Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1762: Su Hao closed the Demon Domain Passage and cursed the robbery

Latest website: Not long after the old man left.

In the teleportation formation in this space, a crimson figure burst out instantly.

It's a woman in a red dress.

The woman has long fiery red hair and a plump and **** figure.

If there is a man here, I am afraid that his blood will boil immediately.

The woman not only has a plump figure, but even her face is charming and moving. To be more precise, it is **** and enchanting.

She glanced at the situation around her, and murmured in her mouth: "It is strange that there is no one guarding the teleportation formation of the undead race here."

"But this old guy is one of the incarnations of the Undead Emperor. He came here in person. Could it be that something important has appeared in the ancient star field."

The woman continued.

The old man who appeared earlier was the third ancestor of the thirteen ancestors of the undead **** clan.

Of course, he is not only the third ancestor of the Undead God Race, but also an incarnation of the Undying God Emperor in his early years.

He is also the master of the Immortal King.

Immortal King's life and death, he sensed the first time, so he came to this ancient star field.

It was also correct that the Undying Heavenly King called himself the disciple of the Undying God Emperor before. After all, as long as the Undying Heavenly King stepped into the third realm of the Tribulation Realm, he would be able to officially worship the deity of Slaughter Cangsheng and be under the sect of the Undying God Emperor.

This is also the reason why Minglu, as one of the thirteen ancestors, is also afraid of the undead king.

As for this woman, she is Qi Xinyue, a Supreme Elder of the Flame Spirit Palace in the God's Domain.

She accidentally discovered that the old man came here, so she followed.

"Learn about this ancient star field first, occupy a power by the way, and then check the traces of this old guy."

A gleam of light flashed in Qi Xinyue's charming eyes.

The figure disappeared in a flash.

at this time.

Su Hao sent Niu Wuye away. He looked at the map in his hand.

The location of this map is not far from here.

"Go check this place out!"

Su Hao said to the blood-devouring vine.

The figure of the blood-devouring vine disappeared in front of Su Hao.

After the blood-devouring vine left, Su Hao took out the ancient celestial dragon egg from the system space.

[The host consumes 1 million check-in points to cooperate with the host's blood essence to hatch the ancient Tianlong egg. 】

At this time, the mechanical voice of the system sounded in Su Hao's ear.

"1 million check-in value, consumption, incubation!"

Su Hao thought silently in his heart.

And the palm was directly cut open, and a stream of blood dripped on the body of the ancient Tianlong egg.

In the next moment, Su Hao felt as if he was connected with the ancient Tianlong egg in front of him.

And also felt a breath of life in the Tianlong egg.

This breath of life keeps growing.


The eggshell of the ancient celestial dragon egg was broken, and a celestial dragon with wings appeared in front of Su Hao.

The body is about a zhang in size, and the whole body exudes a violent and fierce aura. The strength is not strong, and it is estimated that it is equivalent to the realm of Nirvana.

After crawling out of the eggshell, he took a big mouth and ate all the eggshell fragments, and then transformed into a miniature dragon and flew into Su Hao's arms.

After the appearance became smaller, the fierceness of the body disappeared.

Like a pet, he stuck out his tongue and licked Su Hao's palm.

"I didn't expect it to change!"

A smile appeared on Su Hao's face, and then a spar appeared in his hand.

The ancient heavenly dragon swallowed the spar in one bite, and the breath on his body increased slightly.

Su Hao put the ancient celestial dragon back into his immovable Hades City, and provided him with spar. I believe that with energy support, the strength of this ancient celestial dragon will increase rapidly.

Thinking of this, Su Hao's heart moved slightly.

Now that his strength has reached the peak of the eternal realm, he needs to condense the aura of the robbery realm and step into the robbery realm.

So Su Hao is also preparing to retreat for a while.

Judging from the current situation, the recovery of the ancient star field, the outside world will peep.

And he also needs to get out of this ancient star field, so his own strength needs to increase.

