor Wubei, Taishang Daozun's previously dull face suddenly changed.

The pagoda in his hand was instantly smashed by him to the Great Emperor Wubei.

This pagoda erupted with terrifying power, and the purple air was flowing.

It collided with the fist of the Beginning Great Emperor.

At the time of the collision, the Supreme Daoist clenched his palm and slammed a fist at the Great Emperor Wubei.

A terrifying purple light erupted from his fists, pressing **** the chest of the Great Emperor Wubei.


The Great Emperor Wushi let out a long roar, the strength of his body soared, and the pagoda was shaken out with a punch, and then a punch slammed out, colliding with the punch of the Supreme Daoist.


A loud explosion collided where their fists were.

The two of them retreated.

At the moment when the Taoist Taishang stepped back, he stepped forward, and a black jade card appeared in his hand.

When the jade card appeared.

An invisible force erupted from the jade card.

This force appeared and bombarded the mind of the Great Emperor Wubei.

The Beginning Emperor, who had just stepped back and was about to charge up, moved slightly.

at this moment of movement.

The Supreme Daoist waved his sleeves, and the four doorposts that appeared earlier appeared again. These four doorposts mixed together at this time, forming a volcano, emitting terrifying fluctuations, and bombarding the Great Emperor Wubei.

"There are so many ways for the Dao Zun to be too high!"

Watching Su Hao from a distance, he frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

He looked at Gu Chensha beside him, who was calm in front of him.

These treasures and attack methods did not give him much shock.


The Beginning Emperor's figure just moved, and he has recovered. Seeing the falling volcano, his eyes are boiling with fighting intent.

He grabbed the volcano with his bare hands.

The palm collided with the volcano, and the endless magma enveloped the Beginning Emperor.


Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene.

The Beginning Emperor was actually wrapped in magma.

Could it be that the Beginning Emperor is going to be defeated.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the magma.

There was a smile on the face of Taoist Taishang, and he looked down at the area surrounded by magma.

In the palm of the hand, the purple pagoda is suspended above the palm.


Just when everyone was horrified, the magma was torn apart, and a figure walked out of the magma.

It is the Beginning Emperor.

At this time, the aura of the Great Emperor Wubei was stronger than before.

He raised his hand.

The volcano above his head shattered directly.

"This power is no threat to me!"

The Supreme Daoist that the Great Emperor Wubei walked towards step by step.

Looking at the Wubei Great Emperor walking over, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the Supreme Daoist.

He didn't expect that the Beginning Emperor would be completely intact under the hard attack of him.

You may not be able to win this Beginning Emperor at all.

Immediately, his eyes turned fierce, and the purple pagoda in his palm instantly became larger, and he suddenly bombarded the Great Emperor Wubei.

But Beginning Emperor's figure suddenly turned into an afterimage and disappeared under the purple pagoda.

When he appeared again, his figure was already in front of Taishang Dao Zun.

one punch


The violent power riot slammed directly on the body of Taishang Daozun.

The face of the Supreme Daoist was pale almost instantly, and then a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The eyes were horrified.

He knew that his physical body was no match for the Beginning Emperor.

The figure quickly retreated.

when he stepped back.

A space vortex now exists.

I am not this Beginningless opponent, and the ancient dust sand is still outside.

Previously, he was confident that he could leave under the two of them.

But now I don't have that confidence.

But when the vortex appeared.

Gu Chensha, who was previously isolated from the formation by him, took a step.

In just one step, he walked into the formation arranged by the Supreme Daoist.

After he came in, he raised his hand and slapped it.

A palm appeared in the void, and the palm pressed directly on the vortex.

The vortex instantly shattered.

Taishang Daozun's figure is isolated.

His face changed greatly.

But at this time, the Great Emperor Wubei had already appeared in front of him.

The fist shadows all slammed into the body of the Supreme Daoist.

Everyone watching the battle only saw the endless fist shadow shrouding the Supreme Daoist.


Then a miserable voice broke out from the shadow of the With the sound of screams, a broken figure escaped from the shadow of the fist.

It is the Supreme Daoist.

At this time, the Supreme Daoist was very embarrassed.

His eyes were slack, his face was pale, and his whole body was almost devoid of qi and blood, and purple qi emanated from the pagoda in his hand, maintaining his vitality.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect that I would be defeated twice in your immovable Pluto City."

"And this time I want my life, the three realms of robbery, I still lost."

When Taishang Daozun spoke, the purple pagoda in his hand began to shatter.

After that purple pagoda was broken.

The power of life on Taishang Daozun's body also quickly disappeared, and his body fell directly on the ground.

The Supreme Daoist fell.

The Supreme Dao Palace was also destroyed.

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