Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1763: Exit, God's Domain, Qi Xinyue, Flame Palace

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A huge thunderbolt fell directly from the black clouds where the power of the earth gathered.

The huge thunder and lightning fell, and there was a hill as thick as a giant pillar of heaven and earth, hitting the top of the head of the big pavilion master clone.

run through his body!

A force condensed on the avatar in an instant to resist this thunder and lightning.

But there was no pause at all, the second thunder and lightning fell, and a huge force fell on his clone.

His avatar was reduced to ashes.

The great pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion at the whirlpool frowned slightly.

"I didn't expect that the outside world would curse my Ancient Star Territory, and everyone who went out of the Ancient Star Territory would face a curse. The stronger the power, the greater the curse. My avatar, the Eternal 1st Layer, couldn't bear two lightning bolts."

"This matter still needs to go back to discuss!"

While speaking, a long black cloth appeared in his hand.

The black long cloth was suspended in front of him.

His hands were imprinted, and one after another rune energy merged into the long cloth.

Then the black long cloth turned into a huge black curtain, which directly covered this enchantment.

Then it exudes a rolling magic energy, as if there is no such enchantment here at all.

After arranging these, the pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion turned around and walked out of the Eternal Divine Mountain.

After his ecstasy.

A figure appeared, it was the master of the three pavilions of the Abyss Ming Pavilion.

"How is it going on the mountain master's side? How many people have come to Fudo Pluto City? The sea master of the sea should be controlled!"

The pavilion master asked three questions in a row.

"The owner of the mountain was beheaded by the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor. I don't know how many people came to Fudo Pluto City. Only two people showed up, the Abandoned Heavenly Emperor and Gu Chensha."

"The Lord of the Sea of ​​Demons was suppressed by the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, and the Emperor Abandoned Heaven is now refining the Sea of ​​Demons with his Demon Kingdom."

"I believe that it won't be long before the sea of ​​demonic thoughts can be refined into his demonic kingdom."

Yuanzhu took a deep breath and said.


Hearing the Yuan Master's words, the Great Pavilion Master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion had a horrified expression on his face.

He knows the strength of Wanshi Moshan Mountain Master, and he is not weaker than him at all.

Unexpectedly, he was beheaded by the Abandoned Heaven Emperor. This Abandoned Heaven Emperor was somewhat terrifying.

"The demon domain channel has been opened, but we want to enter the demon domain, there are some problems, go back first!"

The pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion did not think about the mountain master of Wanshi Moshan, but opened his mouth and said.

The master of the three pavilions nodded, and the two left quickly.

after they leave.

Within the eternal mountain.

A dark shadow slowly emerged from the ground.

It's black and white.

He looked at the barrier wrapped in black cloth, his body split, penetrating the thick black mist.

Where the vortex appears.

into the vortex.

Black and White Jue's split body entered the Demon Realm and was killed by lightning in the black cloud, just like what happened to the great pavilion master of the abyss.

It's just that his split body was destroyed by a lightning bolt.

when his body was destroyed.

Three men in black robes appeared in this area.

"It's the people from the ancient star field. The black level curses the robbery cloud. It should be a strong robbery realm. However, it only caught two and one robbery cloud. It should be just a clone to investigate."

"The ancient star field is recovering, and these people also want to go out of the ancient star field, but the curse of the robbery cloud can be traced back to its origin and formed on the basis of its own strength. It is impossible to rely on the clone to investigate."

"However, there should be a teleportation formation and a passage from the ancient star field here. We will report the situation here to the town of Demon Court."

One of them spoke up. The other two nodded, and then the three figures disappeared.

There is also a piece of information in the black and white brain at the end of the eternal mountain.

"This matter needs to be told to the young master as soon as possible."

The other half of Black and White's body slowly merged into the sacred mountain.

A month and a half passed in a flash.

Su Hao retreated for half a month and never came out of Pluto City.

In the past half month, Su Hao used spar to speed up the time in the immovable Hades City, and the internal time was almost a year.

At this time, the blood and calamity in his body was about to reach perfection.

