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Chapter 1771: The blood magic city disappears, and the origin of all worlds is fragmented

Latest website: Hearing the voice of the Jagged Lord, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly.

The immovable Pluto City was a force that he created at will, but in the early stage, he had no foundation at all.

How can it be predicted?

Of course, it is not simple for a strong Taoist, and it is possible to predict something.

"I don't know what the senior's words mean?"

Su Hao asked.

"Why, the deity doesn't know, it's just a sentence left by the old guy from Wansheng who burned the last remaining Taoist thoughts!"

"You just said that you are from Fudo Pluto City, that's why I thought so."

"But I'm very curious, these people will be dominated by you."

The Jagged Lord said.

Although he couldn't see the appearance of the Jagged Lord, he could feel doubts in his voice.

Gu Chensha, and the people outside, he can perceive their strength and potential.

Possibly not losing to him.

Such characters seem to be dominated by Su Hao.

Doubt and shock.

"This junior is inconvenient to tell."

Su Hao replied.

Gu Chensha and Ming Zun are all characters drawn by Su Hao through the system lottery.

There is no way to say this.

If you say it, you can only say that your life is good and you have the system.

Saying it is a little disrespectful to these ancient predecessors.

"It doesn't matter, the little friend came to my blood magic city, it should be for the blood magic city, some remnants of the origin of the world that you obtained back then!"

"This remnant of the origin of all worlds is under my blood magic city palace!"

"You can take it away, but you have to promise to help me with one thing."

The Jagged Lord said.

"Help the senior to do one thing? Please say it, senior."

Su Hao said.

Of course, if this matter is difficult to do, Su Hao will refuse.

"At that time, there was a traitor in my blood demon city. He took refuge in the Eastern Emperor Star Territory Curse God Palace and his name was Shizhou Slow. If you get the origin of myriad worlds in my blood demon city, I hope you will eliminate this traitor."

The Jagged Lord said.

"Traitor, a traitor in the First World War in the Ancient Star Region?"

Su Hao asked involuntarily.

"If he hadn't attacked me in the past, I should have been able to kill the ancient ancestor of the God of Cursing Palace, the palace master!"

"There will be no curse tribulation outside my ancient star region."

"However, to get the source of Myriad Realms, Mr. Gu had better not absorb it. With Mr. Gu's background, if you absorb those sources of Myriad Realms, it is estimated that you will directly step into the Dao Realm."

"If you step into the Dao Realm, it will be difficult to leave the Ancient Star Territory."

The Lord of Iron and Blood said.

"Isn't the Dao Realm not affected by the Cursed Tribulation?"

Su Hao asked in doubt.

"If someone tells you that, it is hurting you. Anyone who leaves the ancient star region will be cursed. The lower the strength, the smaller the curse, and the curse of the Taoist powerhouse will be very powerful. Even if you resist the curse, You can't escape the siege!"

"They won't let the Taoist realm powerhouses of the ancient star field leave here?"

"If the Taoist realm powerhouse is not affected, then he has betrayed the ancient star field and turned to the other party."

"It seems that after the war that year, some people with residual Taoist thoughts betrayed the ancient star field."

The Jagged Lord sighed when he said this.

"Now it seems that killing that **** by myself is correct, I want to harm Lao Tzu!"

Su Hao cursed in his heart.

If there is a strong Taoist realm on your side, and you go out to test the curse, I am afraid that it is really like the Lord of Jagged Blood said that even if you escape the curse, you will be surrounded and killed.

"Thank you, senior let me know!"

"The traitor that senior said, if I don't move Pluto City out of the star field, I will help senior to kill this person!"

Su Hao said.

If he can go out, he can help kill each other. If he can't go out, it's useless to say anything.

[Trigger quest: The host promised the Lord of Blood Magic City, the Iron-blooded Lord, to remove the traitors, killing the traitors was Shizhou Slow, and rewarded a level 16 character crystal lottery card. 】

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Su Hao's ear. Valley plant

"Okay! Good! I can rest assured that I have this little friend. Our remaining Taoist thoughts should also disappear!"

When the Jagged Lord was speaking.

The Taoist thoughts originally attached to the throne began to gradually dissipate.

"Congratulations to my lord!"

The remaining three Taoist thoughts in the hall saw that the Taoist thoughts on the throne disappeared, and at the same time they worshipped the throne, and then their Taoist thoughts began to gradually disappear.


Su Hao didn't expect such a thing to happen.

Although the other party's Taoist thoughts had been broken before, they shouldn't just disappear like this, completely beyond their expectations.

"Lord, they all depended on the origin of the blood magic city to survive. If we take away the origin of the world, they will not survive."

Gu Chensha said.

"Can't you be reborn?"

Su Hao asked.

This type of powerhouse should be able to be reborn with a little consciousness.

"They can't be reborn, their Taoist thoughts are fused with this blood magic city, in fact, to guard this blood magic city and the piece of ten thousand worlds."

"Now they give us the original fragments, they don't need to guard anymore, they will disappear with the blood magic city."

Gu Chensha said.

when they speak.

The palace where Su Hao was located began to collapse, disintegrate and disappear like particles of light.

Not only the palace, but the entire city is the same, all disintegrated.

in a while.

The area where Su Hao and the others were standing turned into a blood-red land, and the blood moon above his head disappeared.

But there was this slap-sized piece of debris floating in front of them.

The fragment exuded a very strange energy aura, giving people a very gentle feeling.

"This is the Origin of Myriad Realms Fragment? I didn't expect that Blood Devil City, one of the ten major dojos, only left a fragment the size of a slap."

Su Hao raised his hand to grab the fragment.

After that, without any resistance, he was caught by Su Hao.

Looking at the fragments in his hands, Su Hao did not expect that it would be so easy for him to come to the Blood Devil City to obtain the fragments.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining 1 external source shard and rewarding a 15th-level crystal lottery card! 】

Unexpectedly, when Su Hao got the Myriad Realm Origin Fragment, the system actually gave him an additional 15th-level crystal lottery card.

This time, I not only successfully obtained the Origin Fragment of Myriad Realms, but also got a 15th-level crystal lottery card.

Su Hao was very satisfied.


At this time, the area where Su Hao and the others were located began to collapse, forming a storm of energy.

"Lord, this space is about to collapse, let's leave quickly!"

Gu Chensha said.

When he was talking, Zun Ming and several people had already come to Su Hao's side.

Several people left quickly.

in a while.

They came to the entrance to the Scarlet Mountains earlier.

After they came out, billowing void energy erupted from the previous entrance, quickly covering the previous blood pool, forming a void vortex.

Walk! "

Su Hao and the others left quickly.

The movement here will definitely attract more people to They don't need to stay here.

Not long after Su Hao and the others left, a figure appeared in this Void Vortex.

"There is a problem in the blood magic city. Could it be that the source fragments of the blood magic city were taken away? It shouldn't be. The surviving Taoist thoughts of the iron-blooded lord and his three subordinates are still there, unless the Taoist realm powerhouses come in person. , otherwise you won't be able to take that piece with you at all."

"This matter must be notified to the adults immediately!"

After speaking, the voice disappeared into the void.

After he left, people came one after another.

Some people entered the space behind the vortex, but after entering, they let out a scream, and then their bodies were torn apart by the void storm.

As a result, later people did not dare to investigate and left one after another.

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