Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1778: Zhantian 4 Soul Dispatch, God of War Hammer, Tiance Zhenlong Figure

The latest website: "The subordinates will first contact the people from the Abyss Ming Pavilion, and then contact the Lord after joining."

After Duan De bowed and saluted, the figure disappeared into the immovable Hades City.

After Duan De left.

Su Hao narrowed his eyes.

Now in the sea of ​​stars outside the realm, there is only the Emperor Abandoned Heaven, but the Emperor Abandoned Heaven is absorbing the sea of ​​​​magic thoughts, and he can't take action against the Emperor Baizhan for the time being.

So someone else needs to be sent.

Baizhan Xiaohuang is a person from the Abyss Ming Pavilion, so when taking action against Baizhan Xiaohuang, you also need to beware of people from the Abyss Ming Pavilion coming to support.

[Congratulations to the host's ghost master who returned from the nether world and successfully entered the three realms of robbery, and rewarded a level 15 item crystal lottery card. It has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Congratulations to the host's subordinate Chen Zhan for deriving into a demon, stepping into the third realm of robbery, and rewarding a 15th-level crystal lottery card, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Congratulations to the host Zhantian four souls who have all stepped into the three realms of robbery, and the four of them can join forces to fight in the early stage of the realm. A 15th-level character crystal lottery card will be rewarded, which has been stored in the inventory, please check! 】

While Su Hao was thinking, the system's voice sounded in Su Hao's ear.

"The four souls of Zhantian have stepped into the third realm of robbery, and the four of them can join forces in the early stage of battle."

Su Hao's eyes narrowed,

He did not expect that at this time, the ghost master returned from the nether world and stepped into the third realm of robbery, and Chen Zhan also became a demon and stepped into the third realm.

"This time, the other party's Hundred War Emperor has also been chosen, and the four souls of Zhantian will move together to destroy this Hundred War Emperor!"

Su Hao said.

If he wants to become the master of the ancient star field, then he will also sweep the sea of ​​stars outside the field.

Quickly gather a few people to come to the city of Pluto.

in a while.

Four figures appeared in Fudo Pluto Castle.

"Hundred Battles Emperor, the father of Wanshi Demon Mountain Mountain Master is Baizhan Emperor, and also the council elder of the Abyss Nether Pavilion. If you want to take action against me, Pluto City, the four of you will go to the Baizhan Emperor together this time. beheaded."

"When you make a move, you need to pay attention to the Abyss Ming Pavilion."

"There are five council elders in the abyss Ming Pavilion. I am afraid that their strength is similar to that of the Hundred War Emperor, or it may be deeper. You need to pay attention!"

Su Hao said.

"Don't worry, Lord, I will definitely win the Hundred Battles Emperor!"

Dugu Baitian and others immediately took the lead.

Among them, Chen Zhan and Ghost Lord were full of fighting spirit. They had just stepped into the third realm of robbery, and they were eager to fight.

After a few people left.

Su Hao glanced at the 3 lottery cards he had obtained.

Draw directly.

[The host consumes 2 crystal lottery cards of level 15 items, the lottery is in... ]

[The host consumes 1 level 15 character crystal lottery card, the lottery is in... ]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing a picture of the ancient **** of war, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Congratulations to the host for winning Daqiangong, which has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing a character card, the Immortal Emperor, has been stored in the inventory, please check. 】

Su Hao doesn't know the picture of the ancient **** of war.

But Daqiangong and the Immortal Emperor should be characters from the Great Master.

The Immortal Emperor is a half-step master in the great master, and I don't know what realm the system is positioned in.

It is estimated that it may be a little bit on the Three Realms of Tribulation.

After all, the Thunder Emperor and the Qingshan Sword Emperor were in the Second Tribulation Realm before.

Su Hao immediately checked it out, and sure enough, this immortal emperor was in the third realm of catastrophe.

"Perhaps I can use this immortal emperor and Daqiangong to become the follow-up strength of the blood demon city!"

Su Hao thought to himself.

Think of doing it right away.

Quickly summon the Immortal Emperor and let him take Daqiangong to the Blood Demon City.

Now that the blood magic city has changed last time, it has attracted attention.

It is indeed the best chance to be born at this time.

Su Hao thought to himself.

at this time

A crack appeared in the void in the ancient star field, and three golden figures emerged from the crack.

There are two males and one female among the three. The male's bulging muscles are like hills, giving people a sense of absolute power.

The woman's figure is very tall, beautiful, with golden hair, a proper blond beauty.

"Is this the ancient star field? No one responded, which caused us to have a problem with our teleportation, and we have only found this place until now."

One of them spoke up.

"Isn't there anyone who left the God of War Clan back then who could break through to the Tribulation Realm?"

Someone next to him said.

"You guys check out the God of War, I'll check out the God of War Palace. Back then, there were people in my God of War Palace who founded the God of War Palace here!"

said the woman.

As she spoke, her palm lifted, and a golden token appeared in her hand with a huge palace on it. "

A stream of energy poured into the token from her palm.

The ray of light in the token was bright, and then pointed to one place, "The God of War is still there!"

The woman took back the token and said.

One of the other two stimulated the blood in his body, and a golden figure appeared behind him. form a huge vision.

The golden figure raised his palm slightly, and a huge golden circle appeared.

A ray of light in the circle pointed in one direction, which was somewhat opposite to the direction of the previous woman.

"Let's go to the God of War first, I will go to the Palace of God of War, and then I will go to the God of War to join you!"

"I remember finding out the whereabouts of the Tiance Dynasty. The ancestors speculated that the God of War hammer of my God of War clan should have been left in the palace of the Tiance Dynasty."

"This time, when I obtained the War God's Hammer, I took away the origin of the Ten Thousand Realms that was left by the Tiance Dynasty."

The woman said loudly.

"Yueling, the Tiance Dynasty was also one of the top ten Taoist palaces back then, the ruins must not be simple, we can't be careless!"

The man who spoke earlier spoke up.

"No matter, I'll go to the God of War Palace first!"

After talking about the woman called Moon Spirit, her figure turned into a golden light, and she walked in the direction of the God of War Palace.

"Brother Yunsha, let's go too! I'm afraid it's not just us who have ideas about the ruins of the Tiance Dynasty, but the Buddha Clan also have ideas about the Tiance Dynasty!"

"The Buddha Clan always wanted to get the real dragon map of the Tiance Dynasty and become a royal power!"

"I guess they should have arrived."

One person spoke.

"The Buddha clan has expanded wildly over the years and has offended many people. Even if they come, not many people will come!"

"I guess that this time it should be that Buddha Muye who brought people here!"

"When the time comes, let's see if there is a chance to kill him!"

The man called Yun Sha said.

"Go, leave first, go to the God of War, and learn about the current situation of this ancient star! The ancient star's recovery master is not good, we can't be careless!"

After the man finished speaking, he went in the direction of the God of in another place

The Buddha clan is in the secret realm.

Four figures slowly appeared.

It's just that there is no one in this secret realm at this time. Previously, the people who were guarding the Buddha here were beheaded by Ming Zun and the others when they went to Fangcun Mountain.

"There is no life, it seems that the people of my family who stay here no longer exist!"

"Fourth, go to the outside world to find out about the situation in the ancient star region, and how my Buddha clan died!"

The man in the lead said coldly.

They were able to come here because the people of the Buddha clan had arranged the teleportation formation.

So it must have happened recently.

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