Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1717: The phantom body of Emperor Shi Tiangong

Remember [] for a second,!

in the void.


Seeing the corpse of Taishang Daozun falling on the ground, he couldn't help but calm down.

This Dao Zun is too high, but an existence in the third realm of robbery.

The Second Realm of Tribulation, some people know it.

And some ancient beings have cultivated to this realm.

But the third realm is very few, but now it has fallen in front of them.

They looked at the Beginning Emperor in the void.

During the first battle of the Great Emperor Wu Beginning, he showed an amazing battle, one person fighting against several powerhouses at the second level of robbery.

It can be said that in Fudo Pluto City, second only to the existence of the second city lord, Gu Chensha.

Now in the three realms.

Still powerfully killed Taishang Daozun.

[Congratulations to the host for beheading Taishang Dao Zun and rewarding a level 15 character crystal lottery card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

"The quest reward is here. This Dao Zun should be dead. The next step is to destroy the Zixiao Taoist Palace in order to get a 15th-level character lottery card."

Su Hao thought to himself.

When Su Hao had killing intent towards the Supreme Dao Palace.

The mission issued by the system is to destroy the Zixiao Taoist Palace and behead the Taishang Taoist.

Now he just beheaded the Supreme Dao Zun. As for the Zixiao Dao Palace, he has not found it yet. How to destroy it?

Looking down, it has become the Supreme Palace of Blood Sea.

Su Hao's figure flashed above the palace of Supreme Dao Palace.

Thinking about signing in today.

He wanted to see what he could sign in the Supreme Dao Palace.

[The host has signed in today to get 1000 check-in points, which are obtained randomly. The phantom body of Emperor Shi Tiangong has been stored in the inventory, please check it. 】

"Tiangong Phantom Body?"

Su Hao's heart froze slightly.

Di Shitian was one of his early draws.

He is also the second villain in the situation. When he played for the first time in the situation, he used the phantom of the Heavenly Palace in the sense of the Sacred Heart and turned it into a mask.

Unexpectedly, the system has now created a phantom of the Heavenly Palace for him.

Is this to improve Di Shitian's strength?

Now that Di Shitian's strength is at the Eternal Ninth Layer, I don't know what kind of realm Di Shitian's strength will reach by integrating this phantom body of the Heavenly Palace.

Di Shitian is an old monster in the wind and clouds.

If the strength increases, I am afraid it is also a very strong existence.

Su Hao was very satisfied.

I glanced at the Supreme Dao Palace at my feet.

Now that the Supreme Dao Zun has been killed, the Supreme Dao Palace has been destroyed, and there is no need to keep the palace.

After that Heaven-reaching Dao Zun and Wu-beginning Dao Zun appear, let's build it yourself.

But I just don't know if the two will dare to show up.

between speeches.

Su Hai raised his hand and grabbed the body of the Supreme Daoist into the palm of his hand.

Then he slapped the palace below him with a palm.


The huge palm is printed on the palace.

The palace collapsed suddenly.

"Let's go!" Su Hao led the people out of the Supreme Dao Palace.

The spectators watched leaving Su Hao

Glancing at the ruined Supreme Dao Palace again, I couldn't help but sigh, this immovable Hades is overbearing.

It has been rumored that this Supreme Dao Palace will be destroyed.

In a few days, the Supreme Dao Palace was destroyed.

Following Su Hao's departure, a group of spectators also left quickly.

Among them, the sword did not move and took a deep breath.

He was secretly glad that the people who didn't move the city of Hades had forgotten him.

Otherwise, he may be dead.

"It's too thrilling, and I'm going to go around the city of Pluto in the future."

He thought in his heart, and his body turned into a sword light and disappeared.

And in the void, a young woman came out.

It was the woman called Lin'er who came from the Canglan Empire.

Her eyes were fixed on Su Hao's direction, and her eyes turned.

"This immovable Hades City is so powerful, is this force a restricted area force or an outside force?"

A restricted area also appeared in her mouth.

Just like the deer of the undead clan.

After speaking, her figure was also hidden in the void.

After a while.

The entire Supreme Dao Palace area became silent.

And this time, in the void.

Daoist Duobao walked out from the dark with a few people.

"I didn't expect that Uncle Taishang would fall first!" Daoist Duobao said involuntarily as he looked at the abandoned Supreme Taoist Palace.

Beside him, Notre Dame Jinling and others also looked lonely.

Fairyland period.

Their three great palaces are supreme existences.

However, after the fusion of the ancient stars and the establishment of the Supreme Dao Palace, it was the first to be destroyed.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

Our Lady of the Golden Spirit said.

"Hide first, wait for the call of the master, and I don't know what the master and them are now!"

"Perhaps they also sensed the fall of Master Taishang."

After Duobao Zhenjun finished speaking, he took everyone away.

When True Monarch Duobao appeared in Su Hao, he immediately summoned his junior sister and others to gather and stay away from the Supreme Dao Palace.

I didn't expect to really escape the catastrophe.

after they leave.

Two figures appeared.

It is the undead king and the deer who peeped before.

They looked at the abandoned Supreme Dao Palace with surprise in their eyes: "I didn't expect that we were still late and didn't see the battle here."

Minglu said in a deep voice.

"When I go back, collect the battle situation here and all the information about Fudo Hades City. I will pass the information here back to the clan."

The powerhouse in the third realm of the robbery realm was beheaded, which made the deer of the undead **** clan feel a great sense of crisis.

The undead king beside him looked equally solemn.

He was very afraid of immovable Pluto City.

Now that the other party killed the Supreme Daoist of the Supreme Dao Palace, the strength displayed by him made him terrified.

Then he suddenly thought of the underworld.

Underworld and Fudo Pluto City used to be allied.

And the relationship doesn't seem to be broken.

I don't know if I can get some news from the underworld.

Just as Minglu appeared, a three-level powerhouse appeared on his side.

I believe that Duan De, the underworld goddess, is also willing to cooperate with him.

Saw the undead king meditating.

The Minglu couldn't help but said, "What are you thinking?"

"There is a force here called the Underworld. The lord of this force has formed an alliance with me before, and they have formed an alliance with Fudo Pluto City before."

"We can go to this force."

The undead king said.

"The forces that are allied with Fudo Pluto City?"

Minglu's heart moved slightly, and then asked: "Does this force have a powerhouse in the three realms of robbery?"

The Undead King shook his head: "I didn't have it before, I don't know if it exists now."

After the fusion of the ancient stars, the Undead King has been contacting the Undead God Race.

There is no contact with the underworld.

So I don't know the current situation of the lead the way! "

After speaking, the two of them flashed and disappeared into the void.

at this time

In a gray void.

A palace is suspended, which is dilapidated, but it exudes endless Taoism.

When people get close, they can feel the endless power.

There is a light source inside the palace.

The light source is a stone gate, and there is a crack on the stone gate, and the light source is emitted from the crack.

Inside the stone gate.

It is a great hall.

The inside of the hall is intact, and the two bodies are sitting in it. It is the Taoist Tongtian and the Taoist Yuanshi.

Two purple qi entwined around them, and these two purple qi were constantly merging into their bodies.

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