He uses the Tribulation Realm experience card continuously here, and he knows a lot about the power of the Tribulation Realm. I believe that he will soon be able to condense the Tribulation Realm aura.

Thinking of this, Su Hao's figure directly entered the immovable Hades City.

Enter a secret room to practice.

Recalling the various exercises on his body, Su Hao found that he could condense different auras of catastrophe.

"I may be able to condense the complete aura of the catastrophe for each of the exercises. In that case, I should not have stepped into the catastrophe, and I can rely on my own strength to fight against the people in the catastrophe!"

Su Hao thought in his heart.

The characters he summoned are all strong men who can fight against one another.

Then you can't just tie with one person.

The ordinary way of stepping into the robbery realm, for him, can not form such a powerful combat power.

He needs to step into the robbery in a different way.

After speaking, Su Hao started the experiment. The first is Qi and blood. The Qi and blood in his body is like the ocean. With a diameter of tens of thousands, it looks magnificent.

Su Hao mobilized the power of qi and blood, and quickly condensed the power of qi and blood to form a vortex.

Qi and blood continue to gather in the vortex.

puff! Su Hao's mouth suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

The qi and blood in those vortexes were not well controlled, and they directly impacted his body, causing him to spit out a mouthful of blood.

Su Hao's eyes remained unchanged, and he continued to control the vortex, condensing the aura of the catastrophe.

Cultivation is not something that can be accomplished at once.

When Su Hao was cultivating.

In the sea of ​​stars outside the territory.

In the Eternal Royal Court Royal Palace, the rain of blood began to stop.

When the blood rain stopped.

A huge black sacred mountain was printed in front of people's eyes.

Then the rolling demonic energy poured out from it, frantically occupying the eternal imperial city.


Some people who have been observing here, were eroded by this demonic energy and let out a scream.

With the first scream, there were screams in the entire imperial city controlled by the imperial court.

"Get out!"

Some people fled quickly.

But the speed of this demonic energy is too fast, and it does not give these people a chance to escape at all.

Not long.

The imperial city of the Eternal Imperial Court was enveloped by demonic energy, and there was no longer any breath of life in it.

In front of this black mountain.

The face of the great pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion showed endless joy.

Not far from him, the body of Ji Mingyu, the ancestor of the eternal royal family, fell on the ground.

All the qi and blood in the whole body were swallowed up, and the appearance of death was ugly.

"Ji Mingyu, your eternal royal family will disappear forever after today."

"If you could join my abyss Ming Pavilion back then, this day would not exist, and your eternal royal family would not be destroyed."

The great pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion looked at Ji Mingyu's corpse and said with a sigh.

After he finished speaking, he grabbed Ji Mingyu's body and walked towards the eternal mountain behind him.

He is going to enter the Demon Realm behind the Eternal Divine Mountain today.

Ancient Star Territory is a forbidden place, and behind this eternal mountain, it leads to Demon Territory.

Demons outside the forbidden area.

The great pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion appeared in an enchantment after entering the Eternal Divine Mountain.

Inside this barrier is a black vortex.

Look at that black vortex.

The pavilion master of the abyss Ming Pavilion said: "The vortex should be the demon domain channel, and we finally got it. As long as you enter the vortex, you can enter the demon domain!"

Speaking of this, the eyes of the great pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion flashed eagerly.

Then a figure appeared on him.

It was his This clone penetrated the barrier and entered the black vortex.

The mind of the master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion also entered it with his clone.

Then his figure appeared in a huge territory.

But then he felt a surge of pressure behind him, and he felt as if he was bound by this space.

And the power of heaven and earth in this world began to riot.

In a short time, a black cloud condensing the power of heaven and earth appeared above his head.

This black cloud changes quickly, thousands of miles in an instant.

And there are endless thunder and lightning in this cloud, as if it is about to fall.

Curse the robbery!

At this moment. Such a message appeared in the mind of the master of the abyss Ming Pavilion.

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