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Chapter 1772: Emperor Tathagata 6 worlds Buddha head body

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Inside the Canglan Empire Palace.

There is a picture in front of Emperor Canglan, which is the scene of Youhabach slashing the Emperor and Empress of Heaven with a sword.

"Youhabach shot at Tiangong. This is to take down Tiangong. Once he takes down Tiangong, I'm afraid he will take action against us."

Next to Emperor Canglan, there were still three people sitting before, a middle-aged man, a beautiful woman, and an old man in purple robe.

They came together again when the invisible empire of Yuhabah attacked Tiangong.

"Several, it seems that the Tiangong can't be preserved. Once Youhabach wins the Tiangong, I am afraid that our Quartet will be cleaned up."

Emperor Canglan said in a deep voice.

When he spoke, he looked at the picture in front of him again.

in the screen.

The seriously injured Empress Feng Lanhuai looked at Youhabach, her beautiful eyes like blades.

"Youhabach, I remember you, we will meet again!"


After saying these words, the energy around Feng Lanhuai's body suddenly exploded, forming a huge cloud of flames.

Knowing that she was not the opponent of Youhabach, Feng Lanhuai chose to blow herself up.

But judging from her tone, she still had the means and didn't die.

"Next time we meet, I will cut off your soul so that you can never be resurrected!"

Youhabach glanced at the place of explosion and said coldly.

During the fight, he felt that the Empress had half of her soul missing, leaving him a means of resurrection.

"Then I should go too!"

At this time, the figure of Tiangong National Teacher Leng Wushuang, who was beside Haas, began to become illusory, and then disappeared in front of Haas.

Haas's eyes were flat, as if he knew that Leng Wushuang would disappear.

"After today, Tiangong will be removed!"

Yuhabach's voice echoed in the void.

"It seems that we may need to face the immovable Pluto City head-on!"

The old man looked at Youhabach who was standing above the Heavenly Palace and said.

"Yes, so we need to make a move. If we don't make a move, if people are beaten to the city, there is only one dead end!"

"Emperor Canglan, is there any news from the ancestors?"

"The transmission is to pass back the news that the four ancestors have obtained one of the ten Taoist palaces in the ancient star region, and they are returning to the peak cave in the sky. They are accepting inheritance." "Can't be disturbed during the inheritance!"

Emperor Canglan said.

"That is to say, we can't contact the four ancestors now!"

Hearing the words of Emperor Canglan, the purple-robed old man said in a deep voice.

"That's it, we have to delay the inheritance of the ancestors until the end."

Emperor Canglan nodded.

"It's a bit difficult to handle. Judging from Youhabach's actions, it's not just the Heavenly Palace that doesn't move the wildness of Hades!"

The purple-robed old man said.

Suddenly, the complexion of the purple-robed old man who just spoke changed.

"One of the Eight Great Demon Lords of the Underworld City, the Seven Night Demon Lord, has attacked my Hunyuan Empire!"

Hearing the old man's words, the expressions of the other three changed at the same time.

"The Seven Nights Demon Lord seems to be leading the Yinyue Dynasty, but this Seven Night Demon Lord is not strong, how could he attack the Hunyuan Empire?"

The middle-aged man frowned and said.

"Astral world recovers, who knows the true strength of that Seven Night Demon Lord?"

"Youha Bach has reached the third realm of robbery, do you think the Seven Nights Demon Lord will also reach the third realm of robbery!"

The beautiful woman who had not spoken for a while spoke up.

Hearing the beautiful woman's words, the hall instantly became quiet.

The beautiful woman's words may well be true.

"Several, let's go to the Hunyuan Empire together to stop the Seven Nights Demon Lord, Emperor Canglan, can you contribute some of the poison in your hands? I want to set up a slaughtering formation outside the city of Hunyuan Emperor."

The purple-robed old man stood up and said.

The Hunyuan Empire is a country ruled by his master, the Hunyuan Jiezhu, and the Seven Nights Demon Lord must not be destroyed.

"Now we are the same enemy, let's go together!"

"If you can suppress or kill this Seven Nights Demon Lord, you can also stop the momentum of Pluto City and buy us some time!"

Emperor Canglan said.

The other two nodded at the same time.

Then the four set off immediately.

at this time.

Su Hao in Su City, a mechanical sound of the system sounded in his ears.

[The host's subordinate, Friend Harbach, occupies the Tiangong and rewards a 15th-level character lottery card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check! 】

"Youhabach's side took the Tiangong, and the queen was beheaded by Youhabach."

Su Hao couldn't help asking about Black and White Jue beside him.

"My lord, the empress blew herself up and left some means, and her subordinates are looking for her traces."

"But I learned some news from Haas, that is, Tiangong National Teacher Leng Wushuang, it doesn't seem to be simple."

Black and White said.

"Tiangong National Teacher Leng Wushuang?"

Su Hao frowned slightly.

"Then check the other party's details, and the Seven Nights Demon Lord has begun to deal with the Hunyuan Empire?"

"It has been opened. There are four people from the Canglan Empire going to the Hunyuan Empire. In addition to Emperor Canglan, there are three others, and their subordinates are investigating their identities."

Black and White said.

"Are the four old guys moving?"

Su Hao focused on the four people from the Canglan World Lord. Since the fusion of the ancient star fields, these four people seem to have disappeared.

This is not a good thing.

"My subordinates have never found the traces of those four people!"

Black and white shook his head.

"It seems that they are doing something amazing. If they are like this, they will start to persecute them. I want to see if they show up or not!"

"Is there any movement at Tianji Mountain?"

Now the Buddha in Tianjiu Mountain has not moved, Su Hao can't believe that the Buddha did not make any movement.

"The subordinate recently discovered a situation, that is, the Buddhist kingdom ruled by Tianjiushan is being transformed into a Buddha, and it seems to be fully integrated into the Buddhist kingdom cultivated by the Buddha."

"The breath of my subordinates cannot enter the Buddhist country, so I don't know the specific situation!"

The energy of black and white is too dark, so as long as you enter the Buddha's Buddha's practice, you will be discovered immediately.

So he couldn't investigate.

"Is that so!"

Su Hao felt that things were a little tricky.

It seems that you need someone who understands the Dharma to go and investigate.

Su Hao thought to himself.

"How's the investigation on Tianji Mountain in Wanchu Temple?"

"It seems that the area has been locked over there, and the lamp appears there in person!"

Black and White said.

"Pay close attention, Tianjiushan attaches so much importance to this sacred mountain of Wanchu, there must be something we can't think of."

Su Hao ordered.

Tianji Lingshan is different from other forces, their dominance is too strong.

It can be said that all the people in the Buddhist kingdom are controlled by the Buddha nature and become one of the Buddha's energies.

Therefore, Su Hao is ready to put the attack on Tianjiushan last.

Then he glanced at a crystal card of a level 15 character he had just obtained.

Click on direct extraction.

[Congratulations to the host who has drawn the character Emperor Tathagata Six Realms Buddha Head Card, which has been deposited, please check. 】

"Emperor Tathagata Buddha's head body from the Six Realms?"

Su Hao's eyes suddenly changed when he saw this.

Just now I haven't figured out how to deal with the Buddha, and the system will directly give him a Buddha head body of the Six Realms of Emperor Tathagata!

Now there are people who deal with the Buddha.

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