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Chapter 1772: Youha Soldier in Heaven Palace, Nether Phoenix, 1 sword cut

The latest website: Ancient Star Domain.

outside the palace.

Youhabach appeared over the square outside Tiangong with members of the Star Cross Knights.

Previously, Youhabach was in contact with the Empress Feng Lanhuai to see if the reward given by the other party was worth his stay in the Heavenly Palace.

But Su Hao sent a message, the Heavenly Palace to be taken.

Upon receiving this news, Youhabach did not hesitate at all, and brought the members of the Star Cross Knights in person to attack Tiangong.

It didn't take long for it to reach the Tiangong side.

Opposite them, Feng Lanhuai led someone and stood in front of Youhabach in the air.

"Youhabach, are you dissatisfied with the conditions I gave you before?"

"Even if we are not satisfied, we can continue to talk. There is no need to come to my heavenly palace."

Feng Lanhuai looked at Youhabach's beautiful eyes with confusion.

The conditions she gave were completely worthy of the last remaining site of the Heavenly Palace.

"The conditions are very good, but if you are an enemy, it is impossible for me to let your Heavenly Palace continue to exist!"

"Now you only have two choices. One is to merge the Tiangong into my invisible empire and become an affiliated city of my invisible empire, and the other is that I destroy your Tiangong!"

Youhabach's voice echoed in the sky above the Heavenly Palace.

Hearing Youhabach's words, the empress Feng Lanhuai's eyes flashed coldly.

Tiangong must exist, this is the mission behind her.

If she was merged into the invisible empire and became a subsidiary force, then she would not be able to explain to the forces behind her.

"If you give up your conquest of my Heavenly Palace, I will help you leave this world."

At this time, Feng Lanhuai's voice rang in Youhabach's ear.

She just passed on the voice, and didn't say it explicitly.

"Can you avoid the curse robbery?"

Youhabach's eyes condensed, and he said with a voice transmission.

"It's not to avoid it, but you swear allegiance to my Nether Phoenix Clan, and you will naturally not be affected by the curse!"

Feng Lanhuai said through a voice transmission.

Their Nether Phoenix Clan was one of the forces involved in the curse back then.

As long as the people of Ancient Star Region swear allegiance to their Nether Phoenix Clan, they can naturally avoid the curse.

"You are making me betray Pluto City and the Lord!"

A cruel look appeared on Yuhabach's face.

"After today, Tiangong is not here, kill!"

Youhabach got off the throne and said sharply.

"Youhabach, you don't know what to do, I'll give you a chance to leave, if you don't cherish it, then let me see how strong you are!"

Feng Lanhuai's expression changed.

The breath of the three realms of robbery around the body erupted.

Then the figure flashed, turned into a streamer and rose into the sky, appearing directly in front of Youhabach.

A vast aura erupted from her body, causing a wave of fluctuations in the whole world.

After the aura wave appeared, a black phoenix phantom appeared behind her.

This black phoenix phantom did not have any holy aura, only a monstrous aura that made people shudder.

"Netherworld Phoenix Clan!"

Looking at Feng Lanhuai rising up into the sky, light flashed in those cold eyes.

But at this time, members of the Youhabach Star Crusader Knights attacked everyone in the Tiangong.

Leng Wuduan's color condensed slightly, and his figure flashed towards Haas.

However, the main battlefield of this battle was the battle between Youhabach and the Empress.

Youhabach looked at the empress exuding a fierce look in front of him, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"Youhabach, I'll give you a chance to swear allegiance to my Nether Phoenix Clan, and give you a chance to leave, you don't want it!"

"Then let me devour you!"

Just when her voice fell, she raised her hand and punched.

A black phoenix phantom appeared behind her, and instantly followed her fist and shot towards Youhabach.

Where the fist passed, ripples visible to the naked eye spread out in the void. Fu Gumin

Feng Lanhuai's shot was very fast, and he was caught off guard when he wanted to hit his friend Habach.


A huge spiritual force burst out from within Youhabach's body.

Then covering his fist, he punched out directly, and the aura formed scale armor on the fist.


Youhabach's fist and Feng Lanhuai's fist slammed together, making a loud noise.

The powerful force raged from the place where the two fists collided, shattering the surrounding void, and the palace of the Heavenly Palace on the ground also trembled. Some small palaces collapsed with it.

After the fluctuation and impact, the phoenix shadow disappeared, and Feng Lanhuai was knocked out by Youhabach's punch, stabilizing her figure far away.

Seeing this scene, he was fighting against some Tiangong powerhouses with the Star Cross Knights, and his complexion changed greatly.


The same realm as Nayouhabach, but with one punch, the emperor was shocked and flew out.

This made their heart skip a beat.

No odds, stay here and you may die.

They are loyal to the emperor, but the emperor is dead, if the emperor can resist Sumitomo Habach, they can be loyal to the emperor.

But it doesn't seem to be able to stop it.


A Tiangong strong man was pierced in the chest by a member of the Star Cross Knights when he was lost.

This phenomenon made the powerhouses in Tiangong immediately stabilize their minds and resist the Star Cross Knights.

At this time, the fight against Haas is unparalleled, and after a fight with Haas, the figure suddenly retreats.

"Actually, we don't have to fight. If the Empress fails, the Heavenly Palace will not exist, and I will leave immediately!"

Leng Wushuang opened his mouth.

"Mr. Leng hides a very powerful force in his body, which makes my heart palpitate. It seems that Mr. Leng, you are hiding a lot of things!"

Haas looked at Leng Wushuang.

"Just protect yourself!"

Leng Wushuang said so.

Haas didn't speak, but didn't make a move, and looked up at the sky.

At this time, above the sky, after Feng Lanhuai stabilized her figure, a cold light appeared in her beautiful eyes.

Nether Qi appeared in the whole body, and as soon as the Nether Qi came out, an icy cold swept out instantly.

And in this cold air, there are still flames.

Nether Phoenix.

She is from the phoenix in the underworld.

Nether air and flames quickly wrapped the emperor.

Then there was a loud phoenix roar, and a huge black phoenix rose into the sky in the flames and the ghostly aura.

Empress Feng Lanhuai transformed into a ghostly phoenix body.

The ghost phoenix body appeared, covering the sky and the earth, and it was extremely huge.

Everyone looked up at the huge phoenix.

The phoenix is ​​standing in the void, surrounded by ghostly flames, contacting the surrounding air, forming a powerful storm airflow.


The ghostly phoenix flashed as if it had penetrated the void and appeared in front of Youhabach.

At this time, the chills flashed in Youhabach's eyes, and countless psionic energy condensed in his hands to form a huge psychic long sword.

The long sword was raised, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth swept through, shattering the previous storm formed by the ghostly phoenix.

And a huge psychic storm was formed, suppressing the impacted Nether Phoenix for a moment.

At this moment, Youhabach slashed out with a sword.

The giant sword slashed directly on the nether phoenix.

Immediately, the ghostly phoenix burst out with a miserable cry, and then the ghostly energy on his body quickly wilted, and finally turned into the appearance of Feng Lanhuai.

She looked at Yohabach in horror.

Before he could attack, he was slashed by the opponent's sword.

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