Originally, he was able to achieve Consummation in one go, but then stopped. He was afraid that he would not be able to control it by then and accidentally stepped into the robbery realm.

So he restrained, and he turned to use the strength of the whole body to step into the second aura of catastrophe to practice.

He felt that if he condensed the three kinds of catastrophe aura, and reached perfection.

Ordinary catastrophe, he can completely fight with all his strength.

Step out of the room, the sun is shining outside.

in the courtyard.

The blood-devouring vine was guarding outside, and when he saw Su Hao coming out, he immediately stepped forward and saluted: "I have seen my lord."

"Is something happening outside?"

Su Hao said.

"My lord, the Void Sacred Tree appeared a few days ago, and Black and White took down the Void Sacred Tree."

"Also, the Ji family of the eternal imperial court was destroyed, and the imperial city of the eternal imperial court was shrouded in demonic energy. Black and White Jue said that he will come to report the specific situation when you leave the customs."

"I'll notify him now!"

When the blood-devouring vine spoke, a rune in his hand disappeared.

"The Void Sacred Tree was obtained by Black and White Jue, so Niu Wuye didn't fight for it?"

Su Hao has some doubts.

"There is no competition, just give up the Void Sacred Tree. It seems that this is really about befriending me."

"How did you investigate that teleportation array?"

Su Hao looked at his system space.

There will be 1 level 15 item crystal lottery card and 1 level 15 character crystal lottery card in your inventory.

The system is when he is in closed-door cultivation.

The reward for completing the task has been given to him.

"Lord, the teleportation array is a little broken. I am using blood to restore it. After a while, it will be repaired."

The blood-devouring vine replied.

when they speak.

Black and white Jue's figure appeared in the courtyard.

"I have seen the Lord."

After Hei Jue appeared, he saluted Su Hao: "Ji Mingyu, the Lord of the Eternal Imperial Court, was beheaded by the great pavilion master of the Abyss Ming Pavilion. Their purpose is to start the Eternal Sacred Mountain. The Eternal Sacred Mountain is connected to a world called Demon Domain."

"My subordinates entered the Demon Realm, but they were killed by the cursed tribulation thunder."

"The information of the cursed robbery was instilled in my memory when I was bombed and killed. The people of the ancient star region were cursed by the powers of the outside world. As long as they leave the ancient star region, the cursed robbery cloud will appear. ."

"This curse robbery cloud is determined according to the strength of its own body, and it is powerful!"

"My subordinates have experimented with concentration methods, even if they hide in space treasures."

Black and white absolutely spoke.


Hearing this sentence, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

He didn't expect this to be the case.

"Is there anyone going to enter the Demon Realm in the Abyss Ming Pavilion?"

Su Hao asked.

"No one has appeared since the abyss Ming Pavilion's great pavilion's temptation. They should have known something?"

Black and white frowned.

"Is that so? Continue to investigate, and what about Abandoned Heavenly Emperor?"

Su Hao asked.

"The Emperor Abandoned Heaven has already gathered the sea of ​​demonic thoughts into his demonic kingdom."

"But it will take a long time to refine."

Black and white refused.

"Is that so? That means that the Emperor Abandoned Heaven can't show up recently."

"How is the investigation of the body of Daozu that Xu Wuye asked us to find?"

Su Hao then asked.

"This subordinate has already found that position, but there are restrictions outside, and it is still very strong. I can't enter it for the time This subordinate is coming back to get some forbidden talismans from the young master. ."

Black and white absolutely spoke.

"Check carefully!"

Su Hao took some forbidden talismans drawn earlier from the inventory and gave them to Hei Jue.

Just then.

Suddenly, the expressions of Black and White Jue and the Blood-devouring Demon Vine suddenly changed, and their eyes looked towards a part of the courtyard.

When they looked, a fiery red figure walked out of the space.

"Several, I have no ill intentions."

A charming voice came from the figure's mouth.

The person who came was Qi Xinyue from the Flame Spirit Palace who had followed the undead **** clan Killing Cangsheng earlier.

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